How to "give value" on social media
Let's dive into the topic of "giving value" on social media.
It's a buzz phrase that everyone loves to talk about, but how many actually explain what value really means?
Unfortunately, very few.
And this poses a problem because many people automatically assume that value equates to information.
Now, if we follow this line of thinking, it would suggest that more information equals more value.
But that's not entirely true, and here's why it matters - ESPECIALLY for online coaches:
Consider the precious resource of time.
The more information you provide to your audience, the more time it requires for them to consume it.
As a result, the perceived value of what you're sharing diminishes.
This aspect becomes even more critical when engaging with high-performers, as their time is incredibly valuable, and they won't tolerate wasting it.
Now, let's address the million-dollar question: What can you offer that holds immense value for your target audience without consuming their time?
In other words, how can you provide high perceived value?
The straightforward but essential answer lies in your ability to masterfully edit your long-form content down to its core essentials.
You must learn to make every word count, eliminating any "fluff" or "filler" that may dilute your message.
This skill is a must-have for online coaches who want to succeed in providing value to others, especially on social media.
But let's explore a more intriguing approach.
Picture yourself as a giver of profound realizations.
Realizations that completely rock someone's world and shift their perspective.
They're the one-sentence gems that forever alter the way people think about a certain topic.
And guess what?
They don't demand much time from your audience.
By sharing these profound realizations, you transform your online presence into one that people simply can't afford to miss.
It's a position of immense power.
And let me tell you, this is where your account will grow tenfold faster than if you were to post lengthy 5,000-word essays every single day.
So, my fellow online coaches, here's the takeaway:
In order to thrive in the digital realm, you must understand the true meaning of providing value.
Yes, it's about offering information, but it's also about respecting your audience's time.
Become a master editor, distilling your message to its essence.
And above all, be a conduit of profound realizations that leave a lasting impact on those who follow you.
That's the key to success in this online coaching game.