How Gratitude Will Change Your Life
Mitchel Schwindt, M.D.
ER Doc and performance coach helping you optimize health and accelerate wealth.
Welcome to The Recharge podcast and so we're in the week between Christmas and New Years. At least that's my intent as I record this, and I have a guest on today that we are going to walk through motivation, positivity. We're going to cover a lot of ground with meditation, transforming from a career in a completely different direction. As I mention my focus and goal with rapping this year is to share some stories of inspiration and motivation about people who have really reshaped their lives into something that they really desired and wanted, and how to get there, and some of the steps. And the fears, and the issues that pop up along the way.
1:08 Today's guest is Katie Neubaum; she is not only a motivational speaker, but also a coach for wellness and wealth creation. We get into the beginnings of her transformation, some of the fears, some of the issues that popped up, and in the end she shares her current direction of where she is at in creating the life that she's really desired and wanted to live and how she got there. You may or may not resonate with her business model but that's not the purpose of this episode. It's about the transformative journey in going from point A to point B, and some of the hurdles and the issues along the way. I think you will really resonate with her mission and her message of positivity. And so let's get into it.
1:45 Alright welcome to another episode of project you. As I mentioned before we are on a journey of transformation and transition, and I'm very happy to bring on Katie Neubaum here this morning to share her mission.
Katie: Hi there I'm so glad to be here with you doctor.
Yeah this is cool and so I wanted to wind down 2014 into 2015 with a sort of a transformation. I think a lot of people get stuck in the rut of what's worked in the past and sort of forget to push pass boundaries. If I could I'd just like to jump back into your past, and if you would share a little bit about from where you were as a piano teacher and kind of where you are now. And sort of that word; that journey.
Katie: Absolutely. So about 2 years ago, well formally for about the past 5 years I've been teaching boys in piano lessons to a studio of about 25 students. And I was teaching in a couple of studios as well as in my home. I majored in music at the University of Miami and did my Masters studies at the University of South Carolina. So I thought that's what I wanted to do and as I had my young children. And it was going really well but I just didn't feel fulfilled, once I was in the small studio and I was no longer performing and I was having to leave my children and go to the studios. I just was looking for something else. So about two years ago I had gotten overweight and I was really tired all the time and definitely wasn't feeling comfortable in my skin.
3:13 So I had tried a bunch of fad diet and that's what led me to looking into this program that I found. And I went ahead and took another venture, was offered a hundred percent money back guarantee and just jumped in with two feet and said I'm going to do this. And I cleansed my body, went through this whole 30 day process and came out feeling amazing. I was able to release pounds and actually 26 pounds in one month, and started to feel great. And that's when my life kind of shifted into, oh my gosh this is amazing I got to share this with people. And it started right there with sharing good healthy nutrition with other folks, transitioning from by being so much a piano and voice teacher. I was actually able to retire myself in about 7 months of putting my nose to the grime of sharing this nutrition with others. Quadrupled my income, so that's what turned me into motivating and inspiring others to become their best selves and take care of their bodies and their minds.
Mitchel: Was this like an overnight revolution or realization that I got small kids and what I’m doing right now isn't working, or was it more of a gradual transition?
Katie: It was a gradual transition in that when I first got the products into my body I realized that I had something spectacular and something special, and something that was really helping me to feel better. I didn't realize right away the gift that I had and I would be able to set myself physically and financially free with these products, and I didn't realize how I would be able to quit my job and that was even something I wanted to do. So I would say it was more gradual.
Mitchel: Sure And I would imagine that there was some anxieties; some fears, maybe some self-doubt along the way as you're transitioning from professional voice and music teacher into a different realm of life.
5:16 Katie: Yeah. I'm glad you asked me that question and asked it that way. Because I turned to personal growth, one of the things that my company is a bi advocate of is personal growth. We're taught that you can only grow your business to the extent that you grow yourself. And when I heard those words my dad was a ? teacher and he always promoted positive thinking and when i was in Ms University of Miami pageant I did my platform on positive thinking. So I've always been kind of wired that way, but I've never done meditation, and I've always been a praying woman but I didn't really know what meditation was. But as i started to meditate and really live out a ? and I made a vision board and I mad affirmations and had a gratitude journal. That's really when my business turned into a business, and when I saw the big picture that oh my God, I'm going to set myself free with this company.
