How to go From $75K to $2.8 Million
Beth Liebman - Certified Business Coach and Trainer
From Overwhelmed to "I Did It!" – Empowering Women, Veterans & Travel Agencies to Achieve Their Dreams with Balance & Confidence | Growth-Focused Business Coach | Balance-Driven & Transformational Coaching | USAF Veteran
Do you want to go from making $75K in June to making $2.8MM by the end of the year?
I did just that by using VALUES. How do VALUES make that kind of change?
VALUES stands for Vision, Accountability, Leadership, Unproductive, Expectations, and Support.
To get people onboard share your vision. Paint the picture of how you will lead the team from where you are to the new vision you are sharing. Explain their roles in this change, what is important to you, and share your why. As Simon Sinek said, people don't buy what you do, they buy because of why you do it. For some people the why is the most important thing. They just need to understand why. For me it was about the people.
When I led teams one thing I repeatedly heard was, "Beth holds you accountability." Accountability is an important step on the way to successful change. I set goals with each member of the team and we reviewed them weekly. No one wanted to let down their teammates down by not hitting their goals. The first few weeks of this was probably a little painful for some people but as the weeks went on we got to celebrate more.
Leadership means different things to different people. My style is more servant leadership. I didn't ask my team to something I was not willing to do. Understanding the hurdles and barriers your team faces is critical. I took a turn at working a Saturday shift to better understand what my team went through. There were things that were not working they way they were supposed to. As the leader my feedback seemed to hold my weight. Processes improved, got stream-lined, and everyone benefited.
Look for task that don't need to be done, unproductive work. In most operations I have worked in there is work that does not add value. Find that work and eliminate the waste. This low hanging fruit will result in some quick wins for the team and build momentum. One example was sharing equipment, three drivers sharing two trucks vs. each driver having their own. Only two drivers worked at a giving time. Equipment sitting was a huge waste.
When setting expectations make sure they are clear and understood. People want to succeed. As leaders we simply need to share what we expect of them. Create an expectation document to share with team members. Make sure to ask what your team members what they expect of you also. Just like setting goals make sure expectations are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Time-bound. If they are not being met follow-up and reset if needed.
All teams need support. That support may differ day to day and person to person. Some days it is encouragement when the team is putting out fires. Other days it celebrating the wins of each person and the team. Support your team in their development. Allow your team to voice their opinions. Listen to them. I still recall my Customer Service Manager telling me in front of entire team "that's a dumb idea." I huge silence came over the office floor as people waited to see what I would say. I simply asked why she thought that, and she was right. Based on her feedback it would have been a bad decision. Listen to your team.
If you want to learn more about how I got this operation from making $75K to $2.8MM in just six months email me or use my scheduling link to set up time to talk.