How Great Content Helps Loan Officers Excel
Scott Layden
Top Originating Mortgage Manager - Serving Borrowers, Referral Partners and Loan Officers
When we consider our work as loan officers, the things that might come to mind first are: talking with prospects, meeting with clients, crunching numbers, and closing loans. While creating content might not be something that we immediately think of, many successful loan officers can attest to the positive impact that content has had on their business. It’s helped them keep their pipeline flowing smoothly, with an influx of new leads and a steady conversion of prospects to clients all the way through to closing. So, let’s take a look at how well-produced content can help you excel:
Stay Front and Center
Content that your target audience actually wants to read helps you stay in front of your existing audience and gives you access to an even bigger one. When you share a blog post on LinkedIn, for example, anyone you’re connected to will see your post in their news feed. Even if they don’t read that specific article, your name and business are brought to their attention. They see that you’re active, engaged in your work, and eager to share what you know. Most of the people in your network are probably not looking for a loan officer today, but by staying on their radar, you boost your chances of being the first name that comes to mind when they are. And when someone finds your content useful and they share your article with their network, your audience begins to expand.
Make it Easier for Prospects to Find You
When you post relevant, quality content consistently, you help nudge your business up in the google search results. Having some additional SEO knowledge is helpful, but even without it you’ll begin to reach more prospects. Many new homebuyers google their top questions and concerns before they choose a loan officer. If they come across your content, and you’ve answered some of those questions or addressed those concerns, they’re likely to investigate your business further. When anyone sees that you regularly share useful content, you start to build a level of trust.
Establish Expertise
Think about the message it sends to prospective clients when they head to your website and see a blog full of valuable content, or when they come across your Facebook business page and see answers that speak directly to the questions they have about the mortgage process—It shows them that you’re an expert. It demonstrates that you’re confident in what you do and prepared to share your knowledge in a way that's easy to understand. It helps build confidence in your prospects that you’re someone who could guide them to a successful close.
Build Stronger Connections
Content creates the opportunity for connection. At its simplest, it lets those who see your content get a sense of who you are and what you’re about. When you more actively engage with your audience, by asking questions, answering comments, and initiating conversations, you build even stronger connections. As most loan officers will tell you, connection is fundamental in this industry. Creating the groundwork for that online is a smart strategy, especially today.
If you’d like to talk more about the importance of content in your business, or you’d like some assistance with getting started creating your own content, please reach out. I’d be happy to set aside some time to connect.