How Green Technology dies in darkness (2)

How Green Technology dies in darkness (2)

Have you ever hit a speedbump?

The governments called GLIP’s breakthrough in magnetic fields for EV motor and generator applications too disruptive in a post covid economy. They knew the breakthrough offered EV cars a distance 5 times the current EV technology. And they knew that a generator that had special magnetic field technologies would lead to generators providing clean energy at a record low cost. It would allow homeowners to unplug the grid. Of course, they knew it would make wind generators small and more powerful. So how and why did they turn from saving the planet to saving the status quo?

Now one might say the deep state put up roadblocks. I don’t call it roadblocks, because they have never stopped us from moving our technology forward. The stakes are too high for that. Here's what happened to us.

Speed bump #1: Forgive me for I have sinned.

Let’s go back a bit to1973 so you can see I have been waging this war for a long time, even before it was cool to do so. I remember taking my science project proposal to my teacher. I wanted to do a project on magnetic motors and generators. I had some ideas on how it could work.

I didn’t get the pat on the back or an A+. But I nearly got myself suspended for trampling on the sacred law, which I had no idea what that was. My science teacher, Mr. Plante, shut me down in a nano second. He issued me the unholy words in the middle of science class. Perpetual motion.

I didn’t have a translator or google in those days, but the webster dictionary sufficed for me to see the error of my ways. Mr. Plante said in a tone I could not forget, “That’s perpetual motion, get a new project!”

I attempted to plead my case, but he looked at my drawings as if they were an abomination and turned his back. He couldn’t have realized it at the time, but he was shutting the door to research that would be badly needed over time. That research even in its failure would free mankind in every part of the planet to achieve amazing things, from water pumping in the desert to heat in the coldest parts of the continents.

Now roadblocks are for wimps, this was a speedbump. That was my first experience hitting a science created speedbump. So, I wasn’t exactly a virgin when I hit the speed bumps in the 21st century. In 2007 I picked up the torch again after receiving a dream or vision or whatever you prefer to call it, on December 25th. Yes, Christmas day. I saw a machine being run by pulses, off and on. Then like a cork popped in my brain. I woke up and said, “that’s it! I have got it now. It’s generating loads in pulses!”

I began drawing franticly and I knew what to call it. G.L.I.P generating loads in pulses.

Speed bump #2: The patently false patent lawyer

Well Mark Koch is a patent lawyer in Hamilton Ontario Canada and a very qualified engineer. I took it to him first. I didn’t have anything really, just a bunch of drawings explaining how it works to both generate power and in the motor version reduces watts while increasing torque and RPM.

Now Mark was a patient guy and a nice guy too. He looked over the papers and slipped them back to me politely. He said, “I have seen a lot of these, and I haven’t seen one work yet.”

I tried to point out the difference between GLIP and anything else. In his usual polite manor he said, “I have a family to think about.”

Well, that ended it. We left, and I felt Mr. Plantes shadow fall over me once more. I have to admit I was a little perplexed at that part about him wanting to protect his family. I would find out in a few years later why he was so concerned.

I grew up in a time when gas stations were plenty, and a fill up gave me a free hockey card. It was hard for me to believe that those guys could be a threat to anyone. But filling up for gas wasn’t exactly challenging their lock on energy. I had heard stories of folks who had invented cars running on water and they disappeared. But I considered them to be things more in line with boyhood fables than reality.

In later years having run oil facilities, I realized I had Esso’s tiger by the tail and its teeth may not be far behind. After my patent lawyer’s total rejection, I knew I had to build it so ‘they would come.’

But his polite rejection made me miss the point. Building it was not proving it. Building it was issuing a declaration of war to all that is holy to oil, gas, science and the elite.

Speed bump #3 The disappearing act.

So, we built it. It took time to take our paper version of E=mc2 into an actual working machine, but we did it. The next job was to get it tested. In about 2018 we took it to PAMI in Humbolt Saskatchewan. PAMI stands for Prairie Agricultural Machinery Institute. ‘It's an organization established in 1975 to provide engineering solutions, testing, and research for the agricultural sector. PAMI also serves the mining, transportation, and defense industries.’ according to Chat.

In their day they had also done work for DARPA. If you don’t know of DARPA it’s a nasty not so secret organization that works on devices to kill mankind rather than save it. We met David Yee who was president and chief scientist there at PAMI. We showed him what we had. At first, he could only murmur “game changer.” And then asked, “How did you address the heat problem?”. A question he withdrew as he said it. He already knew that answer. The answer was looking right at him and unfortunately, he would be caught up in its vortex.