Mitchel: That's cool. You hit on a couple of things that i am really interested in both personally and professionally. You mentioned number 1 meditation and 2 gratitude journaling. If you could just shared a little bit about how you meditate, and just tell us what a gratitude journal is for those who don't know; how it works.
Katie: Okay, sure. So for meditation, because I was a new meditator I didn't know what to do so I looked on line and I found this fabulous guide; this guided meditation by Dr. Wayne Dyer. And one of the very first things that Wayne Dyer said that resonated with me was, when you change the way you look at things; the things you look at change. And so I thought, oh my gosh I've always thought that meditation was weird. So let us turn this around I'm going to think about meditation being the coolest thing ever. And what if its right, what if it can set me free in my mind. So I downloaded on my little app here meditations for manifestations, and its a 2o minutes morning meditation and 20 minutes evening meditation. The morning one is Ahh based on a creation Buddha, Allah, Krishna, God, everything that has the Ahh. So all of the Ahh and I'm a singer too.
Michel: Yeah and you've got a nice voice, I won't tell and demonstrated, my kids have heard it. I meditate sometimes and our son and my kids walked by on their way to school and they look in there and just kind of shake their heads; they're use to it now.
Katie: I know, well the whole meditation thing it was a little strange for me but once I realized, oh this is kind of singing and my whole body was vibrating and I was feeling all of this like, oh my gosh and I was going to the zone where all things did seem possible. I can create all of these things so I started writing things out as well. And then Wayne Dyer has think about the things that you want to create today, what do you want to manifest today. So as you are doing your ahh meditation you are imagining all these things, and then in the evening he recommends doing the umm meditation that is like the gratitude and the prayer for the day. So what I like to do before that is I that I have a gratitude journal and it is purple and sparkly because I have great joy, and I have so many things to be grateful for. And you know in gratitude, not only do you have a high vibration but people are attracted to you. You're filled with love and light, because where there is love and light and gratitude you cannot have fear, you cannot have frustration and anger. So I'll sit there with my attitude journal and just write out everything I'm grateful for' a minimum of ten things. When I'm not feeling so grateful because my three children have given me a hard time or its just been like I'm exhausted, i
ll start reading all the pages before full of gratitude. And a few moments passed I'm in gratitude again. And then I lay down on my floor in my office, I decorated my office to be a very calming, soothing environment for myself, which is a good place to meditate. And I lie on the floor and I umm before I go into gratitude. And I really like to drift off to sleep after my umm meditation. I will o into my room to sleep but I love doing that before bed.
9:39Mitchel: Yeah that's awesome; I think a lot of people get rapped up into the, am I doing it right. And as Wayne teaches just how you are is how you are supposed to be; you are perfect as you are at the present moment. And so I saw a great quote this morning when I got up, "the struggle end when the gratitude begins".
Katie: Yes I absolutely believe that.
Mitchel: So do you think there is some science behind it, you said about the way you decorated your office. Do you think that the environment plays some role into whether you can get into the proper frame of mind or state of mind, particularly not only for meditation but also on the entrepreneurial side of things?
Katie: Oh yes sir I believe that when you are organized and you clear your spaces and you rid your life of the people and the thing that no longer serve you, you then make space for the things that are supposed to come into your life. So the law, I'm big on the laws of the universe, the law that governs the act of..., if you clear the deck, if you clear a counter, you clear the table. What happens before you know it, whether you or your children, there is going to be other things gathering there. You'll clear your desk and other things gather there, when you clear your closet of the clothes that will never fit you, they are from the 1970's they are out of style, get rid of them. The shoes that are just torn up, throw them out and all of a sudden you'll notice new shoes coming into you life or new outfit coming into your life and I totally believe that 100% when we clear the clutter and the stinking thinking from our brains and our heart, and clear out the clutter from our homes and our offices, and our kids rooms and out draws, that the things that are serving us and are suppose to be there, they'll be there. And the people in our lives that 't aren't serving us that have a negative vibration, once we are able to get those people out of our lives we make room for all the wonderful people that we are suppose to attract and connect with to come into our organizations.
