How Green Technology Dies in Darkness
David Joseph
G.L.I.P. Technology is 3rd party verified by Intertek. Successfully reviewed and supported by the US Department of Energy
We did what they said couldn’t be done and we’re hailed as the new king maker by the US Department of Energy. Why? A few years ago, we bent magnetic fields in away that would change our society from fossil fuels to renewable over night. So why don’t you have it in your house and your cars today? The answer will shock you, not by just who but how.
In my first article I'm going to explain how Elon Musk figures into all of this and touch on the United States Department of Energy, and what happened after the curtain closed. Its all true.
I have to call out Elon Musk today. First full credit. He brought about the EV car industry revolution. But was he ever interested in climate change or any part of a green agenda? He has now hitched his wagon to ‘drill baby drill’, which you have to admit is pretty much opposite to the green planet cause. Let me make my case from my personal point of view.
Forget the fact that Mr. Musk has fond ties to Canada and worked in Saskatchewan not far from where GLIP Generation made their world changing breakthrough in magnetic field technology less then 3 years ago. And forget that GLIP 3rd party verified technology would make his brand go 3-4x the range, use a smaller battery, be lighter for quicker acceleration, faster recharge time and an overall less expensive vehicle to manufacture. Forget all that because he’s not what he says, or what we thought he was.
I sent him a registered letter on the findings, which he either never read, never seen or simply ignored. Does he read every letter? Of course not. But leadership starts at the top, and one of his minions should of slipped it under his coffee, or red bull or oatmeal, whatever. Someone read it because they said they would pass it on. I’m thinking that well worded letter and test results passed over alright. Passed over the desk and was filed under trash. The bottom line is, he’s not interested in the work of a couple of country bumpkins from Saskatoon. Well, he wouldn’t be completely wrong, we are from Saskatoon.
The King of EV’s has moved on from being a revolutionary to a power broker. From green power to rocket power, from business behemoth to political jelly fish. He joined the very ones who seek to bury this transformable green technology. He was not about to declare a new king reigns. And why should he. He doesn’t need the technology; he has the market cornered. If he doesn’t sell another car, he’s going to be rich the rest of his life. I get that and I don’t judge. There are others more responsible for our environmental dysphoria. But he had a chance to finish the job, and he took the bypass choosing raw power over service. Trust me working in the White House is about power not service. We serve the elite, so don’t kid yourself.
I won’t put the whole lot on Elon’s shoulders. After all, power is a corrosive force, that erodes over time one’s belief in virtue.
Look at Greta Thunberg, a leading mouthpiece in Europe for progress on green technology. A young lady whose handlers I don’t know but can bet they are no more committed to using fewer fossil fuels then a Texas oil baron. Yes, I have written her too and heard crickets.
I put those folks out first, because they are the 2, we were told by ‘experts’ to connect with. This disruptive and transformative technology is what ‘they are all about’ they said. Hmm. And in a fair world, they would be. But in a normal world, when one becomes the king or queen, no need to look at the humble surfs. After all who wants to create competition. Besides Elon Musk knows our technology could never be his exclusively. The US department of Energy made that clear in our meetings. While they were celebrating our technology (BTW that didn’t last long) they insisted it be evenly spread among all EV manufacturers. That was of course before the oil lobby, and cold fusion, cracked their knuckles, or more like a kick in the crotch actually. (Men can relate, ladies I’m sure you get the picture.)
The lobbies don’t mind politicians, movie stars and singers yelling about climate change. In fact, they use it to remind the folks how environmentally friendly they are over the other guys. The politically correct phase is ‘carbon neutral’, which few of us grunts know really what it means.
So, here’s a simple explanation for my fellow grunts. Companies can pollute the air and water as much as they want, as long as they want. Just plant a few trees here and there. If you’re really polluting the environment you might have to start a Christmas tree farm, tis the season. Even us humble surfs know that those 2 actions mean nothing to a cascading environmental wreck called earth. But it passes as action.
The White house was worried that our breakthrough in magnetic field bending technology was too disruptive for the fragile economy still staggering from Covid or more likely from spending like money grew on trees, as my mother would say. And climate change isn’t disruptive to the economy and life in general? I won’t forget the response I received from the US DOE when I sent them the final results of the tests.
Well let me back up here. I’ll tell you what I thought was going to be their response. We were promised a handshaking with the ‘big guy’ at the white house. That was said several times. Well, they didn’t call him the big guy then, that came later. Wink, wink. It turns out that was never going to happen. Their actual response was somewhat more… shell shocked? Or what we say in the prairies, a steer castration.
At first it was,’ I didn’t think you guys could build it and test it that fast.’ After the shock wore off and they realized that 2 deplorables of the 3rd kind that being from ‘Saskatoon’ Canada had actually solved the climate change enigma and there was no Nobel laureate insight. Their response moved to thumb sucking and ‘don’t talk to them’ they are ruining everything. Not everybody got the memo in the US DOE however. The few excited honest US DOE folks began emailing the US DOD, US DID and a bunch more letter people to set up meetings with GLIP and get the ball rolling. But what should have been ‘Paaaarty’ would become outright denial. A sort of, ‘if we close our eyes they will go away. ‘
But we didn’t, and neither did they??
In tomorrow’s article I’ll tell you what they did in attempt to stop the little motor that could. Thank you for reading please share it with your friends.
Energy Transition Consulting Services & Risk Analysis: Project Development, Engineering Management, & Life Cycle Assessment Methods
3 个月David Joseph times are changing but probably not without the birth pangs of a Kuhnian scientific paradigm shift of historical magnitude. and what’s changing is a HUGE paradigm shift …as stated a few weeks ago by US Republican Congressman, Andy Biggs when he basically stated that the big problem the US has created with cold war decisions in the 1950’s, that the “problem” is due to “Institutional blockage of normal (Kuhnian) scientific development…” and a “Kenneth Arrows path dependency of increasing returns…” Translation: we know about zero point energy extraction from decades of reverse engineering efforts, but we can’t tell the public because it would lead to too many corporations becoming unviable, unable to compete with “highly efficient” (overunity) electric energy technologies
Energy Transition Consulting Services & Risk Analysis: Project Development, Engineering Management, & Life Cycle Assessment Methods
3 个月Kimbal Musk what’s up with that?