How God Helps And Punishes?

How God Helps And Punishes?

Here's - How God Helps And Punishes?

And other posts/ true incidents.

Which you may wonder after knowing.

Know by these new thoughts of the author shared in this book. If you can understand the deep meaning, you are very fortunate.

These are his sharing from time to time which contain the same word.

Some of them may be repeated based upon their importance.

Love and light to you!

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30 October 2023

How God Helps And Punishes?

*If you remember God!

If you are selfless!

If you do good!

*Then God creates good thoughts!

In your mind to solve your problem!

Thus God helps you!

*If you don't remember God!

If you don't believe God!

If you are selfish!

If you do bad!

*Then God creates bad thoughts!

In your mind to create more problem!

Thus God punishes you!

*Thoughts are created!

As per your Karma good or bad!

Good Karma create good thoughts!

Bad Karma create bad thoughts!

*Thus you are entangled!

By your own Karma!

By your own thoughts!

Like spider and spider-web!

*Thus you get joy and sorrows!

You are trapped in Srishti Chakra!

In cycle of births and deaths!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!

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9 June 2024

Everyone progressing towards divine

*You may be knowing!

You may not be knowing!

Everyone is progressing!

Towards the divine!

*Entire divine system is automated!

If you do good work!

You get its reward!

If you do bad work!

You get punishment!

*Thus everyone is refined!

Thus every work is neutralized!

Thus everyone is going!

Towards the divine or Almighty!

Knowingly or unknowingly!

*If you do selfless work!

You tend to be divine!

If you don't do selfless work!

You get its reward!

Thus you proceed to divine!

*Since it is the universe!

Of very perfect Almighty!

Hence everything is perfect!

There can not be imperfections!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


18 March 2024

Intention makes the difference

*Though a person can't do!

But intention makes difference!

*In the same work!

One can have!

Good or bad intention!

*And that becomes!

A cause of!

Good or bad birth!

*That becomes a cause!

For reward or punishment!

*Always keep good intention!

While doing any work!

*If intention is good!

That makes you liberated!

If intention is bad!

That causes bondage!

*Thus one is trapped!

By his own Karma!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


18 March 2024

Actions of God and Atma Gyani

*Their actions always for your profit!

But not for material profit!

They are for your divine gains!

*Their actions!

To neutralize your Karma!

By reward or punishment!

*You need to become!

Like clear sky!

Only then you can be liberated!

*You may feel!

Happy or unhappy!

With their actions!

*But they are selfless!

As they want nothing!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


2 February 2024

We are diamonds taking shape

*Everyone is a diamond!

Taking shape!

In the hands!

Of most skilled jeweller!

Of this universe!

Who is Almighty Himself!

*You should not have!

Even a slightest doubt!

On this truth!

*Good work gives reward!

Bad work gives punishment!

Entire system is automated!

Every act needs to be neutralized!

*And once we take the shape!

We become eligible!

To live in the abode of Almighty!

Permanently for ever!

Where no pain can touch you!

*This is possible!

Only when you are alive!

Not after the death!

*To know this truth!

This is the aim of your birth!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


30 October 2023

How God Helps And Punishes?

*If you remember God!

If you are selfless!

If you do good!

*Then God creates good thoughts!

In your mind to solve your problem!

Thus God helps you!

*If you don't remember God!

If you don't believe God!

If you are selfish!

If you do bad!

*Then God creates bad thoughts!

In your mind to create more problem!

Thus God punishes you!

*Thoughts are created!

As per your Karma good or bad!

Good Karma create good thoughts!

Bad Karma create bad thoughts!

*Thus you are entangled!

By your own Karma!

By your own thoughts!

Like spider and spider-web!

*Thus you get joy and sorrows!

You are trapped in Srishti Chakra!

In cycle of births and deaths!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


8 August 2023

Most Difficult Task In Spirituality

*Dehasakti and Dehabhiman. These two are most difficult task in Spirituality. If we can win these

two. Only then we can win our body and mind.

*Without winning body and mind, one can not know the Self or Atma or God.

*What is Dehasakti?

Attachment to our body is called Dehasakti. If we treat our body like the body of other. Only then

we can win our body.

*What is Dehabhiman?

Our pride for our body is known as Dehabhiman. If we give least value to our body. If we praise

the body of the others. If we don't praise our body. Then we can win our body.

*How to win the mind?

If we are not attached with our body even in our mind. If we give least importance to our body in

our mind. Then we can win our mind.

*For winning body and mind these three rules are helpful. Always remember1/ I don't know anything.

2/ I can't do anything.

3/ I don't have anything.

*Our body is our friend and enemy.

If we win our body, then it is our friend.

If we do not win our body, then it is our enemy.

