How to get your mindset match-fit for prospecting in real estate?
While skill and perseverance will certainly get you far with prospecting, you should never underestimate the importance of having the right mindset. From the constant requirement to prospect in order to keep your sales pipeline full, to dealing with rejection and occasional losses - it can be a lot to maintain.???????
Which is why it’s crucial to have a strategy in place to manage your mindset. This means prioritising your health and wellbeing, so when a stressful situation arises or you’re struggling to get any traction with your prospecting, you’ll have the right mechanisms in place to withstand challenges better.??
You’ll probably recognise most of the techniques below, so perhaps see this as a reminder to integrate these, where possible, into your schedule.??
Covering off the basics?
We all know that regular exercise, a nutritional diet, drinking plenty of water and getting enough sleep are the basics for nurturing our wellbeing. However it’s not something we tend to prioritise - especially when we are busy.???
But these really are essential to not only keep our physical body working as well as it can, and also helps our mind to stay healthy too. Take this as a sign to fill up that water bottle and take a brisk walk around the block, and you’ll already feel better for it.?????
Learn breathing techniques?
There are a number of breathing exercises/techniques that can help in stressful situations, and used on a daily basis, have all sorts of benefits for our overall well being.??
By taking a long, slow inhale through the nose and a long, big exhale through the mouth - it signals to the brain and body that we’re safe (and we don’t have to resort to our fight or flight response) and you’ll find that within a matter of seconds, you’ll feel more relaxed and calm.??
Once you’ve got the hang of beginner deep breathing, you could try box breathing, belly breathing or alternate nostril breathing.???
Practice mindfulness?
Mindfulness is the practice of being in the present moment, minimising anxious thoughts and feelings, and allowing you to find peace in the middle of a busy day.???
The better news is that research has shown that when we intentionally practise being mindful, we feel less stressed and more balanced with what is happening inside and outside of our bodies. This can result in clarity, improved wellbeing, a broader perspective on life and those around us, and also provides us with a great foundation for learning.???
Mindfulness doesn’t have to be difficult either, and once you get into a regular rhythm of it throughout your day-to-day life, you’ll find it just comes naturally.??
Exercise self-kindness?
As humans, we’re all guilty of not speaking to ourselves so nicely. When you’ve had a couple of failures, it is easy to fall into the trap of consistently engaging in negative self-talk - and it can be a hard place to get out of.??
The first step is recognising those thoughts and asking yourself ‘why am I talking to myself like this/what led me here’? And then it’s time to challenge them as soon as they appear. It’s almost like being a friend to yourself - what would you say to someone who keeps putting themselves down? You’d tell them all sorts of positive things about who they are and what makes them so special.??
You can also use positive affirmations, practice gratitude, journal your thoughts and feelings, or even talk to someone you feel comfortable to confide in.??
Retraining yourself to stop negative self-talk takes time and practice, but it is certainly worth it.????
Schedule learning into your week?
Even the most resilient of real estate agents will have areas where they feel they fall short. So if you’re lacking confidence in certain skills or abilities, take time out each week to work on them.??
Whether through an online course, using a mentor or coach, or doing your own research - learning helps connect all sorts of great neural pathways in the brain and will also enable you to overcome self-doubt and insecurities. You got this!??
Prioritise life outside of work?
Real estate agents often work all sorts of crazy hours - it’s a lifestyle right? But that doesn’t mean you can’t have a life outside of open homes and prospecting. In fact, prioritising time with friends and family, and enjoying your favourite hobbies is likely to help you perform better at work!??
Balance is crucial for a healthy mindset. It allows us to switch off, gain a big picture perspective of issues we may be worrying about, and spending time with loved ones always provides a solid dose of feel-good endorphins.???
Be aware of triggers?
Another important aspect of maintaining a healthy mindset is knowing what your triggers are. Because if you’re aware of them, you’re in a proactive position to steer clear of them where possible - or at least prepare your response.??
For example, if a successful auction result is not looking likely, be ready with a coping mechanism to deal with that. It might be having a folder in your emails that is full of feedback that you can read through and remind yourself of past successes. Or getting out for a bushwalk to clear your head.??
It’s unsettling when things happen outside of our control, but with the right tools in place, you’ll be equipped to overcome any issues that arise (even the unexpected ones!).??
While rewarding, a career in real estate is demanding, and prospecting in particular can be a hard slog sometimes - it’s especially taxing on the mind. So use the advice above to get yourself positively prepared for prospecting, allowing you to be open to opportunities and move on quickly from disappointments.
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