11:43 Mitchel: Yeah, definitely I love the stinking thinking thing because people fail to realize; and maybe they realize but just fail to realize the amount of negative facts that pop up in our heads everyday is just a torrent of negativity that brings a lot of people down. And unless you really tackle it head on or shift in another direction of gratitude and meditation, its easy to get rapped up into that negative self talk.
Katie: Oh yes and my favourite thing if I can add is three by five cards. I have them in my purse, I have them in my desk, I have them in my bathroom where my toothbrush is. I know this sounds a little crazy but once it gets worn out is that I use it so many times is I write it down, my positive affirmations and one of the things I was taught by one of my favourite mentors, Dave Macatha is that when you have a thought that keeps plaguing you, like let’s just say you criticize yourself and you say. I’m stupid or I’m slow or I’m tired all the time. We have to put a thought in there that combats that, every time it comes into your mind, and we all have the same ones usually that bother us and come after us. So right the negative one on one side and on the other side you are going to change the words and you are going to turn it around. So if I say to myself when I look in the mirror I’m not so pretty or I’m over weight on the other side I’m going to say I’m beautiful, I’m wonderful, I love myself I am beautiful. So I have these affirmations, well I’m really getting great at not criticizing myself and I’m mastering not having those negative thoughts any more. But my little 3 by 5 cards that I have everywhere are positive affirmations, and I don’t think that anyone can have enough positive affirmations, so I highly recommend the 3 by 5 cards everywhere.
13:36 Mitchel: Okay, cool I’ll put you on the spot. What’s one of your favourite most powerful affirmations?
Katie: I’d say I’m a master connecter. I attract many friends easily and frequently, I’ve vibrated a high level, I am a master closer, I am a great achiever, I am greatness, I am freedom, I am wonderful, it just goes on and on. You can say all kinds of things, until you believe them, you just keep on going, you can say all kinds of things about yourself,, but before you know it you are feeling pretty good. Your shoulder is up high, your head is up high, and you are feeling beautiful and strong. And that’s the way you have to be if you want to have a beautiful circle of friends that connections and have a perfect life. You have to have those affirmations going on all day long.
14:50 Mtichel: Yeah, transforming your thoughts into reality is very powerful and very possible. When you ask people, what do you want, I think that most people automatic reaction is to tell you what they don’t want. And that’s what they focus on and that’s what they get going over. But until you shift your focus into what you actually want out of life and business or relationships or health, and replace those negative thoughts with positive affirmations, positive thinking; its really hard to get through until you do that simple step.
Katie: Right
Mitchel: You brought up clearing the clutter which I think is beautiful. But one of the tendencies that I think a lot of people have is consumers they clear out the space and clear out the closet which are looking a little bare and then rush out and fill it up with stuff. How do you resist that temptation?
Katie: Well I believe that you will attract the things, you will purchase the things, now if you have a shopping addiction and something like that, that’s a whole other chapter. You might have to get a specialist for that.
Mitchel: Yeah we are recording this a few days before Christmas so this might not be the best question.
Katie: Oh I have a solution for everyone; if you are out there and you are shopping, you are spending money that you don’t have, get busy and find someone to serve. When you are in service, you will not have a second or to do those things. Lets just say you drink too much, you eat too much, you spend too much money. Well in that case you are too self absorbed and you got to find other people to spend your money and your time and you efforts on. That’s really my answer to that question is lose yourself in service and find something productive to do. Stop wasting your time gorging yourself up with things and with people and the things that aren’t uplifting and serving you. Because we all get into those ruts, I’v e been there before, I’ve been that over-eater, that over spender. But now I’m so busy serving and coaching and mentoring. I don’t have time to spend money, I have to squeeze, I’ve actually have more money than I ever have in my entire life in my bank account. And I don’t say that to brag, I say that because when you are serving others, and you are lifting them up, it comes back to you ten fold. So the great sacrifices that you make in building your network and pouring that love and that energy into the people that are not necessarily beneath you, but your teammates that don’t quite have what you have yet. They need a mentor and that teaching, and also with your children and your husband and your friends. Everybody needs that service and that input, and you got that extra energy, and even if you don’t you won’t be filled. And in this holiday season where he was just mentioning here, if you are feeling empty and depressed, find yourself into service. Go find a soup kitchen or an orphanage or someone if you don’t have money, take your time and your stories, and your heart and you will be fulfilled. And all of a sudden you emptiness and that loneliness, and that depression that you are feeling right now will just vanish.