*A washerman beats the cloth on a slab, not to tear it, but only to remove the dirt. If any thing

wrong has been done by us. Then punishment from others is not required but from us. Body

and mind needs to be punished for any wrong-doing by us only.

Then only we can remove our dirt. Then only we can clean our body and mind. If you can do

this, then you can win half battle for this purpose.

*Devotion to Sri Krishna helps us for winning the body and mind. Company of the divine people

also helps us in this matter.

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


13 July 2023

My Nature Sets Right Everything

*If you play with my nature!

If you do injustice with my nature!

My nature sets right everything!

*My nature is so powerful!

No one can withstand it!

Water, fire, soil, air, sky!

These five are my nature!

*If you play with them good or bad!

If you can't safeguard my earth!

My nature sets right everything!

By giving punishment or reward!

*Everything needs to be neutralized!

Everything neutralizes in this world!

*I never do anything!

My nature sets right everything!

*I am Purush!

My body and world my nature!

My nature sets right everything!

*This is my voice!

This is divine voice from sky!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


5 February 2023

Types of Sorrows or Pains in Life

1/ First sorrow is birth. Baby is born with too much difficulty. He weeps too much when he takes

birth. Mother and baby, both feel to much pain during this time.

When baby grows, he feels the pain of hunger, thirst, ailments and other problems but he can

not convey up to others. Hence he weeps.

2/ Karma - One has to do Karma when one grows up. Bad Karma gives pain of bad results and

punishment. But good Karma also gives the pain. When you get comfort, you become habitual

of comfort. When you miss the comfort, it becomes painful to you.

3/ Fear - One gets many fears in life due to many reasons in life.

4/ Worries - One is always worried in life due to many reasons. Worries burns the person.

5/ Anger - One becomes angry due to different reasons and if one does not get the desired


6/ Livelihood - One has to struggle for survival when he grows up.

7/ Hunger- If one is poor, he may have to remain hungry.

8/ Thirst - Control of thirst is very difficult.

9/ Desire- Desires give too much pain when one does not get the desired things. But, when one

gets the desired things, one fears of missing it. And after missing, it becomes too much painful.

10/ Attachment- Attachment is very painful since it gives fear of missing and finally actual


11/ Good or bad Children, relatives, friends etc

12/ Insult - One can not withstand insult.

13/ Diseases of self, children, relatives etc

14/ Fear of death of self, relatives, lovers and friends

15/ Death of Relatives, lovers and friends

16/ Old Age- One becomes very week and helpless in old age.

17/ Death- Most difficult moment is death.

One feels too much pain during the death.

18/ Weather- One has to struggle against different kinds of weather.

19/ Fear of Natural Calamities, Earthquakes, Floods, Storms etc.

20/ Popularity- If one becomes popular, he becomes very happy. But when he gets infamy, then

it gives too much pain. Even if one doesn't get infamy, then one gets too much pain during the

death since one becomes attached with popularity.

It is the law of nature - Higher you go, Lower you have to come back like a ball thrown in the


That is the reason liberation is required to get rid of the sorrows of body since body gives all the

above pains. Body is the cause of all these problems. Hence one has to get rid of body. Else

body acts like jail and gives many births.

Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


5 February 2023

How initial Sadhana is done?

*How penance is done?

About 30 years back I used to do initial Sadhana like this with the blessings of Lord Sri Krishna

while living at home.

It should not be shared at that time. But I am sharing now for the benefit of one and all. It can be

shared after 25 years or 30 years of your divine journey for the benefit of others.

*You must have faith on Krishna or your any God of any religion like this.

If any one speaks, you must consider that God is speaking through him since God is sitting

inside him. I used to do like this when my divine journey started about 30 years ago. You must

be ready to do anything or everything if any other person says to you assuming Krishna or God

is speaking through him.

You must do it always, not for once or twice.

*You should not apply your mind or intellect while doing this. In this way you can win your mind

and intellect. This is the aim of divine journey or spiritual journey. After that your spiritual birth

takes place and your divine journey starts.

*Krishna will help you in taking important decisions during this process.

*Check yourself that you can remain in standing pose for hours without food and water since

you are not body, you are Atma. Thus make yourself strong. During this time you can also recite

some Mantra in your mind. It should not be the case that whenever you want to sit down you are

sitting and whenever you want to stand up you are standing. You need to control yourself and

increase your withstanding power to control your body and mind.

*You can't wear the clothes of your own desire. You must wear the clothes, you must eat, you

must do everything as per the desire or interest of spouse or others but not yours.

*Thus you may win your mind.

It will also help to remember Krishna all the times in every thing, place and circumstances.

*Specially you must do it for your spouse. If any one is against you, then it will help you


*If your spouse is against your divine journey. Then you must do it secretly.

