How To Get Your Dream Job With Ease

Interview sessions are always very stressful and full of tension. It does not matter how many years working experiences you have or the number of interview sessions you have attended in the past. The simple truth is that no matter the number of interviews you have attended in the past, two interviews can never be the same. You meet different types of interviews at every interview. Some interviewers are naturally friendly and give you lead to answers to their questions and check out how you manage them, but others are unfriendly and harsh and put you under pressure even when you feel you are well prepared for the interview. The worst thing that can happen to an interviewee is when he is not prepared for an interview or when he does not know anything about the company he wants to work with or still when he does not even know the position he is about to be interviewed for. You may see this as strange but as an interviewer, we see these things happen every time. Before you go for any interview, take time to prepare. Ask your self this question, even if you are a genius, before you go in for an exam, don't you read and get your self-ready for the exam? Of course you will otherwise you are doomed. There is this popular saying that "if one fails to plan, he has planned to fail". There are no two ways about success. YOU MUST PLAN.

Take time to review relevant job possible interview questions and answers. Give your self a mock interview. Prepare as many questions as possible that you expect to be asked and get ready answers to these questions.

It is very important to know all about the company you are being interviewed for. You will look like one who is not serious when you are asked simple questions like, what the company is into, and you don't have an answer to that. It simply tells the interviewer that you are not ready for the interview and it also shows that you don't even know what you want.

Make sure you are well qualified for the position you are being interviewed for. Be ready to know all your skills, competencies, abilities and how you can use them to add value to the company. Note that the company is not employing you because you are handsome/pretty, or because you have the necessary qualifications, no it is because you can fill the gap the have by adding value to them. It can be compared with somebody going to the market to buy a product. One buys a product because that product will be able to fill his need and give him satisfaction. If the need is not filled and satisfaction is not attained, the product is a waste.


· Make sure you are prepared.

· Be sure you know much about the company (what they do, their business, their Vision and Mission statements etc)

· Know the requirements for the position you are to be interviewed for.

· Arrive at worst 30 minutes before the interview time.(it will make you to relax and reduce tension in you)

· Don't sit idle while waiting to be called in, you can read newspapers or ask questions about some things you want to know from either the receptionist or any one you meet in the company)

· A few minutes before you go in for the interview, visit the rest room, check your hair, suit, tie and practice that confident smile. (This will reassure you of your confidence).

· Men make sure your hair is well cut and ladies have a good hair do.

· When you walk into the Interview room, be confident and put on an attractive smile.

· Greet the panel members.

· PLEASE DO NOT SIT DOWN unless you are asked to.

· When they have returned your greetings and still did not ask you to sit, politely ask, "can I sit down sirs/Madam?"

· Manage the interview.

· Be in control (Talk only when you are asked to, but be in control and manage the interview by letting them know what you want them to know about you. Use every question to portray the value you are bringing into the firm).

· Sell your self. If you don't say I am, remember no body can say "You Are" so go ahead and tell them what they want to hear.

· Talk about your achievements. Show value to the employer. That is what he wants to employ and not you, but your value.

· DON'T LIE. Say the truth only about your achievements. A lie may take care of the present, but remember a lie has no future. (Its better you say you don't know but are willing to learn, than you know and they find out that you don't know. (Integrity).

· Ask a lot of questions relating to the jobs you will be doing. Show interest in working with them and prove your readiness to add value.

· VERY IMPORTANT: Make sure all you have in your resume/c.v are true and that you can defend them anywhere any time.

· Most interviewers invite you for an interview because of what you claim you have in your resume/C.V. (it will be too bad if you can't prove what you have in your resume. (Integrity)

· Always have copies of your resume available during an interview.

· Always come with your credentials even if you are not told to bring them.(Originals and Photocopies of each).

· During the interview don't avoid eye contact with the interviewers.

· Always put on a smile while answering questions (Employers like happy people).

· Do not ask about salary or remunerations unless you are asked to. (Otherwise it will seem as if you are only interested in money and not the job. Remember they want to hire you for what you will do for them).

· NEVER SAY BAD ABOUT YOUR FORMER OR CURRENT EMPLOYER. (Even if they are not treating you well).


Somebody that is experienced.

A responsible person

One who can be trusted

One who can be led or who can lead.

A team player or Team builder.

One that is willing and able to do his job.

One that has great listening and communication skills.

One that can fit into the culture, goal, dream and vision of the company with ease.


To get that your dream job, you should be able to expect such questions as these ones discussed here. There are no stereo typed ways of answering them. Make sure you prepare them before going for an interview and have ready answers to them incase they are asked during the interview session. Before you set off for an interview, make sure that you have gone through them and are very confident that if they come you can handle them with ease. The good thing about these interview questions is that even if they don't come direct, you can figure them out and manage them in your own way. You should be able to handle such questions about:

Your employment History. (Name or names of companies you have worked with in the past, Positions you held, Dates of holding such positions, your remuneration packages, why you left those job/s, your achievements.)

You should be able to know the responsibilities you carried out, your achievements etc.

The major challenges you faced and how you where able to handle them.

Your greatest Strengths and Weaknesses.

Your biggest accomplishment and Failure in your last job.

Why you left your last job

What you have been doing since you left your last job

If you are still working, why do you want to leave your current job.

If you where fired, why where you fired?

You should be able to describe your typical day at work.(what you do from arrival at the office till you close for the day).

How do you handle stress from work and home and still keep afloat?

You should be able to know what motivates you. (Please never mention money).

If you are asked about yourself. (You should be able to manage the question well to say about your achievements so far).

You should be able to know your salary expectation. (Remember, do your enquiry before hand so that you will not under price or over price your self)

How can you describe your self as a team player (Give examples of how you have been involved in team work and your contributions in that team.)

What do you want in a job? You should be able to establish the things that interest you in the job, but don't forget to manage it to suit what the employer likes.

Why should we hire you? You should know your qualifications, your attributes, your skills, your competencies and job accomplishments.

What do you know about our company? Of course you should have done your research before hand, so you should be able to tell them what their business is, and lot more.

What can you contribute to this company? Just like the other question, your knowledge, competencies, skills and abilities are what they are looking for to fill that need.

Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years? What are your goals for the next 5 years?, etc These questions are just trying to find out if you have a plan to grow with them or just to get the job today and jump out tomorrow.

Interview questions are limitless. Just take your time and go through these questions. Prepare answers that will favour you, Manage the questions put to you to favour yourself and believe me, you are already waiting for your employment letter. But dont forget, the employers need you because of what you can do for them, because of that need they have which you can fill. So let them know how you can add value to their establishment.


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