How To Be A Good Manager
If you've held a management position in the recent years, you're probably familiar with the pain of parting ways with a valuable team member who possesses a wealth of institutional knowledge as well as the time-consuming hiring process that involves screening applications, conducting several rounds of interviews, and finally orienting your new hire to their position and your business.
Similar to interpersonal connections, effective working relationships are based on effective communication techniques. This entails being clear in your communication of team members' objectives, due dates, and comments as well as attentive to their queries, grievances, and suggestions for improvement. Giving your team constructive feedback is an essential part of your managerial role since it gives them the chance to correct any flaws and clarifies what they need to do to advance their careers. It could be beneficial to make it a point to allow for several communication formats if you're in charge of a sizable team.This?will?allow?each?of?your?employees?to?contact?you?in?the?manner?of?their?choice,?whether?that?be?face-to-face,?via?email,?phone,?video?conferencing,?or?instant?messaging.?Allowing?for?these?variances?guarantees?that?everyone?has?the?equal?chance?to?be?heard?because?some?staff?are?simply?better?at?writing?than?speaking,?and?vice?versa.
Gain the trust of your staff members quickly by keeping them updated on important corporate decisions and developments. This will keep people interested in the company's objectives and future. By advocating for their needs while speaking with other departments and stakeholders, you may increase the trust that your team has in you. The more your team believes that you are looking out for their interests, the easier it will be for you to achieve positive results with them.
One of your primary responsibilities as a manager is to assign tasks to ensure the accurate and timely execution of projects. Effective delegation takes into account each employee's abilities, talents, interests, and bandwidth in addition to the specific tasks they were hired to perform. This involves providing your staff with the chance to grow professionally in the direction they want their careers to go. Serving as a link between your team and other departments, safeguarding employee time, and ensuring that they are able to understand how to prioritize their responsibilities are all examples of effective job delegation.
Lack of accountability will kill your team's productivity faster than anything else. You set the bar for accountability by setting a good example. Practice accountability by acknowledging your own errors and bad judgment without placing blame elsewhere, know when and how to apologize, and concentrate on solutions rather than focusing on your employee's errors. By doing this, you foster a culture where your staff may make mistakes and own them. Accountability will help promote a sense of purpose at work while averting rivalry.
When dealing with your team, demonstrate empathy by hearing about and validating their problems and by providing assistance and direction. Share any relevant experience you may have when assigning a new task, as well as how you would go about doing it. By reducing time spent on ineffective tactics, this will boost efficiency and foster a more supportive and upbeat work environment.