*I used to stand under the scorching sun naked feet without wearing any slippers or shoes

during peak summer season in the month of May and June.

And I used to hide myself while doing this.

It helped me to be more stronger.

*I used to assume myself Atma, not the body.

When you are Atma, then why should you give any comfort to your body?

Then you must do everything assuming yourself Atma only.

No comfort to body.

Give punishment to your body if it does any thing wrong.

Punishment for your body is not required by other. It is required by yourself only if it does any

thing wrong.

I did similar other practices while living in home which helped me to remember Krishna most of

the time.

*Thus you can win your body and mind.

Which is most essential in Spiritual Journey or divine journey.

Then you can be witness of your death.

Then you can know that you never die. Only your body dies.

Then you can know that you are immortal Atma.

I used to do like this.

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


16 Jan 2023

If we get bad

*If we do good!

Even then we get bad!

*If we get punishment!

Even if we have done nothing wrong!

*This is the greatest thing!

For firm belief on Almighty!

*Why it is so?

Why it happens?

*In this birth!

We do everything good!

It is great!

*We know only this much!

But Almighty knows!

About our all the past births!

*He needs to neutralize!

Karma of our all past births!

Only then we can be pure!

For immortality or liberation!

*Hence don't worry!

Be happy!

*Your past Karma!

They are being neutralized!

By withstanding all these!

*It will make you pure!

It will make you stronger!

Required to know yourself!

Required to know Atma!

*Nature sets right everything!

Every Karma needs to be repaid!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


24 DEC 2022

When you don't desire anything?

*When you are not thirsty!

You don't require water!

*Then excess water!

It becomes punishment!

Since you can't drink it!

*When you are not hungry!

You don't require food!

*Then excess food!

It becomes punishment!

Since you can't eat it!

Even if it is most delicious!


When you are fully contented!

Then you don't desire anything!

Even if you are made king of heaven!

It becomes punishment for you!

You will refuse for it!


You will have to leave it one day!

Even if you are king of heaven!

Then it will give you pain!

Hence wise does not want it!

*Then you deserve divine bliss!

Then you deserve Sri Krishna!

Then you deserve Almighty!

Which can never be missed!

Wisest people want it!

*When one is going to die!

What he will want!

Will he want to be a king?

He will want some breathes!

*When no slightest of desire!

When your total inability!

When your total incapability!

When you fully surrender!

*When you don't know anything!

When you can't do anything!

When you don't have anything!

*Then you are qualified for Krishna!

Then you are qualified for Almighty!

*And it is so surprising!

Krishna gives Himself!

You become Krishna!

You become God!

*Since you fully submerge!

In infinite ocean of Paramatma!

*Thus only God can know God!

Only Atma can know Atma!

Only Paramatma can know Paramatma!

Only Almighty can know Almighty!

*You have to be God!

You have to be Atma!

Even for short duration!

Since you are His part!

Then you know Him!

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5 July 2022

@They don't know Almighty

@Who fight on the names of Almighty!

They do not know Almighty!

@Suppose you have two names!

Your childhood name Mohan!

Your present name Sohan!

But you are the same person!

@In the same way!

Different names of one Almighty!

In different religions!

@They are ignorant!

Who fight in different names!

Of one Almighty!

@When they come to know!

Almighty is only one!

Different names in different religions

@Then they repent!

Then it becomes too late!

They can't escape!

Punishment by Almighty!

@That punishment!

In this birth!

And after this birth also!


Before doing any work!

Think hundred times!

You can't escape punishment!

@Almighty is seeing everything!

Cctv of Almighty always works!

Nature sets right everything!


7 May 2022

Don't think that God has kept silent

*You think that God does not watch!

Don't think that God has kept silent!

*God is always watching!

God is always acting!

*He is watching like cctv!

He is recording every thing!

*If you break temple or mosque!

If you trouble man or animal!

If you give pain to any tree!

If you harm any creature!

*You certainly get its punishment!

During this birth or next!

*Muslim rulers or Hindu rulers!

Administrators irrespective of religion!

Who did atrocities in the past!

They are still getting punishment!

*You see dogs, pigs etc of today!

What are they?

They are cruel rulers of the past!

*Karma rules never fail!

Like third law of Newton!

Reaction against your action!

*Krishna already proclaimed in Gita!

He puts such people in such births!

Again and again without fail!

*Krishna does not do anything!

Every thing is automatic!

Nature sets right everything!

*Forward this to all concerned!

To wake up all concerned!


15 FEB 2022

Nature sets right everything

*There can't be any injustice!

In the beautiful regime of Almighty!

*Nature sets right everything!

Reaction against action!

Like third law of Newton!

Everyone is repaid his Karma!

*Some Hindus were converted!

To other religions by force!

Some have come back!

Some will be reverted back!

*If you convert anyone!

