How Going Digital Can Lower Radiographer Burnout

How Going Digital Can Lower Radiographer Burnout

With the goal of providing better treatment for patients as well as success on the business end, the human needs of a lot of radiography staffers often get neglected, leading to the burnout phenomenon. This profession is in the top 10 of all radiography professions when it comes to burnout, and in many cases, it’s due to a lack of balance between staff availability and the resources to do their jobs. A burned-out staff is a danger to themselves and patients, so it’s important to try and curb this trend as much as possible. Here is how digital radiography factors in.

On the organizational end, people feeling that they are constantly trapped in tedious situations or with needless busywork for tasks is a good recipe for burnout. Digital radiography is inherently helpful here because, by design, it’s quicker and more efficient to use. Images are captured faster, data storage is far easier, and options like comparing past images to present images are also quicker. There’s also the chance for management to show they are thinking of their staff by making these investments. In general, practicing efficiency is the best thing managers and other leaders can do to have a less stressed team.

We often underestimate the mental toll that the medical industry can take, radiography included. It may never be possible to get rid of this completely, but getting rid of tedium and frustration is a good place to start. Digital radiography not only makes this happen, but also improves the patient experience as well with lower errors, radiation exposure, and quicker processing. As a result, this is an investment where everyone wins. When you are ready to reap some of these benefits, be sure to schedule a consultation with JPI Healthcare Solutions first so we can determine the ideal match for you.


