How To Get Your Ex Girlfriend Back If She Won't Talk To You (My Girlfriend Suddenly Stopped Communicating With Me)
How to get your ex girlfriend back if she won't talk to you - My girlfriend suddenly stopped communicating with me.
I know that you are looking for the way to get your ex girlfriend back when she won't talk to you. I really do understand your situation. You are feeling so bad about the break up and she won't even talk to you. Well, in this article, I will tell you about an effective movement to make her talk to you again. Besides, at the end of this article, you will find a resource that you can follow in order to learn exactly what to do to get her back.
To get your ex girlfriend back when she won't talk to you, at first, you should try to find out the reason why she does not want to talk to you. Actually, it is a fact that most men usually don't know what is going on inside the women's mind. In addition, it is a fact that women have different relationship rules with men. Well, people may call them "the rules", but I think I am going to call them "the games" instead. Not talking to you is one of the tactics of the games as mentioned. She feels that you should know what was going on in the relationship and she wants to punish you if you don't know by not talking to you. Sounds like a tough situation, doesn't it?
No, it does not! No matter how strong she is, but you still can make her talking to you again.
To get your ex girlfriend back when she won't talk to you, the first thing you should know is to learn how to open up the lines of communication. Well, I am telling you that you may not like what I am about to tell you. Why? It is because you may have to admit that your ex girlfriend may be right. However, this trick is going to work.
First, you should write a note. I repeat, you should "write" a note, not "type" a note. Write a not with your handwriting. Again, I repeat, "a note", not "an email" or "a message". Write a note with your handwriting in a piece of paper, telling her that you accept the breakup. Tell her that she was right. Show her that you are doing fine and even better after she broke up with you, and you also hope that she is doing well also. After that, you just send her this note and wait.
What good would that do by sending her a note like this? Well, something might happen as following:
- You may be able to take her off guard.
- She will be wondering why you are writing her a note like this.
- She might want to talk to you to find out the reason, and she might call you finally.
Believe it or not, you will be surprised at how well this trick works.
These are the first steps in a proven strategy to get your ex back? It doesn't stop here, though. What you do next is crucial to get your ex back. Don't throw away your chances by not knowing what to do next. To read the shocking revelation that holds the final key to get your ex back visit: Ex Back Guide
Win Her Back and Spark the Romance
Ok, so she broke up with you or maybe you are still together but the spark has fizzled? Relationships have different stages and one of these stages is getting in a routine and getting comfortable in that routine and this can result in boredom. Can you relate? Relationships can definitely end because of boredom if something isn't done about it. Women like romance (at least every woman I know does) so win her back and spark the romance... by going back in time. Here's how:
1. Personality. Think about when you two first met. Who were you back then? Were you someone with a sense of humor? Were you a confident person? What about your personality attracted her to you? Think about how you were towards her as opposed to how you treat her now. Is there a difference? Sure, when we first meet someone, we are on our best behavior treating them like gold and with the highest respect. Why does that have to end? Like I'm always telling my kids, "Treat people how you want to be treated". Also, think about how you felt about each other back then. Think about how you couldn't go a day without talking to or seeing each other. Think about how you thought about each other all the time when you weren't with each other. Think about the attraction towards each other. The passion. The spark. Can you go back to any of that?
2. Physical. When you first met, what did you look like physically? Were you a few pounds lighter maybe? Did you put more effort into how you dressed? What you did with your hair? Did you try harder with your appearance by working out in some way (ie. playing sports, hitting the gym, etc.) or eating a healthier diet? Have you let yourself go? Also, what did she look like physically? Has her appearance changed in a way that you may not like so much, or that might "turn you off"? Did that make you treat her any differently? Maybe in a more negative way? You may need to accept her physically, as she may not be willing to change and she may be offended if you ask her to, especially at this fragile time when you are trying to get her back. To win her back, you may want to make some physical changes. Maybe she has mentioned a certain hairstyle that she favors on you or even a certain shirt she likes to see you in that you never wear, or something along those lines. Make the effort to look desirable to her.
3. Re-Create. Think back to your first date with her. OK now, re-create that! Ok, so let's say parts of the first date were bad? Maybe leave those parts out but do re-create the good things about it. Be romantic too, do the gentlemanly things that women love, that'll go a long way to win her back and spark the romance too of course. Some examples are the old-fashioned things like holding the door open for her, if you're going to a restaurant, pull her chair out for her (not too far out though, yikes!), opening her car door for her, etc. Or be creative and think of other romantic ideas to do for her. Trust me though, she'll appreciate any romantic gestures, even the little things. Oh and make sure to compliment her on how she looks, women love to hear that and she'll especially be appreciative of that if you tended to lack in giving her compliments in your relationship before. An alternative to re-creating your first date is simple. Just think of things she enjoys. What type of food is her favorite? Or maybe there's a restaurant or type of food she's always wanted to try but hasn't? Her favorite types of movies? Does she have any favorite types of activities that you can go do together on your date? Get the idea? Perfect!
As you see, all of these ideas to win her back and spark the romance again go back to the beginning of your relationship together, a.k.a. the "honeymoon stage". Why go back there again? Because that was the time where things were probably really exciting, happy and you also really put the effort into the relationship, right? For a relationship to be successful, we will always have to put effort into it and add a little spice to that as well!
Do You Truly Wish You Can Get Back Together with Your Ex?
Relationship is a fragile bond that when it's broken, the process of mending can be much more difficult than creating it in the first place. Sometimes it's an extremely difficult task to sort out all the problems and get back together with your ex. No matter how many times you come up with different reasons and approaches, your ex does not seem to change the decision to leave you. If you'd like to get your hands on a step-by-step method for changing your ex's decision about the breakup, click here!
Let me show you exactly what to do to salvage your relationship and rekindle the lost love one more time…even if you're the only one trying…and even if the situation seems hopeless. Head over now to Get Your Ex Back Secrets