You will surely be converted!

In this birth or next!

Never forget this fact!

*If you do atrocities!

You will get atrocities!

In this birth or next!

Without any doubt!

*Those emperors!

Who did atrocities on Hindus!

They have been punished already!

They are being punished!

They will be punished!

Every thing is automatic in nature!

*You can't escape your Karma!

No one can escape his deeds!

Deeds may be good or bad!

No injustice in court of Almighty!

*One may be Emperor, King!

One may be ordinary person!

One may be a group of people!

Everyone gets its rewards!

As per the Karma without fail!

*Every thing arranged by nature!

Every thing arranged by Almighty!

*Hence don't worry!

Be happy!

There will always be justice!

You want or not!

*Forward this to all concerned!

To wake up all concerned!


13 August 2021

Don't Be Upset

*Never be upset!

If someone says!

Someone shares!

Bad things, items!

*In the world!

All types of people!

Good and bad!

Created by Almighty!

*Same is the case!

With this group!

*It is also our test!

We must see only good!

We can't improve all!

Three Gunas required!

*See only good!

Know only good!

*If you can improve the bad!

Then you are fortunate!

If not, then do thy duty!

Bad will get punishment!

*You are no body to punish!

It is already arranged by Almighty!

*And what is punishment?

A process to refine!


27 May 2021

People want to die

People want to die!

What you can do?

People don't wear mask!

People don't keep social distancing!

What Police can do?

What Govt can do?

I saw on TV Screen!

People not wearing mask!

Even on Cremation ground!

What will you say about them?

People going out to protest!

People going to Subzi Mandi!

In large gathering!

Without any safety norms!

Police can't reach everywhere!

Govt can't reach everywhere!

Those who don't know!

It is our duty to tell them!

They should know!

By seeing others!

But those who know!

Even if they don't follow!

Covid safety norms!

What will you say about them?

You may be knowing!

Jako Prabhu Darun Dukh Dehi!

Taaki Mati Pahile Har Lehi!

It is from Ramayana!

Its meaning -

Who is going to have severe pain!

Intellect of those is stolen by God!

It is true in such cases!

There is population explosion!

Such people are due to this reason!

And they will get punishment!

Since they harm other people!

Forward to all concerned!

To wake up all concerned!


8 May 2021

They are the enemy of humanity

They are the enemy of humanity!

Who do black marketing of Oxygen!

And other items for Corona!

They are the enemy of humanity!

Who store the Oxygen!

And other items for Corona!

Food and any other items!

More than the requirements!

It is not necessary!

That Police must know about them!

It is more than sufficient!

That they know about their misdeeds!

They may escape from Police!

And other courts of this earth!

But no one can save them!

From the justice of Almighty!

The moment such people do!

Any theft or malpractice!

It is recorded by Almighty!

And awaits to neutralize!

Their punishment becomes manifold!

If they do such misdeeds in critical times!

When humanity needs help from all!


2 May 2021

Why punishment?

Why punishment?

Why sorrows?

So that you can remember Almighty!

So that you can know your purpose!

Purpose of your birth on this earth!

So that you can know your Creator!

It is an opportunity!

To know purpose of your birth!

Since you are trapped in false toys!

Of your popularity, wealth, designation!

And so many other things!

If there were no death!

World would be full of fire!

Fear of death is an opportunity!

To remove from your falsehood!

To know purpose of your birth!

To reduce the burden of mother earth!

28 April 2021

My Prayers to Almighty God


O my beloved Lord!

Please do not show!

Your horror Avatar of Narasimha!

Be pleased as you are already gracious!

We humans do the mistakes!

We beg your sincere apologies!

Please pardon all of us!

And show the right direction!

As we don't know!

What is right! What is wrong!

We ask sincere apologies!

At your lotus feet!

And promise!

We humans will not repeat!

Such mistakes in future!

Be pleased and gracious!

We have done many mistakes!

And still doing!

Since we are habitual!

But you are so much merciful!

You overlook our mistakes!

O my loving God!

It is enough!

People have got the punishment!

Of their misdeeds!

Be kind as you are ocean of kindness!

Please bless those nations!

Please bless those people!

Who are worst hit by Corona!

Be merciful as you are ocean of mercy!

They may believe or not!

On your existence!

They are ignorant!

Who don't have faith on you!

Son may forget the father!

But father can not forget the son!

They don't know you!

But you know all!

You are the true father of all!

Be kind, gracious and merciful!

My sincere prayers!

At your lotus feet!

Please bless all!

With your love!

Since you are ocean of love!

Note: Please forward this to all concerned if you want.


4 Apr 2021

Why good people suffer?

Second question by someone from US -

Why good people suffer?

Krishna has told in Gita!

Joy of divine is described!

Initially it seems to be poison!

