How Great Leaders Inspire Action
Peter Johannes
Public Relations | Marketing Communication | Business Development | KOL Management
Leadership is one of the factors that have a big impact to achieve goals in the organization. This allows organization leaders to implement management strategies. The quality of the relationship between the leader and his subordinates is very important in various ways to ensure the quality of performance in his work. With different leadership styles and leadership characters will have a different impact in an organization. As zimmerer &scarboug (2000) said, leadership is a process of influencing and inspiring others to work to achieve their ultimate goals and then to give them the strength and freedom to achieve them.
Therefore, a leader must be able to provide motivation to subordinates in order to work well 355 and effectively. Wahjosumidjo (1984) stated that leadership is closely related to motivation, because the success of a leader in moving others in achieving the goals that have been set depends heavily on dignity, and also the leader in creating motivation in each subordinate, colleague or superior leader himself. George &Jones (2005) states that work motivation is a psychological motivation that directs one's behavior or attitude, level of effort, and level of persistence or resilience in the face of a problem in an organization.
When facing a stalemate how hard employees will show their chosen behavior well. For example, the leader states that the idea given by employees is a waste of time. Whether the employee will take it for granted even if the employee believes that the idea is indispensable or the employee is persistently trying to be able to implement the idea. If the machine in a company does not work properly, whether the employee will stand still or try to repair the machine or at least tell the leader about the problem.
Great ?leaders make you safe in today's highly motivated world as they are experienced in motivating people.?They have the skills to motivate a work force, leadership in the military or outside a working environment such as in the sports world, all vital skills required to be a good leader. Reading body language, recognise that body language can give clues to motivation levels a good leader is fully aware of this and also it can be misread. More concrete signals will be provided by the way in which people perform, this is likely to give a good leader the clearest indication.
?Those who attend to their tasks cheerfully and effectively are unlikely to be hiding anything. Ask your staff if any changes at work would help to motivate them.?Learn to see the difference between work problems and personal problems. Maintain eye contact with your staff whenever you speak with them. Look for positive responses to any criticisms - they are signs of motivation in staff/military personnel/sports people. Treat departures and absenteeism as warning signs of demotivation. Remember that what you measure and reward is what you get.
I think a good leader ?in ?inspiring ?his team is a ?leader ?who?is able to ?generate ?unity ?in ?honing team ?skills?and ?delivering ??good ?performance ?both on the outside ?and ?inside. This leader ???also ?became ?a ?professional?coach for ?the ?team ?to ?achieve ?goals ?in ?the organization.?leaders who can inspire their employees, have the ability to create a high level of engagement and commitment to each of their employees. This is what distinguishes leaders from the most effective and the least effective leaders in their leadership. The difference between these two leadership traits is also always the thing most often seen by employees or workers in assessing the leadership of their superiors.
So the importance of the role ?of ?inspiring ?leaders ?in ?creating ?innovations???that ?encourage employees ?in ?work ?and ?achieve ?a ?target ?of ?the organization.?This ??inspiring ??leadership ?became ?a ?self-concept ???and ?characteristirk ?leader ?that ?many ?employees craved. ?This ???will ????greatly ?motivate ?all ?employees ?to ?work ??in totality ?with ?the results ?as expected. ????Therefore, ???this leadership ?will ?be ?a ?tongak of the company's development in order to?increase ?in the ???future.
B.?????Problem Statements
?In this discussion, there ?are ?several statement issues ?that ?must be ?known, ?among ?others:?
1.?????Does a ?good ?leader ?inspire ?his team ?to ?take ?action.
2.?????What ???can a leader ?do ?to ?inspire ?his team.
3.?????What kind ????of?leader characteristics will ?inspire ?his team.
In this ?study ?will be ?discussed ?in ?detail ?about ?the three ?points ?above ?to ?get an answer ?about being a good ???leader ??who ?can ?inspire ?his team to take ?action.
The research methods used ?are: ???
1.?????Descriptive analysis, according to (Sugiono: 2009; 29) is a method that serves to describe or describe objects studied through data or samples that have been collected as they are without conducting analysis and making conclusions that apply to the public. In other words, descriptive analytical research takes problems or focuses on problems as they are when the research is conducted, the results of which are then processed and analyzed for conclusion. According to the statement of Nana Sudjana and Ibrahim (2001:64) Descriptive research is research that seeks to describe a symptom, event, event that has occurred at the present time / at the time of research. Where researchers try to record all symptoms or events that occur at the time of implementation in the field to be able to answer all questions.
