How To Go From Sub 3K A Month To 10k+ Months Consistently

How To Go From Sub 3K A Month To 10k+ Months Consistently

Introducing The Fitness Business Manuscript: 26 Instantly Applicable Secrets To Go From Sub 3K A Month To 10k+ Months Consistently

Without sending 50 DM’s a day, without posting 3 times a day and without spending a dime on ads

What I’m about to share with you will be more valuable than 90% of all paid programs out there.

Which is why the length of this post will be longer than you like.

And for the ones committed out there who will go through this Fitness Business Manuscript, I’m commited to blow you away with so much value that it will be life changin for you.

So that withing within just a few weeks you’ll make so much more money, that you’ll apply to join my private tribe.

Odds are, you want to read this Fitness Business Manuscript more than once.

You’re ready?

Let’s roll.

1. Your Unique Mechanism

In a crowded fitness, weight loss and health market, where everyone and their mom promises you to “drop 20lbs without giving up your favourite foods”, you have to differentiate yourself.

The fastest and most effective way to do that is having a unique mechanism in your marketing message.

P-90x had muscle confusion.

Turapur has their unique filtering system.

Febreze has their Febreze’s OdorClear technology.

I have the VDP Formula.

Not only does this differentiate yourself from your competition, but as it’s something your prospects haven’t heard before, it gives them the hope that this could finally be the thing that works for them after failing time and time again.

And hope is the most powerful emotions you can awaken in someone.

2. Emotions

They are crucial to make decisions.

Every decision we humans make is based on emotions.

If you don’t make someone feel emotional, they will never buy.

The key to writing winning content is to not only give tremendous value, but figure out their key emotion.

For an entrepreneur, the emotional trigger is wealth.

If they can’t see that fitness will make them more successful, they are less likely to buy your stuff.

3. Storytelling

Facts tell, stories sell.

The best way to wake emotions in someone is using stories.

Stories will help you to stand out as they can’t be copied and will be your signature message.

They will be told over and over again to other people.

Think about 50Cent who got shot 9 times.

Eminem with his hard childhood.

Arnold Schwarzenegger who went from Mr. Olympia to Hollywood Star to politician.

We all have a story.

It’s your job to tell your story over and over again from different angles so that your audience "gets it" and align their worldviews with yours - which is one of the keys to having them throw their wallets at you.

4. Logical Arguments

When you want to market your product, don’t just be another spammy guy who says “I’m the best”.

“Look at me, I will help you get in shape etc.”

See your marketing message the same as if you would be at the police station and had to prove that you aren’t guilty.

Prove to your prospects WHY your solution is different than anything they have ever tried.

Why your offer is superior than the one form your competition.

How your solution is worth the investment.

Show how everything you do is either backed by science or practical experience.

While we make decisions with emotions, we justify them with logic.

Especially if your audience works in the business space, they want to see more arguments - as these guys, who understand marketing and ales, don't fall for the typical marketing hype that everyone is putting out.

5. Different Is Better Than Better

Catchy phrase, isn’t it?

Yet it’s crucial to stacking dollars into your bank account.

While it sounds logical to say "my solutions is better than this one", it’s almost useless.

Nobody wants better.

Actually, let me correct.

Nobody buys better.

People are lazy.

They don’t want an improvement to an existing thing.

They want something new.

And to present something new, you have to be different.

Different is what fills you calendar, while better is what makes your prospects mentally opt-out.

6. Show Facts

We talked about logical arguments and proof earlier.

One of the easiest ways to differentiate yourself is by showing facts.

Most fitpros will sell “more energy” and “more confidence” and “higher sex drive”.

These are great benefits – but everyone can tell them.

And if everyone can do it, it’s not unique and different.

By showing facts, you set yourself apart from the noise.

One fact could be the average weight someone loses after working with you for 30, 60 and 90 days.

Another one could be how much more sex they have with their partner per month.

These are straight forward and no BS facts.

If you can proof them, your prospects once again will feel hope.

Remember what I said earlier about hope?

7. The “Money Flow”

Focus on the “Money Flow” to understand your ideal clients better.

Most people will say they want to have more energy to play with their kids or feel great at the beach.

While these things are true, they aren’t the emotional triggers why people will buy your stuff.

The key is to focus on where they spend their money, not on what they say.

Because their money flow is their priority.