But in the end it is like nectar!

Krishna has told in Gita!

Joy of evil acts is described!

Initially it seems to be nectar!

But in the end it is like poison!

You must be knowing Hindi proverb!

Paap ka Ghada Bharne do!

It means, sinner is lacking some more sins!

Let him accumulate some more sins!

Then he will get punishment, all together!

Since his sins are increased so much!

That he can not be improved!

Since he is unwilling to follow Dharma!

If you find any sinner enjoying the world!

You must know that his end is nearby!

During his life or after the death!

He is going to be ready for punishment!

If you get worldly Joy!

Your Punya are reduced!

If you get worldly sorrows!

Your sins are reduced!

Hence you must be happy to get sorrows!

By remembering this truth for always!


25 FEB 2021

Family members have different Karma

In your family your wife, husband, son, daughter may be having different Karma or Sanskar

depending upon their past births.

You may be Spiritual, your wife or husband or children may not be spiritual. Then it becomes

very challenging for you.

It is easy to live with the wise but it is very difficult to live with the fools. Then either you have to make them as per your nature or you have to become as per their nature. If they are too rigid and they don't want to become Spiritual, then you will have to act as per their nature. Or you may have to leave your home.

But your further journey will be as per your Prarabdha.

One has to come alone and go alone from this world. Only you have got any right in your Karma and not your wife, husband or children. Whatever you do you, will have to face the

consequences. Your wife, husband, children can not share your bad Karma. You have to suffer

sorrows and punishment for them.

? ? ?

1 FEB 2021

Childhood is the best age part 1

Childhood is the best age for spiritual development.

When I may be about 9 years old. I saw Ramayana in my home. I started to read it. Once I

started, I didn't want to stop. I continued. I read only translation and I liked it very much. I

finished almost full Ramayana within two days.

I was very much fond of Ram Lila. I used to see it in my city. Often my parents didn't allow me to

go for seeing it since it used to last up to 12 mid night or sometimes up to 1 O clock after

midnight. My home was very far away from that place. Hence I could reach to my home at about

2 O clock after midnight. Hence I used to go without their permission. When I used to return no

body used to open the doors and I used to get punishment from my parents. Still I used to go to

see the Ram Lila.


25 JAN 2021

O Hindus, What do you think?

O My Loving Hindus!

For me all are beloved!

One may be Hindu!

One may be Muslim!

One may be Christian!

All are my children!

O My Loving Hindus!

What do you think?

Those who broke your temples!

Who broke your palaces n forts!

Who touched your ladies n children!

I have left them unpunished!

No, it is never possible!

One has to repay his Karma!

It may be a person!

It may be a Group of people!

They are already punished enough!

And still being punished!

Aurangzeb, Babar!

Any king or person!

No one is exception!

They are still being punished!

You see the dogs, pigs etc!

They are such people!

Who are still being punished!

All are free to do Karma!

I never interfere!

When any temple or mosque is broken!

They are not broken!

Hearts are broken!

I am the witness! I just see!

And I don't interfere!

But no one remains unpunished!

This is my voice!

This is divine voice from sky!


29 December 2020

It is a punishment not reward

If you are minister!

If you are politician!

If you are very high officer!

Don't think!

That it is a reward!

It is like a punishment!

Almighty has given you!

Very high responsibility!

But not for yourself!

It is for others!

Those kings, ministers!

Politicians, high officers!

Who didn't fulfill their duties!

Up to the expectation of Almighty!

They already suffered a lot!

In this birth and next births!

Still they are suffering!

As dogs, pigs, etc!

As Krishna already told in Gita!

Who don't act worthy!

He throws them in these wombs!

Again and again!

Since no one is exception!

All have to repay their Karma!

In this birth or next!

Only rare people!

Like Lord Rama!

They can perform their duties!

As prescribed in scripture!


29 December 2020

Selfish Ministers or Kings

Those kings who were selfish!

Who did atrocities on public!

Who were very furious!

For children, ladies, people!

Do you know about them?

They are dogs and pigs now!

They are doing repayments!

Of their Karma even now!

Krishna has already told in Gita!

He throws them in such births!

Again and again!

Till they repay their Karma!

No one can escape his Karma!

He may be king, minister!

Or an ordinary person!

Every one has to repay his Karma!

If you are minister!

If you are politician!

Never forget this fact!

You have to set example!

To be minister or politician!

It is your exam by Almighty!

It is a punishment for you!

Only rare person can perform!

His duty like Lord Rama!i

If you are like Lord Rama!

Only then, be ready!

To become minister, politician!

High Officer or wealthy!

Then only you are fit!

Else be ready to be repaid!

Of your Karma!

In next births or this birth!

If you are selfish!


20 Nov 2020

Life moves in the direction of the best

If anyone is bad!