Leaders are ?people who have a ?big ?role to play in ?every ???responsibility ?and ?task given ?by?a ?company ?or ?organization. Then the leader ?also ?becomes the ?head ?of ?all ??subordinates ??which ?requires ?a ?leader ?with ??good ????self-quality ??and smart who ?will ?produce ?a good ?result ?for the team ?and the organization. Leaders ?should be ?able ?to ?give ?good influence ???for ?their team ?to ?be able to move in a ?more ?constructive ?direction and create ?a ?conducive ?and ?comfortable??atmosphere. Then ?this ?leader ?must ?have ?high ??quality and critical ?ability ?in ?thinking ???and able to ?provide ?new ?innovations ?for his team. So ?through this ability ?is ?also ?the ?key ?for ?his team ?to ?provide ???unlimited ?totality ?in ?his work ?and ?be ?a ?good ?breakthrough ?in ?thinking.
A ?good ?leader ?will ?position ?others ?as ?part ?of ???what ?he ?does. In ???this case, ??a ?leader ?must be ?sensitive ?and ?put ?the person he works ?with ?to ?be ?part ?of the whole ?job ?he's doing. ???This ???will have ?a ?good ?impact on ?the ?work ?in achieving ??the vision ?and ?mission of ?the team. ?When ?a ??good ?leader ?puts ?others as ?part ???of ?what ?he ?does ?then it will ?continually ???increase the trust ?of ?the team.?Then ?it will ?strengthen the relationship ?of the leader ?and?the team ?that ?will be ???indirectly ???also??increased ?????confidence ?from ?each team member. ?
A good ?leader ?is?able to ?give ?a ?good ?pandanagan ?also ?to ?each member of his team. It can ?be seen ?from ?many ?people ?will ?give different ?assumptions ?of each ?of ?their????leaders,?this ?is because ?each ?leader ?is ?a person who ?comes ?from different characteristics ?and is difficult ?to ???guess.????Ingrained ?assumptions ?are ???sometimes ?from ?the negative side and the positive side, ?which is a challenge ?for a leader to build ?a ?self-image ?and ?form a good ?assumption ?that ?turns out ?to ???be ?reversed ?from ?what ?each ?member ?of ?the team thinks.?so that ?the control ?of ?the ???leader ?is ?indispensable ?to ?build a good ?view ?for ?the??leader.
A ??good ?leader needs to ?have ?the ??right ?leadership ?pattern ?to ???inspire his team. Where ?it is important ?to ?think ?critically ??and open mindedly ?and ?think ?for ?innovations that are ?different ?from ?other ??leaders.?Then ?the action ?in ?performing ?the?task carried out,?this action ?will ?affect ?the???performance given. The actions ?taken ?must be able to ?see the situation ?and ?conditions ?that ?are ?happening ?in ?the team. ?As for?the communication pattern ?that ?becomes ?one of ???the main ?keys ?in ?becoming ?a ??good leader. ?This is ??????because, ?if ?a ?leader is not able to ?build ?communication ?properly ???then ?there ?will be ?a miss communication that ?will be fatal to the team's ??work.?so that ?the leader ?should be ?able ?to convey ?the message ???well ?and ?one ??good source.
As for the thing ?that ?can be ?said ?as the Golden Circle ?in ?thinking ?of a ?leader ?is ?as ?follows.
1.?????What, ?a ??good ?leader ?should ?know ?what?products to sell ?and???what ?services have been ?given. It ?becomes ?an important ?ability ??for ?by ?a ?leader. When ?a ?leader ????understands ?about the ?sales of products produced by his team, ???the ?leader will be ?able to provide good ?inputs ?for the development produced ?by?the team.?It can ?also?be seen that a?serving type of leader ?will be ?better ???at ?leading ?because ?he ????????understands ?every difficult ?point ??of each of the work done by his team. Of course it ?will ?relate to ???how understanding ?the ?leader ?is ?in ?the?service provided ?by ?his team. Whether the service ?needs to be ?improved ?or ?how ?important ?the ?effect of service ?on ?product sales.
2.?????How, ??this ?must be ?owned ?by?a ?good leader ?because ?it becomes a key proposition that ?will ?make it in a ?better ???direction ?than ?before. A ??good ?leader must ???be ?able to see from every point of ???view ?what ??he ?is doing in order to ?understand ?what ?things need to be improved ?and ?done on an ongoing basis.?It is important to pay attention ?to ?every ?point ?that must be ?revised ?and ?developed and most importantly ?provide ?a?way ?out ?of ?these things. ??Think ????critically ??to find ?out what ?things can be ?adapted ?to the ??needs of the ?team ?so that ?each ?member can ?also?work ?and ?do their job ???well.
