How to get your plane in the air: Launching your gathering
Martine Barrie
Happiest when connecting with people - be it on the shop floor or in workshops. I love to change people’s day and start the ripple.
When I was in my 20s if you wanted me to leave a party just suggest charades. My coat was on and I was out of the door before the teams were finalised! I wonder what that was all about? Not feeling prepared? Making an idiot of myself? Whatever it was, I have moved on, as I now pay good money to do all that in a weekly improv class. Crazy!
We kicked off last week's Zoom-prov class, led by the amazing Linda Calgaro, with an engaging climate setter.
One truth and one lie.
What I love about this intro is that it requires some on the spot thinking, you share something people don't know about you and we all laugh! What simple and smart ways to connect a tribe.
At Gathering of Tribes we kick off every gathering with a climate setter.
It sets the tone for the gathering, gives everyone a voice and builds trust as we each share something about ourselves.
There are any number of climate setters that you can use. Often, I have one in mind and then get to gathering and pivot. I always ensure there is some loose connection that ties in with the purpose of the gathering, that people something more personal than "What I did at the weekend" and that absolutely everyone contributes.
Expect to hear more from me about how improv can add richness to your gatherings! And if you have any improv experiences in gatherings you would like to share, I would love to hear them!