Life will move in best direction!

By giving him punishment!

Thus purifying him!

If anyone is good!

Life will move in best direction!

By rewarding him!

Thus encouraging him!

You may know!

Or you may not know!

Life moves in the best direction!

As per the deeds of one and all!


If someone is going for suicide-

If someone is going for suicide!

Then what is your duty!

You will try to save him!

With your mercy!

Same is the case of Almighty!

His devotees, Guru, Spiritual Masters!

A true Spiritual Master or Guru!

He can not see the people!

They are going for suicide!

Again and again!

Birth after the births!

Taking birth again and again!

Just for dyeing again and again!

It is like going for suicide!

In every birth!

Hence Almighty or Guru tries to save!

The people!

With His infinite mercy!

He even punishes them!

To reduce their sin and ego!

So that they may know!

The real purpose of life!

So that they may know!

Who they are?


Bad ThoughtsSome times friends ask me that they have bad thoughts. What is the solution?

If you do bad Karma, then your body will get punishment.

But if you have bad thoughts, then your mind needs to be punished.

Hence for this Titiksha is required. Titiksha means your power to withstand the sorrows or your

insult. It purifies your mind and thoughts.

For this Almighty has made arrangements. Some will abuse you. Some one will insult you. So

that you can develop this rare quality of Titiksha.

Hence thank to one who insults you. Since it will increase your Titiksha. It will purify your

thoughts. It will purify your mind. Ultimately it will purify you.

Your purification is very very necessary so that you can knock the doors of Almighty.

Impure mind can not break the Maya or Illusion. Without breaking Maya, you can not knock the

doors of Almighty.


Why work is worship?

Why Almighty has made work or Job?

Have you ever thought about it?

Almighty has shown His mercy by creating work or job. It may be any job, office job or

household work or your personal work.

Hence work is itself a reward!

You may do mistakes while working, but never worry!

Never fear of mistakes!

Krishna has told in Gita - No work is perfect.

Mistakes are indispensable to teach you lessons of life!

If you sit idle without any work in your home or office, you will become mad!

Reason of depression, tension in your life is just wasting your time. If you waste time, time will

waste you!

Empty mind is devil's workshop.

It is very True!

About thirty years back my some of the staff committed some mistakes.

You know what punishment I gave to him.

I asked him to sit idle for one month.

And what happened?

Just after ten days he came to me weeping.

He told me - Sir, I am so sorry. You have given me enough punishment. I will never repeat the

same mistakes.

I again engaged him in his old duty.


They will learn the lesson

They will learn the lesson!

After Corona period!

Who have not honored!

Their Mazdoor!

Since it was their test!

By Almighty!

Who have not paid them the salary!

During this Corona period!

They will not find Mazdoor!

After Corona period!

Since most of the Mazdoor!

They have left to their cities!

By walking on feet with pain!

Since they were not paid!

Now these Mazdoor will not come back!

Such owners will have to repent!

They may have to close their factory!

And they will get such punishment!

Since it is law of nature!

If you insult any one or any thing!

The same will insult you!

Be rest assured without any doubt!


Man is an Animal

Human is also an animal!

Like other animals!

But he is refined!

Form of animal!

Animals have to be punished!

Humans have to be punished!

For their misdeeds, carelessness!

Like a child is to be punished sometimes!

Else child can not study!

For this reason law of punishment!

Every calamity is a punishment!

Else humans can not progress!

They may become out of order!

Hence calamity is created!

One should not be out of control!

One should not be careless!

It creates pain to the earth!

Earth is protected by Almighty!


My Prayers to Almighty God

O my beloved Lord!

Please do not show!

Your horror Avatar of Narasimha!

Be pleased as you are already gracious!

We humans do the mistakes!

We beg your sincere apologies!

Please pardon all of us!

And show the right direction!

As we don't know!

What is right! What is wrong!

We ask sincere apologies!

At your lotus feet!

And promise!

We humans will not repeat!

Such mistakes in future!

Be pleased and gracious!

We have done many mistakes!

And still doing!

Since we are habitual!

But you are so much merciful!

You overlook our mistakes!

O my loving God!

It is enough!

People have got the punishment!

Of their misdeeds!

Be kind as you are ocean of kindness!

Please bless those nations!

Please bless those people!

Who are worst hit by Corona!

Be merciful as you are ocean of mercy!

They may believe or not!

On your existence!

They are ignorant!

Who don't have faith on you!

Son may forget the father!

But father can not forget the son!

They don't know you!

But you know all!

You are the true father of all!

Be kind, gracious and merciful!

My sincere prayers!

At your lotus feet!

Please bless all!

With your love!

Since you are ocean of love!


Violence and its support

Those who do violence!

Or support it!

They remain in miseries!