18:12 Mitchel: Yeah, absolutely. People just fail to realize that even their simple act of giving or helping can unearth so much positive emotion, accomplishment and a sense of self-worth. Even if it’s a simple helping someone across the streets or helping someone with a bag of groceries, or even more global like you mentioned. Helping an organization or a population that needs service, needs support and that’s very powerful. And so I’m looking at your LinkedIn profile here and I see motivational speaker and wellness coach, so take me through a transition of voice or music to motivational speaking. How did you get there, how did you acquire those skills, or was that something you kind of develop?
Katie: I would say it’s a combination of both. Now when you are music major you’re performing all the time so being on the stage was natural for me. And I always loved it from the time I was a little girl, if someone asked me to perform I would jump right up. And I was very blessed in my life that, I always when I audition for a scholarship or to go to a special; an international singing ? or even; I always got the scholarship. And I was always able to go and perform, so I was blessed in that. I have the gift of singing and voice and stage presence. So I was put on the stage throughout my entire life. And I’ve built a team, and like I said it came about me getting healthy first and then sharing that with a couple of people. That really have developed over this last two years. And teaching what I learned and what I felt with other people, and then realizing that, wow, people are finding great value in what I’m sharing. And I am able to put my words together, and I am a good speaker, and as I started to believe in myself, others believed in me. And I started getting little speaking engagements here and there, and no matter who was asking me, whether it was free or paid I said yes. I stepped up to the plate because I knew that by putting myself there and stating, yes I can speak to your organization about nutrition today. Now mind you I majored in music, I’m not a nutrionalist, I’m someone that learned how to eat and feed my body and become balanced and feel good. But I was also in the military so I do have that education and all that physical training of taking care of my own body. And by stepping up to the plate and just saying yes is how I have become the motivational speaker and coach that I am today. And how I’m able to say yes to engagements now where I am going to be paid and I am being endorsed by people that I never thought I would have endorsements from, so that’s how it really came about.
21:04 Mitchel: Was there any fear along the way, like when you are starting to yes to maybe a larger audience, or maybe audiences that you are not quite comfortable with than other audiences. Did you have some trepidations along the way?
Katie: Absolutely, my voice coaches always said, if you are not scared and you don’t have butterflies, then you are not working hard enough. So I think the butterflies are good, I am getting really good at turning fears into love, as I’m reading all of these great books and I am meditating and all of that. I’m absolutely ? and even getting on this interview today; I didn’t know what to expect but when people ask me I now take it as a compliment. And I said ok, this person wants to interview me, this persons wants me to speak as the audience gets bigger, I get a lot more nervous but I always say, if I forget what to say, I’ll just break out into an operative aura. I’ll just start singing.
Mitchel: These tools are in your bag there.
Katie: That’s right
Mitchel: I think its difficult for a lot of us to deal with, myself included is to lean into the fear or feel the fear into doing it any way. But really that’s the way to grow and stretch.
Katie: Oh yes and it feels you, you let that fear feel you. Just, instead of thinking and perceiving it to be fear, think of it as a fire burning in your body and into your heart, and take that passion and deliver. Now when you take it out of your head into our heart, that’s when people really start to get you. And they can’t say no, they want more and more and more. Because when you are speaking from your heart you know how it is and you know that I’m speaking from my heart right now because that’s how I do it, that’s what I’ve learned is to take my fears and just put it into my heart and just speak what’s in there.
22:56 Mitchel: Yeah, absolutely, I was at a presentation where a motivational speaker was talking about connecting with the audience and preparing and the fear that he still feels after he is addressing crowd of over 5000 people. And his message was just as you said, the love, the helping somebody, and he pick out somebody in a few rows, and just focus on one or two people and helped them in whatever way he could with the time he had. So that was kind of a neat little technique and a way to connect with your audience and moved passed the butterflies and fears that pop up right away.
Katie: Yeah that’s a great idea, I’ll have to use that.
Mitchel: You mentioned reading, what are you reading right now, what book are you reading?
