Stig Strand
C- Suite and Executive Games Industry Recruiter - Ambassador at Special Effect
There’s never a shortage of great articles offering tips and advice on how to be a good leader – and, just as importantly, why it matters. In a relatively young industry like games, which consistently generates start-ups and indie studios, we see many ‘accidental managers’ where individuals rise through the ranks without necessarily having any formal leadership training. So, I hope this series of articles this week is useful…
A good starting point? ‘A case for good management’ via Management Today is an interview (and podcast) with the Chartered Management Institute’s CEO Ann Francke, which kicks off with the phenomenon of those ‘accidental managers’: ‘It is an indictment of the value organisations place on management, in Ann Francke’s view, that 82% of those promoted into these roles have had no proper training.’ It’s a great article that looks at how ‘subpar management’ can manifest in disengaged employees, reduced productivity, toxic cultures and more. Definitely recommended reading, not least for Francke’s advice on how to nurture good management skills -
Gulf Business provides similar thoughts in its opinion piece ‘Leadership lessons: What’s good about great?’. The article looks at what makes a good leader (speaking when others stay silent, remaining optimistic, focusing on people), but then discusses what makes a GREAT leader. Read on to find out more -
The IMD, an independent academic institute with offices in Switzerland, Singapore and China, offers some research-based pointers on ‘8 key leadership skills you need to know in 2024’. They include: Relationships building; Agility and adaptability; Innovation and creativity; Employee motivation; Decision-making; Conflict management; Negotiation; and Critical thinking. There’s more on each of the eight skills here -
And here are four more ways to be a successful leader via The Conversation. This looks at the key ‘mindshifts’, namely: Be adaptive; Form alliances; Aspire to make a positive impact; and Accelerate – learn faster. According to the article, ‘Leadership is in a crisis but there is an antidote – you’. Find out more about that antidote here -
And finally, if you really want to be a good manager, you need to make like a monkey. We’re not joking. CityAM dives into a study by scientists who analysed the lives of 66 rhesus macaque monkey to discover what traits make a good leader. Expressions, communication… and ear movements all feature. Enjoy -
What sort of monkey business have you seen in management? I’d love to hear your thoughts!
Photo by Patrick Beznoska on Unsplash