Even after death!

There should not be!

Even slightest of doubt!

They are thrown!

As dogs, cats etc!

In next births!

They can never get peace!

Until they change their path!

Since it is the law of nature!

Like third law of Newton!

Whatever you give!

You get the same in multiple!

Almighty does not do anything!

Only nature is created like this!

Nature supports love and peace!

Nature punishes hatred, violence!


Solution of bad thoughts

Subtle mind is not visible!

How to punish it?

You can punish your body!

If it is doing something bad!

But if mind is doing bad!

How to punish it?

For that!

Only solution!

You must have difficulty!

You must have sorrow!

You must feel hurt!

You must feel sad!

Then only you can win mind!

Then mind will not think bad!

Then you will not get bad thoughts!

To purify your mind!

You must try to think good!

You must have good company!

You must do selfless work!

You must read good!

You must do good!

You must see good!

You must speak good!

You must do hard work!

Mind should not be empty!

Keep it engaged!

Then only!

You will think good!

Then only!

Mind will be purified!

Then only!

You can win body!

Then only!

You can win mind!

Then only!

You can win subtle mind!

2 December 2019


Newton's third law in Spirituality

Newton's third law holds good in Spirituality also.

If someone abuses you and you also abuse him. Then every thing becomes neutral.

There is always reaction of any action!

But if you don't abuse him. If you keep silent. If you keep listening. It means there is no reaction

from your side.

Then there will be reaction by the nature.

Then there will be reaction from Almighty.

That is very certain. That is very true.

And that reaction will be ten times!

Hence if anyone is abusing you. Keep silent if you can withstand. Don't react if you want ten

times punishment for him by the nature!

It will enhance your patience!

It will enhance your power to withstand!

But the best one are those who forgive the culprit like Bhakt Prahlad! They pray to Almighty not

to punish the culprit but to give him Sadbuddhi ie wisdom to correct. Even then the culprit is

never pardoned. But they make their mind pure.

13 July 2019

Your body is your enemy!

*Your body is your enemy!

You are doing any thing wrong!

Only for this body!

And its relatives!

*You tell a lie!

Only for this body!

You fight with others!

Only for this body!

*You do leg pulling!

Of others!

Only for this body!

You do back biting!

Of others!

Only for this body!

*You cheat others!

Only for this body!

You become angry!

Only for this body!

You are greedy!

Only for this body!

*You decorate your body!

But you never decorate yourself!

You are earning for the body!

And for its relatives!

But not for yourself!

You have accumulated wealth!

Only for this body!

But not for yourself!

You want comfort!

Only for this body!

But not for yourself!

You want happiness!

Only for your body!

But not for yourself!


Your body is your enemy!

Give it trouble!

Take the revenge!

You have done all the wrong!

Due to this body only!

Punish it as much as you can!

Since it never helps you!

You always help it!

*You forgot yourself!

Due to this body only!

And one day it will leave you!

Leaving you orphan!

*If you want to know yourself!

Punish this body!

Since you are not a body!

Remove your attachment!

Remove your pride of the body!

Remove your ego of the body!

Then you see!

This entire universe is yours!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!

26 June 2019

If your tongue is injured by your teeth!

*If your tongue is injured by your teeth, to whom will you give punishment?

Similarly all people are your own if any one commits any mistake against you, why should you

be angry with his behaviour?

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!

17 February 2019

Hate the sin, not the sinner: Its Meaning

People are confusing its meaning. People think that sinner should be left without punishment.

No, sinner should not be left without any punishment.

Sinner should be punished.

And sinner is punished by the Almighty also.

Provision of death has been made by the Almighty only for this reason so that the sinner can be punished.

And everything is automatic.

No one can escape his karma.

Karma is as true as third law of Newton - Reaction against action.

But the aim of punishment is to improve the guilty.

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About Pravin Agrawal

Pravin Agrawal is Founder of Spiritual India WhatsApp Group, spread worldwide with eminent members from many countries and many fields like Science, Technology, Spirituality, Medicine, Ayurveda, Yoga, Naturopathy including Doctors, Engineers, Army Officers, etc. He is a God-realized soul. He is an engineering graduate from the world renowned university IIT Roorkee, India. He is imparting spiritual research & training for the people of all nations. Spirituality is the solution to every problem related to business, job, health, finance, love etc. As per the author this world seems to exist but it does not exist.

You don't know that you have been sleeping for millions of years.

Main reason for chaos in the entire world is ignorance. The author is regularly sharing his write-ups to remove the darkness of ignorance and spreading the light of knowledge. He is a renowned god-realized soul and Spiritualist. Spirituality is the solution to all problems.

It is ironic. We want to know about others. We want to know about Mars, other planets and stars but we don't know about ourselves. We consider ourselves merely a body which is not true.