Katie: Okay, so I have one here beside me. I have a couple of goodies that I love. I’m reading Don Miguel Ruelsies, A circle of fire. It’s about self-love that actually covers a lot: gratitude, fear ,love, forgiveness. It’s a beautiful book; I’m digging into working with the law by Raymond Allowell, I absolutely love that book. I’m reading Louise L A Harts A treasury of wisdom.
Mitchel: Is that a publisher ALs; the owner of ALs Publishing?
Katie: Not sure, she is a female, I don’t see ALs publishing on the book.
Mitchel: Okay.
Katie: She is Louise Haye and she is absolutely fabulous. But I’ll tell you what, every time I get a new member on my team, two books that I love for folks to download is feeling is the secret I never bothered. And it is a two hour download. Its about 3 bucks on Amazon and its fabulous. And the other one is called the strangest secret by Earl Nightingale.
Mitchel: I’ve seen some of his stuff and I haven’t listened to him but I’m a big audible fan so I guess I have to check him out.
Katie: Okay we can get that one on YouTube, it’s called the strangest secret you will love it.
Mitchel: Okay, awesome. You mentioned something about you team tell us a little bit about your team and your current wellness project what’s that all about.
25:17 Katie: Okay,so the name of my company is Isogenic, and I was introduced by my good friend Jeniffer Trickener. She just hit 8 star platinum in my company, be that so she’s making about $70,000 a month and she’s been in for 3 and 1/2 years. She introduced me and I took off with it like I said I was feeling amazing, starting to build a team. I now have about 2300 people in my down line. Now I didn’t enroll all these people, now if anyone understands network marketing you share with a couple of people and they share with a couple. So I’m currently a 2 star crysillic executive, I’m making between 10 and 12 thousand dollars a month, and that’s residual income. So that’s absolutely fabulous, and I’m just building and loving this company. And its based on solutions for folks. So You know no one wants to go on a diet, so it just have the word diet in it; I starve, I was always tired and grumpy. So when you join my team I teach you that you’re getting solutions to losing weight by helping your body to becomes balance in alkaline, increasing your energy and performance. I have a massive amounts of fitness models, body builders, just people that take care of their health through that serious level. Now I’m not a body builder in no way, shape or form, but my athletes have found amazing and tremendous increase in their energy and also taking titles. Once they do the cellular cleanse, they are able to stop carb depleting, they just do my 40s cellular cleanse and it brings out their muscle tone and its just amazing. And then again we have healthy aging products that have been scientifically proven to reverse ageing. And then of course wealth creation, which is my favourite knowing that I am on a great path. I am heading towards six figures which is why I am definitely ending out this year with a six figures, and this is just my second year with the company. So its super exciting, it is growing quickly, and I love mentoring and I love coaching, and I love team building. So this has just been such a blessing, this company is amazing.
27:36 Mitchel: Yeah, definitely. Now you bring up cleanse, the whole anti-ageing this is something I’m very passionate about as a physician; a functioning medical practitioner. I’m doing a modified fast right now. That’s if I can ? because… Can you just share a little about the cleanse, what that is? And some people might think that it involves enemas or self torture.
Katie: Absolutely doctor, do you know that today you are on a fast, and I am having cellular cleanse right now. So you and I are both cleansing, so we can compare notes. What I do on a cellular cleanse day, now today I'm doing a 24 hour cleanse, you could do up to 48 hours safely. But what you do is you drink this juice called biotic supreme, has a ? that fight physical, mental and emotional stress. So this is a drink for all people especially for mommies and athletes, and busy professionals. Because it adapts to your body ?. And you will be blown away by the ingredients in these products; they are just phenomenal. So you drink that in the morning, and then in a little while you'll drink this juice called cleanse for life. It loaded with botanical and minerals and wonderful ingredients. There is aloe in there and its just so soothing to the stomach, and its nice with a pout. Its not a strange or weird taste, and you also with this cleanse you get to eat organic chocolate. And there are used green tea, so it makes you feel good, it takes delicious; they come in dark chocolate and milk chocolate. And of course they are organic and everything in our...
29:11 Mitchel: Can I have some now, I'm starving.
