How to Get Your Message Across
Begin Strongly and End with Emotion.?
When you communicate, jump in with both feet with your first words.?It’s o.k. to appear totally sold-out to your message. Enthusiasm demands attention. Don’t worry if you appear a little fanatical.?Remember, a fanatic is only someone who believes in something a little more strongly than you do.?The reason people respond to such passion is because much of life is so predictable and mundane. Make them feel alive!?Oh, they may think you’re a little nuts -- but that never stopped me.
As you close your talk or write the last paragraph speak from your heart.?Tell them why this is so important to you.?Tell them why this is the right action and why you are committed to it no matter what it takes.?Let them know how you feel, why it is worth taking the risk and how things will be better.?Your passion and emotion will motivate your audience to action.?
"Good communication is just as stimulating as black coffee, and just as hard to sleep after." Anne Morrow Lindbergh