How to get your child (Or yourself!) to develop unshakeable self-belief!
Mark Anthony Baker
The UK’s top Motivational Speaker and Business Storytelling Expert helping clients unlock potential and become Super Communicators
Do you ever feel that something is holding you back but you just can't seem to put your finger on it?
Do you think and feel deep down that if you just had more self-belief then your world would change for the better?
The second question answered the first as without healthy levels of self-belief you will continually find yourself bouncing off the glass ceiling of limitation that will invariably deny you the elusive success in life that you deserve, and you do deserve it.??
You see, subconsciously we all know deep down that unshakeable self-belief is what we need to live the life that we often feel isn’t meant for us, the problem is that we don’t know how to create it.
I am sure that you can recall many times in your life when you were frustrated with your lack of happiness or achievements when someone said to you that all you needed to do was believe in yourself.
As soon as you heard those words a rush of inspiration caused your body and mind to erupt with excitement as you knew that this was exactly what you needed.
Those words made you feel as though someone had handed you the holy grail.
But then within moments all of your enthusiasm left you as once again you were filled with frustration as you simply didn’t know how to develop unshakeable self-belief.
And it didn’t help if you asked the person who told you that you just needed to believe in yourself as your question was just met with a blank stare as sadly, they didn’t know either!
Hello, my name is Mark Anthony Baker AKA The Belief Doctor and I have been studying self-belief for thirty years and I have the solution to your dilemma I invented the solution just for you and the thousands of other people around the world that now enjoy a life where anything is possible thanks to this powerful yet simple discovery.
You see belief is the driving force in everyone’s life as it is the key that opens the door to the potential for all of us. The reality is that you don’t know a single person that has succeeded in life on a personal or professional level that didn’t have an abundance of self-belief.
But let’s begin with how you came to believe what you do and how to change the beliefs that no longer serve you.
What most people don’t know is that around 95% of what they believe was unconsciously programmed into them during the first seven years of their life.
It’s called the imprint period and it was what the great Greek philosopher Aristotle was talking about over two thousand years ago when he said.
“If you give me the child at birth then I will return the man to you aged seven”.
What he was telling us was that everything we hear and are told by people we consider authority figures in our lives such as parents, family members and teachers will create beliefs within us that will dictate the kind of people we will become as well as the degree of success and happiness in life that we will experience.
Having studied beliefs and expectations for three decades I can tell you with absolute sincerity that this is exactly what happens to us during these critical and life-changing first seven years of life.
Consider these examples.
If you grew up in a family that was very poor and you heard things regularly like,
Money is the root of all evil.
Money corrupts people.
You lose your friends when you have money or a hundred other similar beliefs then you are highly likely to have a bad relationship with money now.
Just as if you grew up with a parent who repeatedly told you that you would never amount to anything or that you were useless, then you have probably had issues with impostor syndrome which is the fear of being exposed as inadequate and not up to the task.
Is it true?
No, it was never true, but this is what happened as a result of hearing those words.
When we are young, especially during the imprint period between the ages of birth and seven years old we have very little ability to rationalise and we take our cues from the authority figures that are in our lives.
So, if someone said to you during this time that you are useless and that you’ll never achieve anything.
You accept it as the truth.
Once you accepted it as the truth it became a belief,
then once it became a belief the belief drove your behaviour in line with what you accepted to be true about yourself.
That belief will drive your behaviour in line with the belief that was created forever more unless you can recognise what has happened and why and learn how to change it.
I grew up with both of these examples and as a direct result, I struggled to find happiness and success for many, many years.
I was always ambitious which just made it worse as I would continually sabotage my success by procrastinating, turning down opportunities, and only making half-hearted attempts to achieve something which created negative self-fulfilling prophecies in my life, and I found many other ways to wreck every opportunity that would allow me to create a fulfilling happy life for myself and my family.
And all of this was done subconsciously beneath my conscious field of awareness, so I wasn’t even aware of what I was doing to make sure my life was one continuous car crash!