3.?????Why, 'why" ?is not ?a ?question ?that should always be ?given ?to talk about ?making ?money. But ?far ?from ?it,"why" ?becomes ?a ?question ?of ?purpose, ?reason, ?trust. And ???what's ?the ?reason ?the ?team ?was formed. ??This is ???a ?benchmark ?for ???a ?goodleader, how??understanding ?and ?knowing he is ?about the team ?and?the ?organization he leads. ?
The things ?that can be ?done ?in becoming a good ?leader ?inspire ?the?team ?to ?take ?action ?are: ?
1.?????Firmly, ?a ?leader ?must have an ?establishment so as not ?to be?young ?affected ?by?eye benefit.?A strong-willed leader will walk in accordance with the vision without looking to the right or to the left. Where ?can face anything when already know clearly the vision and tujuan. Then ?hcurrent committed to all decisions and realactions that ?a ?leader ?does. If ?the leader does so, subordinates will by themselves have a sense of responsibility for the tasks you assign.
2.?????Honestly, honesty of ?leaders ?is very important in leadership. A good leader will always be honest with his team members or clients for any risks or advantages. ?A ?leader should put the interests of your team and clients first rather than yourself. Trying to be open in every situation and condition will actually strengthen the relationship. Honesty is the main basis for a leader.
3.?????Integrity, ?A leader must also have a nature, quality or circumstance that shows complete unity so that it has the ability and potential that radiates dignity. So it will advance ?the ?leader as well as the people who lead.
4.?????Proactive, ?proaffective leaders are leaders who take high initiative and are responsible. A ???very independent leader and always thinking three steps ahead. TheU.S. will work hard to controlthe field withthe aim of avoiding conflict. Proactive leaders will not complain about any task given. In fact, ?the leader ?will do the job best and produce results that exceed expectations.
5.?????Flexible, ?a leader is required to be strong as well as flexible. A flexible leader is a leader who is able to adapt to any situation and condition. How ?a ?leader ?handles an unexpected or uncomfortable situation will determine that level ?offlexibility. A flexible leader will be stronger and quicker to adjust to the situation. The more changes, the more their creativity is honed.
6.?????Communicative, ?A leader must be able to maintain communication with employees or team members and clients. This leader ??will hear more than speak and treat others with respect. Communicative leaders will understand the needs and tribulations of others. A good leader will ask more questions, consider various options, and lead in the right direction.
7.?????Open minded, open-minded Leader will consider all options before making a decision. A ?leader will not be offended by the words of others and instead accept every opinion that arises for mutual convenience.
8.?????Intelligent, knowledge is the ?power of ?a ?leader! A leader must have knowledge. ?A ?leader must be an access to any information relating to that area of ?the ?leader including any company rules and conditions.
9.?????Confident, ?a leader must be confident! A ?leader must be able to convince subordinates and others when they are experiencing difficulties. In addition, it must also be able to command others and be confident in the command. ?The leader ?must be confident in every decision ?a ?leader ?takes. Therefore, ?leaders must be courageous to take every risk that exists. However, confidence must be accompanied by humility. Don't be so enthusiastic that you don't consider everything.
10.?Enthusiastic, ?A leader must have a high level of passion and enthusiasm in his work. Otherwise, how can a ?leader motivate his own ?team to achieve a vision or make a leader's client ?????work together.
11.?Regularly, ?changing too often is not a good thing. Be an organized leader, both emotionally, intellectually, and structurally. ?Leaders ?must maintain the stability of emotions, thoughts, and corporate structures. Not only self-regularity, ?a ?leader must also maintain the regularity of his own team. ?A leader's regularity can be seen from small things such as home conditions, office space to teamwork.
12.?Evaluative, evaluative leaders will always review the program and evaluate every plan that has been executed. A ?leader will not be afraid to make changes if there is a plan or program that goes untargeted or fails to reach the target. The more often ?a ?leader ?evaluates, the more thorough and trustworthy the leader ?will be.
13.?Full of appreciation, a leader will appreciate the hard work of his employees or team members. A ?leader will reward them as a result of their hard work while motivating them to reach a more professional level. A wise leader will consider every reward given according to the needs of his employees or team members so that the reward given will not be in vain.
14.?Inspiring, ?a leader must also inspire. Inspire real action to others. This will have a positive impact and motivate subordinates and others. Influencing others is difficult but not impossible.
15.?Charismatic, ?leadership by accentuating charisma to attract and inspire devotion by others. It is one example of a leader-centered style, in addition to authoritative and transactional leadership. Leaders believe more in their own vision and abilities than in followers. But, compared to the other two leadership styles, charismatic leaders communicate more with followers.
