How Government and Private-Led Initiatives Can Overcome Unemployment
While on the surface it may seem like things are looking good for the country, one major thing still seems to be haunting the youth of India, and that is the soaring rates of unemployment. Nearly 83% of the population belongs to this demographic as per the India Employment Report 2024 jointly published by the International Labour Organisation (ILO) and the Institute of Human Development (IHD).
If you’re thinking the problem is maybe because the mass of the population is uneducated, it’s not. As per the Indian Employment report, the percentage of educated youth with at least secondary education has nearly doubled from 35.2% in 2000 to 65.7% in 2022. Despite the rising rate of enrolment in higher education, there is a concern of quality that’s persisting, leading to significant learning deficits among individuals.
Unemployment rate
The unemployment rate was at an all-time low between the years 2000 to 2019, but it has fluctuated over the past five years, taking the impact of COVID-19.? 2020 experienced the lowest rate at 8.00%, followed by an increase to 8.003% in 2023. Subsequently, in January 2024, the unemployment rate reduced to 6.57%.
Source: Forbes
Unemployment rate by Age split
This data is going to surprise you. Alp Consulting recently did a poll on the same. And this is what the audience had to say.
To our surprise, the stats confirmed this as true! The unemployment rate is soaring among youth in the age group of 18-24.
The unemployment rates of youth in rural areas are significantly high, resulting in the overall rise in youth unemployment across India, according to the CMIE data.
Source: Businessinsider,, businesstoday, scroll, Indian express, financialexpress, deccanchronicle, clarrionindia, timesofindia,
Unemployment rate projection in India for the next 5 years
According to econometric models by Trading Economics, the projected unemployment rate in India is expected to hover around 6.90% in 2025 and 7.10% in 2026.
Source: tradingeconomics, globaldata, cmie,, ycharts
The numbers seem daunting, and they are. But who is to blame for this? The first entity we look to point fingers at is the government. But are they the only ones responsible for this? Isn’t it also the responsibility of the corporate sector to create jobs?
The managing director of Alp Consulting, Mr. Kishore V N said “One of the biggest hurdles in employing India's youth population is a noticeable lack of their employability skills. Our universities churn out graduates in hordes who have degrees but not enough practical skills to get employed. “
He further added that there could be two possible solutions to this: first, a conscious effort by both the government and the private sectors to upskill Indian youth and make them ready for employment and second, encouraging and training the youth to go down the path of entrepreneurship”.
And while in this regard, both the government and private sectors have taken many initiatives, we still have a long way to go.
Reasons hindering youth employment
Latest Initiatives taken by companies for creating Employment.
Companies in India are actively engaged in initiatives to create job opportunities for the country's youth.
Of course, there are many more initiatives to be taken, but the efforts to upskill the young workforce have started and it is going to make a difference soon.
Source:, thecsrjournal, crossbarriers, f6s, nestle
Recent Government initiatives aimed at bolstering youth employment opportunities
Aims to provide skills and enhance the employability of 40,000 youth over a period of 5 years in various sectors such as manufacturing, construction, healthcare, and retail.
Practical skills are by far the most important and are also majorly lacking in our country’s youth. These labs are set up in schools to encourage innovation and creativity among students, to foster a culture of entrepreneurship and innovation.
Aims to provide financial assistance to women entrepreneurs and support the creation of new job opportunities.
Incentivizing employers for creating new employment and restoring lost employment during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Aims to provide youth with opportunities for skill development, education, and employment.
Aims to provide skills training and enhance the employability of youth in the region.
Aims to provide skill training and certification to youth to enhance their employability.
Creating efficient and effective institutional platforms for the rural poor to improve their livelihoods is extremely important. And this initiative aims for the same.
Provide training and upskilling of rural youth for entrepreneurship development.
Aims to provide collateral-free working capital loans to street vendors to restart their businesses. These initiatives aim to provide youth with opportunities for skill development, education, and employment, and to promote entrepreneurship and innovation among them.
Success stories of youth employment initiatives in India
Some regions where the employment-led initiatives have been fruitful are-
These success stories highlight the positive impact of various youth employment initiatives in India, showcasing how these programs have contributed to skill development, job creation, and economic empowerment among the youth.
Source: nyks.nic, educationnext, narendramodi,, linkedin
Overcoming the Challenge
With the right initiatives, India can conquer its unemployment challenge. By implementing measures and fostering job creation, we can pave the way towards greater employment opportunities and economic prosperity. Targeted policies, investment in skill development, and entrepreneurship support are some very significant factors that can help India can push through this unemployment phase. The journey towards alleviating unemployment may be complex, but with dedication, innovation, and a collaborative effort between government, industry, and society, a brighter future awaits where unemployment becomes a relic of the past.