Once you see what’s a priority to them, now you’ll gather insights on what truly makes them tick.

An executive might spend big money on stock market investments.

Now you now he wants to have more wealth.

A single teacher might spend money on buying nice clothes.

Now you know she wants to look great for her dates.

These are tiny little things that can results in big profit if you understand how to leverage them.

This is called human behavior.

8. Frameworks > Scripts

Use frameworks over scripts.

Everyone can give you a content, messenger or sales calls script to follow.

While it will work a couple of times, you’ll face unique situations to your business.

And these unique situations require unique approaches.

When you follow frameworks, you’ll understand the psychology and strategy behind each business activity.

The more you understand what you do and how things work, the easier it is to put them into action without having a script.

9. Empathy

Let’s face it – your prospects are 99% of the times out of shape.

If you want to win their trust, you have to win it through empathy.

While most of your competitors will judge them, call them lazy, fat, ugly, etc – you can set yourself apart by wearing their glasses.

Show and tell them how you understand what’s going on in their life vs judging them for it.

“So you finished work and now you eat chips instead of working out”


“I can understand that after a long day at work, these little indulges seem to relief the stress. And you know what? It’s ok to threat ourself once in a while. But did you know that there’s a new way to ..”

Who are they going to see as their trusted advisor?

10. The Power Of 1 Emotion

Focus on 1 emotion only when you write content.

Your prospects have 1 predominant emotion.

Maybe they feel frustrated of working out so hard and not losing the last layer of fat.

Or hopeless and gave up on themselves.

Do you know which one to target?

If not, go and ask someone of your (past) clients how they felt before working with you.

Now it’s easier to hit that 1 emotion + show empathy.

This is critical for people who have tried many things over and over again and didn’t got the results they want.

11. Solve Their Problem, Don’t Force Them Your Solution

I see times and times again where business coaches tell fitpros to hammer into their prospects objections.

“I don’t have time to workout 3 times a week at the gym”.

“But you have to Jane, we all have the same 24 hours”

Instead of hammering this into them, focus on creating a solution to their problem.

“Don’t have time to work out 3 times a week at the gym? You don’t have to Jane. With my 16Minutes Home Formula all you have to do is exercise twice a week without equipment at home. You think you can commit to that”

Which solution will Jane buy?

Which solution will Jane tell her friends about?

And which solution will Jane be able to follow for the rest of her life.

Become a relentless problem solver and create unique solutions to your prospect’s challenges.

And if you don’t know how, do some research.

There are many studies that highlight new ways to work out, eat and optimize your health in little time or without the things your prospects hate.

Your job is to give them everything they want without all the things they hate.

Don’t call out on objections but rather make your product so good that it overcomes their objections.

12. Never Stop Marketing

I used to make the mistake of marketing and selling before someone would buy, but then I stopped after they joined my program.

The thing is, marketing never stops.

Want your prospects to consume your videos in the membership area?

Have good headlines, easy to consume content and sell the consumption.

In a world of information, you can’t take for granted that your prospects will watch everything – even if they paid you for it.

And if you want to become elite, the best in your field, you better make sure they watch all your stuff.

Even if that means re-filming your videos 20 times a year.

13. WIIFM – Everyone’s Favourite Radio Station

WIIFM = What’s in it for me

If you can show someone what’s in it for them, you’ll lose their attention.

Especially if you aren’t well known to your prospects, always tell them what’s in for them.

Want them to watch your live video? Tell them what’s in for them.

Want them to read your content like this post? Tell them what’s in for them.

Want them to jump on a strategy call? Tell them what’s in for them.

14. Personalized Touch

Use personalized touchpoints in your marketing.

Voice messages are a great thing for this.

Personalized videos can be another one.

The more you show you truly care about someone, while making them see you have the solution to their problem – the higher the chances they will become a client of yours.

While everyone plays on automation and chatbots, play your cards on personalization.

15. Pattern Interrupts

Use pattern interrupts to grab your prospects attention.

This can be personalized touchpoints.

This can be attention grabbing images.

Shocking headlines.

Braking industry standards.

There was one guy who did the Fit2Fat2Fit transformation.

Because it was so unreal, it got him on TV, magazines and everyone was talking about it.

What can you do to stand out in your marketplace and interrupt (and disrupt) what everyone else is seeing and doing?

16. Partnerships

Create strategic partnerships with vertical competitors.