So a ?leader ?must ?have a ?self-concept ?that ?can ?build ?trust ?that ?can ?inspire ?each ?member of his ??team. As for the thing ?that?leaders should ?have ?is.
1.?????Brave to face challenges, great Leaders can bravely face any challenge or problematic situation, then try to overcome them. Whether that means when their business is in decline or when it comes to organizing employees for work, a great leader knows the best way to deal with all of those things. Regular communication is also important to do, for example to tell about the development of the company or what problems the company is facing. This is to avoid gossip that could be bad for business.
2.?????Earn trust, Employees will feel loyal and enthusiastic about the job when they can trust the company. Gaining the trust of employees is not easy. The first way to do this is to show that you care. Don't just care about their well-being, such as appropriate salaries and bonuses, but also care about their lives, such as family and careers.
3.?????Authentic, ?Don't pretend to be someone else, but show yourself and your personal qualities. Trust the leader's abilities ???and develop your own way of leadership. Being inspired by others is fine, but don't imitate people who don't fit a leader's personality. ???
4.?????Earn ?respect, ?When ?a ?leader ?behaves in appropriate business values and ethics, then the ?leader will earn respect from employee to client.
5.?????Stay curious, A great leader is those who never stop to learn. They are always trying to find new ideas, views, and up-to-date information. Great leaders will not be afraid of innovation and are willing to accept opinions from theiremployees.
?A ?good leader will ?inspire the whole ?team ?to ???do ?every ?job ?and ?responsibility ??given. This ???good ?leadership ??attitude ?will ?be ?something ?that??many teams really want. ??But ?the importance ?for ?a ?leader ?to ?conduct ??self-evaluation ?in order to ???provide ?performance ?that ?is increasing every ???day.?In ?this discussion, the leader is required ?to ?be more ?thoughtful, ?careful, ?sensitive, ?able to ?master ?knowlodge ?and ?communicative ?products ?to ?each member of his team. Who ?is the most ?influential ?leader ?for ?you ?in ???inspiring ???his subordinates?
Communicative and ?knowledgeable ???leaders ???will be ?able to ?manage ?the course of ???action ?by the team. It's not ?????easy ???being ?a ?leader, ?but ?it's ?good to start ?from ?leading ?yourself ??in a ???better ?direction ?so that you can ?set ?an example ?of the smallest ?thing ?to ?others.??what will nada ?do ?if ?you ?become ?a ?leader in one ?of the ?big ??companies engaged ?in ?economic business??Are ?you ?able to ?be ?a ?leader ?of ?superior quality ?and inspiration?. ??This ?becomes ?a ?discussion ?for ?you ?to ?do ?in your daily activities.
The conclusion is that?a good ?leader ?will ?inspire ?his team ?in ?taking ?action ?because ?the ?leader ?is ?able to show ?his ?image ?to ?his team. Where ?through ??him,?the team ?will be ?motivated ?and ?begin to be aware ?of the ?responsibilities ???and ?tasks given. A ???good leader can ?also?evoke the spirit ?of the team's performance ?????then ?from ?this good ?performance ?awakens the ??quality of each team member. ??The team ??will also ?be ?able to ?achieve the vision ?of the?mission to ?be ?achieved ?together.
A ?good leader will be a ?tongak the image of the organization/company is increasing ???in ?public. ?This ?will ?greatly ?affect ?the ?development ?and ?progress ?of the company ?and?the organization ?itself. But ?behind it ??all,?it is ?needed ?a ?leader ?who ?has good crust, charismatic, ???knowledgeable, ???informative ?and able to ?see the surroundings. ??Not ?only that,?it is very ?important ?for ?a good ?leader ??to ?be a ?visionary and a professional ?coach for ?his team so that?interpersonal communication ?can be ?done ???well.
????This inspiring ?leader?will ?provide ?many ?changes that become?positive ?values for the ?company ?and ?will ?have ?a ?good ?influence ?on both internal ?and ?external. Then ?from ?a ?good ?leader ?and ?inspire ?will ?increase the trust of stakeholders ?who ?cooperate ?with the company ?in ?establishing a good relationship.?So ?in ?carrying out ?a ???responsibility ???a ?leader ?must ?have the various ?aspects ??necessary ?in order to become ?an ?inspiration ?to ?the?team he leads. It is not ?easy to be such a ?leader ???but ?we ?will ?often ?get ?a ?good ?and ?inspiring leader ?figure. ?Where ?able to ?nurture, ?understand,??act,and ?work ?well ?with ?his team ?to ?build ?a good ?team ???and ?can ?achieve ?common goals ???in ?one ?team.
Impossible is just an Opinion
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