Katie: Sure if I can pass them through, I would love to send them to you. And then we have these amazing little fibre snacks that are called ice for snack, and they actually ? from glycerol fat. When we did these scientific study against other, like the hard healthy diet > that I'm sure you are familiar with, Isogenics blue it out of the water with breaking down glycerol fat by about 47%. You got to take a look at that but what it does is that, if you ever have; I don't know if you saw my after and before picture. But I was able to release 85 pounds in six months. And I know that if you see people in your practice lose weight quickly, you worry about hanging skin or are they going to feel well. But I felt fabulous, I actually trained with the man who train me; he was my drill sergeant when I was in the army. And I do as many pushups, I ran faster than I did 12 years ago and he was blown away. When he saw the transformation of my body, and how I did not have hanging skin; now I do workout, I've always worked out. I’ve always loved exercising, but you'll see if you ever looked at my before pictures that the transformation is phenomenal. So that's what you do, so the cleanse day you just eating those snacks, eating the chocolates, drinking those two different beverages, and of course flooding your body with purified water. And then at nights you take a isoflush and this helps to flush toxins through your colon as you're sleeping, and when you wake up you will eventually feel like you have super powers. More energy than you could ever imagine, you'll run faster and further than you ever have. Its like the energy is incredible, there is nothing like the cellular cleanse, absolutely nothing.
30:58 Mitchel: That's cool, now you mentioned purified water, when we say purified water, a lot of people think that means that little nestle that says pure water; you are talking about something different obviously.
Katie: Well, I like to use alkaline water; I actually buy the eternal water from... I should, just go ahead and get one of the devices that makes your water alkaline. Isogenics does have a product that have a product that you can just pour into your water bottle and make the water alkaline; which also works. Or you can get a device for your sink that makes your water alkaline, that's the best water for your cleanse days or you can also purchase it.
Mitchel: That's cool, yeah I drink a glass of Apple cider vinegar in the morning just for a little alkaline start of the day typically. And I see that ? on your instagram page or your twitter page, are you a ? racer?
Katie: Right, I do run a couple of sporting races. My drill sergeant is a big huge school? racer. So of course he likes to get me on those; one race a month is what he like me to participate in. So I've done all kinds of things with him.
Mitchel: That's awesome, Well I want to thank you for your time and I appreciate your wisdom and your positive message here to share with our audience today. I just wanted to ask you one last question before we rap this up here. If you could give one tip, one piece of motivational advice to somebody who is looking to transform their life from where they are now to where they want to be, what would you say?
Katie: I would say Martin Luther King said, you only have to see the first step and take the first step. So people look at the staircase of healthy transformation and it overwhelms them, but take one step write down today, I am beautiful, I am taking steps in the right direction, I'm going to drink a gallon of water today. Take one step every single day towards good health. And stop thinking about the past, because the past is gone. But today, live in the present, make goals for tomorrow, write them down. Find someone to lock arms with, get with someone, an accountability partner that also wants to improve their health. This is a perfect time, everyone is thinking about that transformation. Something my team is doing for instance is we are doing a group 30 days cleansing fat burning system starting on January 5th. Find an organization like that; you are welcome to join us or find another one. Lock arms with other people and take one step at a time, and in a forward direction.
Mitchel: Definitely I love that. And so where can people find out more about you and what you're doing and can connect with you? Where are you at?
Katie: I am on Facebook at katieneubaum, you can connect with me there on Face book. I have a lot of positive and motivating things going on there. And I also have my page find your greatness there as well. And there on Linkinden , same name, katieneubaum and I'm happy to connect with anyone of you there. And my website is and you can look at my product line there, but I would love to connect with each and every one of you personally and hear your story and see if there is a way that I can help you. If there is anything I can do to help you or guide you or give you some ideas of get you on my 30 day cleanse and fat burn system, we would love to. We are giving away a thousand dollars grand prize just in 30 days so just for participating you have a chance to get that. And I have another contest where people just for participating in my other contest can get 200 dollars towards free products. So I have all kind of goodies and I'm happy on LinkedIn you can see my phone numbers there, my email is [email protected]. And so I'm real easy to get in contact with, you can feel free to text me or call me, I'm always happy to be in service.
Mitchel: Awesome, thanks so much Katie for your time and have a great weekend.
Thank you sir, you too. 35:40