How Google Search Engine Works

How Google Search Engine Works

Have you ever wondered how closely the human brain and Goggle search network works? Our brain’s job to bring the needed results to the surface and broaden our horizon of knowledge is recently in the hands of Google. If I say that Google search has become our brain, it would not be wrong! Google search engine is a systematic and highly intricate network that Google provides. It handles over 3.5 billion searches over a day with a 92% share of the global search engine market. Google arranges the search results by a complex ranking system called Page Rank, ranking web pages in search engine results. The name “page rank” comes out of the interplay of two words; Webpage and Cofounder Larry Page.

Let me list down the sequence in which the Google search engine accomplishes this auspicious job of ranking and bringing the best quality content results.?

Google Information sources:

Google collects information from these sources;

Web pages, user-submitted content?

Images and videos

Public databases on the internet and other sources

The principle steps that Google follows while generating results from web pages are;


A search engine assigns a team of crawlers or spiders to look for fresh and new content in crawling. The nature of the content can be diverse; it may vary from a webpage to a video or an image. Despite the variation of format, the content is discovered by a link. The updated content gets stored in the index called Caffeine which is a grand database of URLs. These URLs are retrieved when a searcher searches for content that matches the content under your URL.


Once the job of crawling has been undertaken, it is time for Google to make sure your sites are indexed. Your site does not always get indexed after it is discovered! The process of indexing consists of finding the pages that are rendered by a search engine. Google then analyzes the page content to see what the page offers to the public. Finally, the content on your page gets stored in the database known as the index.


Have you ever given it a thought that when a searcher types a query in the Google search, they are delivered the best relevant results in return? This whole systemized process is known as ranking. The ranking consists of the arrangement of search results from most relevant to least relevant. To maximize the quality and relevance of the results, search engines use algorithms, a process or formula that retrieves information in a meaningful manner.


Google search engine has always upheld its standards through these filtering processes. While the algorithms keep on changing, the quality has improved significantly. As a searcher, Google has made your journey of discovering the best possible results through Google search a seamless reality. It is true that Google search is the brain of the new generation!?


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