And all this is set up for you during the first seven years of your life, usually not because anyone wanted to hurt you but as a consequence of the negative programming that they received during the first seven years of their own lives.
And this sadly continues from generation to generation without any improvement as limiting beliefs become more ingrained from one generation to the next.
It's why you can have several generations of a family live on welfare, it’s simply based upon their beliefs, it's learned helplessness and it goes on to infect multiple areas of our lives that will all work together to negatively and needlessly impact our lives.
Philosophers will tell you that thought precedes everything, but it is only partly true, as once you believe something the underlying unconscious belief will dictate what you think and drive your thoughts.
If you want to achieve financial success but believe that you’ll never amount to anything, then you will sabotage yourself just as I did for many years.
If you believe members of the opposite sex can’t be trusted, you will create an endless line of failed relationships which will just further strengthen the unhelpful belief that was created in the first place.
If you believe that you are unlikeable or boring, you will fail to make lasting friendships if any at all.
Then just to make sure everything stays exactly as it is your confirmation bias will bring into your conscious field of awareness everything that will reconfirm to you that all the negative beliefs you have about yourself are true.
And it’s not because they are true it’s just because you believe them to be true.
The belief was the common denominator in every single situation that I alluded to above.
You are literally a prisoner of belief! And it’s a miserable unfulfilling way to live.
But the good news is that it doesn’t have to be this way.
I have studied beliefs for thirty years and when you learn how to change your limiting beliefs can just melt away.
Ultimately the best way to enjoy the benefit of healthy levels of self-belief is to create them during the first seven years of life, but that isn’t possible unless the people instilling the beliefs within you knew what I am sharing with you now, however, 99% of people have no idea whatsoever about how beliefs are created and so the cycle continued needlessly.
And it is all because beliefs are created at an unconscious level and because we aren’t consciously aware of this, we cannot change what we don’t understand.
But that can all change now, because as a result of all that I have studied about belief and one other surprising factor which I would have never discovered even if I had read a hundred thousand books about belief.
Why? Because it didn’t exist until I had a dream that would allow me to help people change their lives, by inventing a simple tool that no one had ever thought of before.
?Every aspect of my life was unbearable until I had my two little girls and I realised that I had to end the cycle of limiting beliefs that I had been plagued with for my entire life.
I knew that having strong self-belief was the secret to a happy and successful life, not because I ever had any self-belief.
It was because I knew how hard my life had been without it and then one night everything changed.??
I had just finished reading my daughter's bedtime story when this sense of distress came over me. I knew I had to get my daughters to develop strong belief in themselves but I had no idea how to do it given I had never had any self-belief myself.
?I didn’t think that I was the best person for the task and that broke my heart. Because as parents we want to give our children everything we never had.
But of all the things I could give them it was self-belief that both they and every other child needed.?
As I sat there agonising over my dilemma, I asked myself a question in my head.
I wonder if there is a physical way of creating empowering self-belief in my children.
As I pondered the question desperately looking for a solution, I fell asleep in the rocking chair by their bed and began to dream.
??I dreamt about a young girl who struggled with mathematics and who met a wise man who offered her a magic bracelet, as he gave her the bracelet, I heard the words.
“But you must impress the words”.
I remember feeling confused as I had no idea what that could mean, then the wise man handed the young girl the bracelet and asked her to press it down on her wrist and then roll it to the side to reveal a word.
The word was "Belief”.
He asked the young girl what the word said.
She answered, "it says, belief sir”.
"And where is the word belief?"
"It's on my skin sir" she replied.
"No. it's not on you, it's in you,?the belief you need is within you now and this was all you ever needed”.
When I awoke, I knew I had discovered the secret?I had been searching for.
?I immediately made a bracelet for my daughter who was struggling with self-belief, and she used it with great results just as thousands of people from all over the world have enjoyed incredible results using this simple but incredibly effective invention.
Now it's your turn as you have the very same opportunity before you and nothing excites me more to know that as you read this you are just moments away from making a decision that can and will change your life and the life of your child forever if you have one.
