How a good school website can help save money

How a good school website can help save money

For schools, managing budgets effectively is a constant priority. The upfront cost of a professionally designed website might seem like a significant expense (though we have lots of budget-friendly options such as our pre-designed templates!), the long-term financial benefits far outweigh the initial investment. A well-designed school website not only enhances communication and engagement but provides opportunities for cost-saving efficiencies across many areas.??

Here’s how a good school website can help your school save money:??

Reduced printing and postage costs

Traditionally, schools have relied heavily on printed materials to communicate with parents – newsletters, forms, event invitations, fundraising requests and more. Printing and postage costs can add up quickly, especially for larger schools or those with frequent updates to share.? Where parents are not living together this can also cause extra costs and extra stress as it is harder and more expensive to get the message to all relevant parents.?

A school website eliminates much of this expense by moving communication online. With a well-organised site, schools can post newsletters, announcements, and online forms for parents to access directly. Features like polls to gather choices of days for school performances, and with our school app parents can even sign for absences from their mobile phones.?

Answering frequently asked questions on the website can significantly reduce the volume of calls and emails to the school office, freeing up staff to focus on other priorities.? And adding dates of events to the calendar can save parents from stressing about which day their child needs to pay £1 for Children in Need, or when they need to bring a packed lunch for the zoo trip.

This reduces the need for physical materials, saving not only money but also time and resources.??

Going paperless also aligns with sustainability goals, demonstrating your school’s commitment to environmental responsibility – something that resonates with many parents and eco-friendly schools and trusts!??

Streamlined administration

Administrative tasks often consume significant time and resources. From managing diary dates, to responding to parent enquiries, inefficiencies can lead to unnecessary costs. A good school website simplifies these tasks, reducing the burden on staff and lowering administrative expenses.??

Our policy compliance manager also helps schools to stay on top of policy creation, allocation of responsibility, editing and publishing all from one place to save time and stress.?

Cost-effective communication?

Keeping parents informed is crucial, but traditional communication methods like printed letters or phone calls can be costly and time-consuming. A well-designed website serves as a central hub for communication, allowing parents to access information quickly and efficiently.? Paired with our school apps for parents it can also save on the ongoing costs of additional parental communication tools and absence reporting tools.?

Features include:??

  • Push notifications – Integrated messaging systems that alert parents to updates in real time eliminate the need for costly text message services through the school app.??
  • Event Calendars –? A regularly updated calendar reduces the need for printed reminders about upcoming events.??
  • News updates – from sending the newsletter to posting updates and one-off news items, your school website, with or without the app, can become the trusted place for all relevant information which will save staff answering lots of questions.?

These tools not only save money but also enhance the speed and reliability of communication.??

Reduced technical support costs

An outdated website often requires frequent maintenance, troubleshooting, and updates—costs that can add up over time. Investing in a professionally designed, modern website reduces these ongoing expenses.? Some website companies include expensive long term support options which are costly and should not be needed if there is a good easy interface which allows school staff to keep the website updated easily.?

Our CMS (Content Management System) has been built with busy school professionals in mind with easy to use admin access, and page-level control meaning the burden can be spread around giving teachers control over their own class pages or senior leaders having access to the diary dates section, for example. If you are having to constantly send every page change to a support team then you will likely save money each year by moving to a website which gives you more control.?

Improved marketing and recruitment

For schools looking to attract new students, a high-quality website is a cost-effective marketing tool. Instead of investing in expensive advertising campaigns or printed materials, schools can use their website to showcase their strengths and achievements.??

Features that enhance marketing efforts include:??

  • Virtual Tours –? High-quality photos and videos of school facilities can replace the need for printed brochures or costly in-person tours.??
  • Success Stories and Testimonials –? Sharing student achievements and parent testimonials builds trust and attracts prospective families at no extra cost.??
  • Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) –? A well-optimised website ensures your school ranks higher in online searches, increasing visibility without relying on paid advertising.??
  • Jobs board – our jobs features can also help you to attract new staff to fill your vacant positions
  • eProspectus – our prospectus services can include printed materials or an e-version to add to your website to save even more money

A good school website is more than just a static display board, it’s a powerful cost-saving resource. Getting the website design right, with the right cost-effective company (Editor::hint hint that’s us!), can make a big difference in saving you money. Get in touch to find out more.


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