These are people who sell to your audience, but with a different solution.

Let’s say you help single realtor mom’s get their pre-pregnancy body back.

Now there are other people selling to realtor mom’s things like business advice, taxes etc.

How can you partner up with these folks and create strategic alliances where the both of you win?

Maybe you might know a copywriter, pay him for some of your posts and in exchange help him be more active when sitting all day in front of the screen.

There are 100’s of ways you can create partnerships.

The more creative you are, the more you’ll create.

17. Referrals

Create a referral program or system for your clients and non-clients.

And don’t be cheesy and give 100 bucks or 5%.

At the beginning you can even go all in and give 20-30% commission.

It’s better to get clients with a lower profit margin than staying broke.

18. Sell On Commitment

Filter out bad clients by selling on commitment.

The way you do that is test their commitment in messenger or on sales calls.

Ask probing questions to filter them out.

You might be afraid at the beginning of challenging someone like this, but it will save you a lot of time.

I can’t begin to tell you how many uncommitted clients who were just in for the money, but didn’t want to do the work, I filtered out like this.

19. Track Your Numbers

You tell your clients to track their calories and macros, right?

Then apply the same rule in business.

What gets tracked, gets improved.

If you don’t track, don’t expect to move forward with clarity.

Tracking shows the errors in your marketing and sales and makes them easy to fix.

Got 10 calls a week but no sales?

You now have a sales problem.

Without tracking, it’s always going to be “I’m not making the money I want” or “it’s not working”.

Be more specific to figure out what’s not working.

20. Accelerate Your Trust

The faster you can build trust, the faster you turn a cold lead into a red hot and ready to buy client.

One of the fastest ways to accelerate that trust is to use videos in your marketing.

Studies have shown that videos build 1200% more trust than text.

While text is crucial as not everyone has time to watch your videos, putting out 1-2 videos a week will give your brand a name, image and boost.

21. Sharpen The Axe

There’s a saying that goes ..

“Give me 4 hours to chop a tree and I’ll sharpen my axe the first 3”

There are countless ways you can sharpen your axe in business.

One of the most important ones are sales calls.

If you’re not closing at least 25% of your calls, go and role play.

Have a daily call with another fitness coach.

Role play, record it, listen to it, improve your language, tonality and word choices.

Listen to the energy, breathing and speed of conversation.

Do this 30 day in a row and I’ll guarantee you’ll close more calls without even changing your offer.

22. Have An Irresistible Backend Offer

Have an irresistible backend offer for your prospects.

One of the fastest ways to prepare yourself to go fulltime online is having a strong backend offer.

If you have clients stay with you 1 years instead of just 90 days or 2x 90 days, you’ll have a stable monthly revenue and more transformational results.

Especially if you move into paid ads, it’s way easier to make profit from your advertising when your lifetime customer value is 2-4x higher than most of your competition.

23. Polarize

Don’t be afraid to polarize.

If you don’t stand for something, you stand for nothing.

You believe in Keto?

Promote the shit out of it.

You stand for fasting?

Stand for it.

Tell people why you love it, why you use it in your program.

In 2020, people want leaders.

Your prospects want a leader.

And a leader speaks his voice and his message without being afraid of judgement.

Grab the torch in the darkness and see how people will follow you.

24. Followers Don’t Pay The Bills

Talking about followers .. they don’t pay the bills.

It doesn’t matter how many people follow you to hit your first 10k month.

If you have 500-800 people in your audience, that’s more than enough.

The key is to understand your audience, what they truly want and make them an irresistible offer for it.

Clients pay your bills, not followers.

Focus on converting prospects into clients instead of growing your followers.

25. Offers

The more offers you make, the more profit you take home.

Your offer isn’t a nutrition plan, a diet plan or a course.

Your offer is your solution presented in a unique, irresistible way that you feel almost stupid of making such a crazy deal.

And the crazier deals you make, the more clients you will enroll.

This is especially crucial when aiming to hit your first 10k month.

More offers = more money

More money = Leave 9-5 forever

26. Mentorship

The fastest way to quit your 9-5 and hit 10k months repeatedly is having a mentor.

Someone who is been there and done that.

Someone who walks the talk and has helped countless others like you.

There’s a reason you tell your clients to invest into a coach.

But do you follow the same rule on yourself?

Tyson had a mentor.

Jordan had one.

Messi has one.

What about you?


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