So how does it work?
It’s a simple three-step process.
The bracelet works on three powerful principles that come together to help create empowering new beliefs which lead to personal transformation.
The power of belief.?
The key factor to a successful and happy life.?
The power of expectation.
How to elevate your child’s potential with the power of expectation.?
Expectation is a powerful force as we simply will not go beyond our greatest expectation for ourselves.
And the power of suggestion.?
As used by French psychologist Emile Coue to cure his patients and influence others positively in the 1800s by getting them to repeat the simple phrase.
“Every day and in every way, I am getting better and better and better”. And it worked
We consciously and unconsciously use the power of suggestion every day, it is either used by us or on us every day, this was a major factor when beliefs were created within us during the imprint period and throughout our lives.
So, let’s begin.
2???????Choose the most relevant affirmation card from your card deck.
3.?????Read the affirmation aloud (If possible) with intention. Allow yourself to feel as many positive emotions as you can and get excited, this is your life and the future that you are creating.
Now would be a really good time and use your inspirational coin to anchor the feelings that you are creating which was designed as a physical tool to anchor the feelings you have created so that you can summon them up again in an instant.
Then repeat daily to reinforce the exercise and its impact on your life.?
It is even more powerful if you also do this with your bracelet if working with children, share your excitement openly with them as you share the experience.?
Let me explain what has been achieved with this incredible yet simple invention.
Up until this point in your life nearly every belief that you have was created at an unconscious level which means that you haven’t chosen the majority of beliefs that you currently have.
Whether the ones that have been created are helpful or limiting will have been largely influenced by the authority figures in your life and your environment.
What I have essentially achieved with this incredible, yet simple invention are two things.
1.?????I have made you consciously aware of the unconscious actions you or others have taken to influence your beliefs positively or negatively, which has allowed you to become aware of the areas that are working well or not so well for you.
The areas of your life that aren’t working are largely down to the false belief that you are unable to succeed in certain areas of your life which have no bearing on what is truly possible for you, as you will soon begin to realise.
2.?????This means that you are now in a position to consciously influence the beliefs that you have and decide which ones are unhelpful and need to be changed.
The life that you desire is just on the other side of your current beliefs.
This is why the Imprint bracelet or the magic bracelet for children that I invented is so incredibly powerful because it trains you to be mindful of the beliefs that are created within you and what you instil within your children if you have any.
Now neither you nor they need to go through life with the false belief that you don’t have a choice when in fact the absolute opposite is true and how liberating is that?
This tool has proven to be so powerful that even psychologists are using it as an intervention tool, one psychologist recently told me, and I quote.
“Of all the strategies that I have used in my twenty-two-year career the imprint bracelet is the most powerful tool I have ever used for helping people change their limiting beliefs about themselves. The change I witness in them is heart-warming to watch”.???
I believe that whether you are an individual or a parent looking to help cocreate helpful and healthy levels of self-belief then this is exactly what you have been waiting for.
It’s not available anywhere else in the world and neither does it exist anywhere else.
I know that when we learn how to change limiting beliefs that life changes for us in ways we could never have previously never dared to imagine.
And this is all I want for you, the opportunity to create the life of your dreams and it all starts with learning how to believe in yourself and then act on those beliefs.
When we change our limiting beliefs for empowering beliefs it is like being given a new pair of glasses that reveal to us an abundance of opportunities that we couldn’t see previously.
I don’t say the opportunities weren’t there previously because they were always there, you were just blinded to them by the limiting beliefs that you previously held.
I am so confident that you will be happy with this affordable investment in yourself that I am giving you £2064 worth of bonuses which are yours to keep even in the unlikely event you choose to return this amazing program which you are free to do with our no quibble no questions asked guarantee.
You deserve this opportunity and I look forward to seeing you on the other side of your current beliefs.
Simply click on the link below and look for the count me in button so you can begin your journey towards unstoppable self-belief right away.