How To Give Up On Giving Up Slowly
Robert Goodman
Creative Problem Solver | Expert in White Space Situations | Seeking Senior Marketing Positions
I have said it before, and I will say it again.? Not everyone will buy into your vision.? I am going through a very frustrating time because of other people.
A few months back, I was interviewed for a position and everyone with whom I spoke seemed really keen on me.? But they went with someone else.? That someone else did not work out and all factors behind them not working out are not factors for me.? I can do the job and do it better than anyone else they can find, but they refuse to consider me because of misplaced fears.
Another company that is desperate to hire someone will not give me a call because I lack something that they have admitted is not really a big factor.? Time is of the essence with this role, but they are dragging their feet because they are waiting for a purple squirrel.
Shortly after my father passed, I had a discussion with someone where I could not determine if they were offering me a job or if they wanted me to help the person that they hired.? I was not in a good headspace as one could imagine.? The role is wide open, and I have reached out to see if they are still interested in bringing me on board in some capacity and they will not get back to me.
It is so frustrating to see opportunities where I can help these companies grow and positively impact their communities, but there is something holding them back.
And the truth is that as painful as it is, I have to let them go.? I have to walk away.? You cannot help someone who does not want your help.? I have reached out and either received rejection or silence.
That is not to say that if they reach back out that I will swat them away.? But I may be a little more hesitant.? I need to know that are willing to commit to receiving my help.
A big part of changing the times is knowing where you are not wanted.? It is walking away from placing where you could effect change, but some gatekeeper is preventing it.? And it is also accepting that someone does not want your help though they may need it.
The most effective lifeguards know that they cannot rescue someone who is fighting them.? If they do not let the lifeguard do their duty, they may both drown.
Imagine what that is like for them.? They are literally trying to save someone’s life and yet the person would not or could not let them be saved.? Someone whose job is to preserve life had to let someone die.
It is not as dramatic, but it is painful to watch someone or some business collapse or limp along when they could be thriving.
All we can do is pray that they will prosper, and that God will guide us to someone who not only needs our help but wants it.