He would go on to say that he had worked for a major car manufacturer before his position at PAMI and that if this were introduced to that company, they would jump all over it. We agreed on a testing date, and he would get the federal government to pay for it through one of their programs. In the next few days ahead, we received confirmation that we had funding through the federal government program and PAMI was gearing up for the test.

In general, over-unity devices which saturate the internet do not have 3rd party testing to back up their claims. We knew we would need 3rd party testing to get some real traction. I’ll take the time here to point out that we never claimed over-unity, we were much too scared to do that. It was the US DOE after tests were completed by Oakridge National laboratories that in their emails, they claimed GLIP had achieved over-unity (one can be found on our web site and online as well in news reports) The US DOE began immediately introducing us to departments inside the US government and outside companies, before putting hard stop on that activity. But I’ll tell you about that in the next article.

At this time, we were just little bugs. When the feds found out about what they were testing, just 3 days before the tests was to happen the government funding was pulled. I’ll note at this point that now former Secretary Blinken had arrived in a hurried meeting with the Canadian prime minister. A meeting that had only been planned a couple days before. No real explanation of why was ever given for the visit. But visiting a car factory in Ontario hardly called for a rush visit by the secretary. You be the judge as we lay out our case here in these articles.

We also discovered not long after the funding was pulled David Yee disappeared from the company and was replaced by a political plutocrat. We would spring back up in PAMI’s face with a local investor to pay for the testing. These investors wanted us to build ZERG to power one of their buildings. They were going to lead the push with their political connections to get PAMI back on track. But deep state runs deep even in the Canadian prairies.

At first a new general manager at PAMI told these investors that PAMI had everything they needed to test it and would schedule it. A few weeks later PAMI declined to do the testing. They claimed that they didn’t have the equipment to test a generator anymore. FYI- PAMI test generators for the Oil and gas industry on a weekly basis.

These prominent businessmen in Saskatchewan pushed hard to get to the bottom of this cold shoulder. The final answer they told us was more like a cryptic riddle. PAMI told the investors that there wasn’t an engineer in the country that would test it and they could say no more about it. I remember the investor being taken back by the answer, he told me, “I have no idea what that means.”

How could he know. He lived in a world that made sense. A world of bricks, glass and steel. There were no questions about how that worked. This was way out of his lane. In simple terms, we had declared war, and the other side was not going to stand for it. We were small, they were big.

From that day forward we had joined in a war which was not of our making, We found ourselves in an unfair fight with shadow warriors. Unlike the 70s they didn’t need to do anything more drastic than to put an army of bureaucrats at every door and dare us to walk through them.

But revolutionaries don’t use doors. The more they threw up speedbumps the more determined we were. We would find a 3rd party testing company. And as one first lady said, when they go low we go high. And boy did we, by eventually getting the world’s top testing company to test it as explained in the last article. But that would come later. Our next step at this point was to show it working in real time in front of some outside engineers with US government clout.

Ok that was an unforced error, but with a liberal government in power in both the US and Canada who were waving the green energy flags of change it wasn’t that bad of an idea at the time. Looking back, obviously we should of known that politicians say what you want to hear and then do what they want to do, for their friends. The Biden White House and the Prime minister of Canada didn’t want ‘this’ technology, and they certainly didn’t want it ‘this’ fast. Windmills, sun catchers and the illusion of cold fusion paid the dues of liberal society. We were two hosers sitting out in a cow pasture like Orville and Wilbur Wright and that’s where they wanted us to stay.

The liberal and conservative elites have one thing in common, they both love power. God forsaken merciless force. There is a saying in football that, sometimes you’re the windshield and sometime you’re the bug. Both sides let us know who the bug was.

As for us we calculated that Saskatchewan had a farmer’s party running things. They must love earth friendly inventions, right? The green province was not so green as it turns out.

Question for our next test. Has a US Ambassador ever flown to a Canadian Province Science research facility to congratulate them on their ‘anniversary?’ And just 1 week before that same science research facility was to test ZERG; and one week before said science research facility would pull out of the testing. And its lead engineer went missing for 6 months at the same time. I’ll answer that one in my next article this week so stay tuned for Speedbump #4 ‘When Green fades to black.’

[email protected]


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