How to Give the Perfect Induction

How to Give the Perfect Induction

Here you'll learn how to make a presentation to new staff in a memorable way.

Starting a new job is daunting, and often you just want to start.

Before that there's the induction, and the dreaded Powerpoint.

Here's how to make a presentation memorable and fresh.

So new starts remember you as the one that made them feel a part of the organisation.

Make people feel excited

This is their first week in the job.

They’re forming impressions of the company that will last a long time.

So your job is to be the company ambassador.

Be enthusiastic. Remove any self-deprecating humour.

“I’ve been tasked with giving you the induction”

is energy-sapping.

“Welcome – congratulations on your appointment and I’m delighted to give you an in-depth tour of the business…”

is energising.

Tailor your presentation

As a presenter, the company PowerPoint gives us false confidence.

It’s been approved at a senior level and it covers all the bases.

Yet here’s the thing: it’s already out-of-date, and most of it’s irrelevant.

Create a fresh presentation for the individual or group.

They’ll appreciate the work you’ve put in.

How to make a presentation fresh

Ditch the PowerPoint presentation

People make an impression on the presenter very quickly.

If you turn to your slides and away from the audience early on, it can erode trust.

Instead, ditch the PowerPoint, at least for the first few minutes, and speak to people front-on.

Here's more on how to make an engaging presentation.

Start with what’s in it for me

Consider why the person joined in the first place.

If it’s a Senior Manager, it could be the chance to have their own team.

If it’s a technical role, it may be to work with the best systems.

If it’s a people-facing role, it’s to make a difference.

A sales role: to make money.

A group of interns: to get a permanent job.

Stick that in at the beginning and connect their success in achieving that goal to your presentation.

“I’m sure what you really want to know is…

How do I become the company’s first millionaire under 30?

When will I be able to appoint my own team?

When will I be handed budgetary control?”

Now you have their attention – and you can answer that question first.

Make the audience feel special

Consider how that person's job impact the organisation.

This is your chance to create a lifelong motivation in your new colleagues.

If they understand their role in the success of the organisation, they're far more likely to feel appreciated in the long-term.

That builds loyalty and saves time and money in recruitment.

Prioritise your points

When people consider how to make a presentation, they rarely consider audience priorities.

Tailor the rest of the presentation according to the most important information to the audience.

While you need to cover the induction plan, the IT requirement and the health and safety admin, leave them until the end.

Your new recruits are far more interested in other things.

So go there next.

Now you’ll have a list of priorities that reads from 1-10.

And trust me, health and safety is number 10.

Unclutter the language

It’s very easy to create a presentation full of jargon.

But great presentations are full of clarity.

They turn ‘BIMs and BDIMs and BRIMs’ into “the people you’ll be working with”.

They turn ‘adherence with our Health and Safety policy’ into ‘making sure you stay safe’.

Jargon often emerges in induction presentations when the presenter attempts to establish his/her authority and credibility.

Just remember: this presentation is about the group, rather than you.

Stay positive and focused

It’s easy to ramble in a tailored presentation, because you’re giving it for the first time.

Stay on track by creating clear structural notes.

Avoid phrases such as “that’s not really relevant to your role”.

If you’ve done the prioritising first, everything will be relevant.

Answer questions

I’ve seen plenty of presentations that finish with the last slide, before the presenter thanks the audience and leaves the room.

Regardless of how good your presentation is, the audience will still have questions.

In fact, the better it is, the more questions they should be willing to ask.

So stay around for 15-20 minutes afterwards. That helps build trust.

Show vulnerability

This is the first week, and you’d forgive members of the team for feeling shy or awkward.

So bring your barriers down.

Tell a story about something that went wrong in your induction, or later in your career, and how it was fixed.

Or the best moment you’ve had in your career.

Making it personal brings your presentation to life.

Here are more tips on how to make a presentation memorable.

Andrew McFarlan is the Managing Director of Pink Elephant Communications in Glasgow.

You can view his full profile here.

Photos by: bruce mars,, vjapratama; all from Pexels.


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