How to Grade Leads
Ian Almasi
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No business or company can strive without customers because it is where they generate income. Businesses should be proactive in filling their sales funnel with viable business leads. The type and quality of your business leads can make a major difference in how you grow your sales, and companies should understand the lead’s role and expectations in your sales process so you can be prepared to leverage every opportunity.
If you are going to acquire marketing firms or will do it yourself, here are some of the things you need to know in order to convert more leads into sales.
Investigate if it is a Bad Lead or a Good Lead
Some marketing firms limit their classification of leads to just good or bad. But this process is not entirely accurate and can waste some leads that are tagged as bad but eventually can be a good leads. If for example, you cannot contact a person, it does not mean it is already a bad lead. The person might be busy at the moment or there was an emergency.
?You need to investigate first and exhaust all possible lines of communication before giving up on a contact.?
Systematic Approach in Reviewing Leads
As mentioned earlier, marketing firms often have two categories for leads, but creating more terminologies that specify a lead can be a more systematic and efficient approach towards it. If you have more categories and classification for a lead, you can then funnel them into a more filtered list on which you can try different approaches and tactics to convert them to customers.
If you have a system on how you grade and classify leads, there is a bigger chance of converting leads into customers. You cannot simply tag a lead as bad, you need to understand and categorize why it is bad. Then you can create a plan on how to deal with those leads depending on the reason.?
Consider a Bad Lead as a Potential Lead
Do not waste a ‘Bad lead’, instead, try to consider them as a potential lead. They might not have the money now for your product or service, but they can have it after days, weeks, or months. A potential customer can still be persuaded if they are contacted again with the right timing and opportunity.?
Leads are very important for a business because it is where they can market a business effectively. It is also how you can widen your connection and network to be able to market your business to different people and their social connections. You should remember that categorizing leads into two is not necessarily bad, but you are limiting the potential of the leads that can help your revenue.?