How to Get Your Business Seen with Online Content
Denise Wakeman
I help solo business owners harness the power of AI and content marketing for better visibility and increased revenue.
In a recent interview on the Thriving Launch podcast, I addressed themes that will be familiar to you if you’re a regular reader of this blog…how to get seen with your online content.
I talked about how to grow your following through adding value to your content and how having value and being clear on your message helps leverage your online presence.
I also explain how online content can be repurposed and republished to different platforms, which results in attracting more people to your business.
The interview with hosts Luis Congdon and Kamala Chambers is short and sweet, about 14 minutes.
I remember being interviewed about republishing and repurposing content back in 2008 or 2009. My message remains the same, though many of the tools have changed and evolved.
You can be organized and efficient with your content development by putting the tools to use for you in a smart way that includes some automation.
Consistency is a foundational piece to attracting a following.
3 Ways to Use Automation for Repurposing
1) For example, if you repurpose your blog posts to Medium, you can install the Medium WordPress plugin to auto-save a draft of your blog post to your account. That saves you time. No copy and pasting. Simply log into your account, review the draft, add your bio and call to action, choose the appropriate tags and publish. It takes 5-10 minutes max.
2) Use Lumen5 (free at the time of this post’s publication) to create a video trailer to promote your blog post. Read my tutorial here.
3) Use Canva’s Magic Resize feature to quickly create a suite of images for promoting your blog post on all the social platforms.
But first, before you begin, so you avoid sporadic, random repurposing, create a checklist so you are consistent with your efforts. Here’s a sample checklist I created for going live on Facebook.
If you prefer reading to listening, the full transcript of the interview, along with key takeaways is here. Be sure to share your thoughts about repurposing and visibility in the comments!
Recommended Reading
Repurposing Your Content – 13 Ways to Reach More People
How to Quickly Repurpose Your Facebook Live Videos
Denise Wakeman is a Digitial Marketing Strategist. She focuses on helping small businesses and online entrepreneurs optimize, leverage, and strategically use social marketing tools to gain visibility, build credibility and make more money selling their products and services. You can get started with the free 7-Day Visibility Challenge. Denise is passionate about Adventure travel and how it can inspire you to think bigger and go for what’s possible in your business and life.
This article was originally published on