Read spiritual write-ups every day, you will be getting blessings from god since the name of god is like fire. Even if you touch fire unknowingly or by mistake, your finger will burn. Similarly if you read them even without knowing Almighty or by mistake, you will be getting blessings of god. Share it to your friends by email, facebook, twitter etc for creating spirituality on this beautiful planet earth.

His posts have been designed with the objective of bringing a positive change on this planet earth with the overall good of all the people of this beautiful universe!

His most of the posts are collections of beautiful thoughts with the blessings and grace of beloved Lord Sri Krishna which are shared for all the people of the world irrespective of any difference of religion, nation, gender, status, race, caste, language etc.

In some writings of the author you may find some Hindi or Sanskrit words. If you want to know about these words, you can Google search for them. The author solicits your sincere apology in case of any types of mistake or inconvenience. Accept infinite love, thanks and Pranam from the author.

He is regularly sharing his blogs, posts in Speaking tree website, LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook etc.

You can Google Search his all the profiles by the following key-words-

Pravin Agrawal Spiritualist Blogger

Most of his posts / blogs / books can be searched by Google.

Adhyatma Vidya or Divine Knowledge or Spirituality is the king of every available knowledge on planet earth. This is the most secret and sacred knowledge. Initially this knowledge was imparted thousands of years ago by Lord Sri Krishna and Vedas.

But this knowledge was lost with time.

Now the author is making every effort to revive this age-old traditional knowledge in a very easy way in the form of his write-up and thoughts inspired by Lord Krishna, Himself, which are shared here.

Main requirement to gain this knowledge is Abhyas i.e. practice again and again. If you read his posts again and again, it will make your Abhyas firm. Then you will be very near to know Almighty God! Try it!

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27 December 2023

How to Finish Ignorance?

Hi Friends,

The main reason of present chaos in the world is ignorance.

Why so many fights, quarrels, pain, Leg-pulling etc in the present world?

Why so much evils in the world?

It is due to ignorance.

If you don't want to see the darkness of ignorance in the world. If you don't want to see evils in the world. If you want to see the light of knowledge in the world.

Then please share this in the Mygate App of your Apartment and other places as much as possible or at least once in a month-

Spiritual India WhatsApp Group: A Gurukula-

Those people who share this will be a medium to spread this sacred task of Sri Krishna. They may have glimpse of divine knowledge in this birth itself.

Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!

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25 March 2023

Don't consider my posts like poem

*My posts are not merely!

Like poems!

They are based on!

Actual truth!

Which is encountered!

At different levels of knowledge!

*Almost all of my posts!

They are based on actual truth!

That is a universal truth!

At different levels of knowledge!

*I have no ability to write!

Whatever I can write!

Whatever I can do!

That is due to my Krishna!

*Almost all of my posts!

They have been created!

As per my thoughts!

Blessed by Sri Krishna!

*Hence they are not mine!

They belong to Sri Krishna!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!

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Some Recent LinkedIn Posts of Pravin Agrawal

All More Than 1000 Likes-

My Nature Set Right Everything By Pravin Agrawal-

Knowing yourself is Dharma, Not knowing yourself is Adharma-

Gems Of Yoga Vasistha To Know The Self-

People also ask : Who is Pravin Agrawal?-

Ten Most Important Posts of Pravin Agrawal-

Miraculous Benefits of Hanuman Chalisa-

Most Professional Knowledge is Divine Knowledge-

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Something New On Death: Everyone Is Waiting To Die By Pravin Agrawal-

Peace can't be achieved without divine By Pravin Agrawal-

The Most Secret Knowledge - Adhyatma Vidya-

Secret of Yoga By Pravin Agrawal-

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You are under cctv surveillance By Pravin Agrawal-

Youths Need Proper Guidance: Quotes of Pravin Agrawal-

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Visit these videos-

Unveiling the Mystic Pravin Agrawal-

Exploring Sanatan Dharma: The Eternal Way-

Unlocking the Soul: The Journey Beyond Identity-

Experiencing Enlightenment: A Divine Journey-

The Ultimate CCTV: Divine Surveillance!-

Beyond the Body: A Journey to Moksha-

?????? ?? ???: ?? ?????? ??????-

Bhagavad Gita Ki Mahima: Ek Sachchi Ghatna-

Pravin Agrawal's True Experiences-

Shree Hanuman Chalisa Original Video GULSHAN KUMAR HARIHARAN Full-

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Unveiling the Mystic Pravin Agrawal-

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Arjun L. Pandit.

PHLD Planner at Katoen Natie khonaini

7 个月

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Pravin Agrawal ????

?! Founder, SIndia! ???? ???? ?? JSK! LOVE??You are under cctv surveillance!

7 个月

How God Helps And Punishes?


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