How to get your business running on autopilot
Carmen Williams
Director of Global Teams. 120 VA's in the Philippines and South Africa supporting Australian business owners to grow their business AND have a life. Account Managers | BDMs | Admin | Customer Service | LI Marketing
Let’s face it…our minds are powerful.
And what we say to ourselves matters.
Have you ever wondered what the difference is between a business owner who is just scraping by and those who are growing a successful businesses?
Well…a big part of it is their ability to get support.
And here are the four most common thought patterns that stop people from getting support.
I find this first one fascinating.
Often when you ask someone how they have been they answer “busy” if it is a badge of honour.
I have no idea how we got to this…but it needs to stop.
Being “busy” is not something to be proud of, it is something to be managed.
Busyness just means that you don’t have the time, energy or focus to concentrate on what really matters (strategy, recharging, spending time with your family).
Sure…it’s good to be wanted. But it is even better to get support.
I grew up working class so when I first got a cleaner I was challenged with the idea that I should do my own cleaning.
But, why? It makes no sense in my situation.
I have now done a complete backflip and now I think that NOT getting a cleaner is silly.
I definitely should not be doing it.
Instead I should be working ON my business (or relaxing on the hammock).
Sure you may be able to do the task yourself quicker.
But that does not mean you should do it.
Say it takes you 30min to organise and file your emails in the morning and your Virtual Assistant takes 45min.
Does that matter?
With good planning, taking a little extra time to complete a task is negligible.
And you may just find…that you are not the fastest afterall.
I get it, I get it…you are good and no one is better.
It may be true.
But there are some things that even getting someone to do it to 80% what you would do (like create a graphic on canva) is preferable to you doing it yourself.
Sure, hold on to the one or two things that only you can do, but delegating the rest just makes sense.
How else are you going to grow your business (and stay sane)?
And if you are anything like me you will find that your team are actually way better than you at
This one is the funniest one (in a painful way).
Because, yes it does take time and energy to delegate and you shouldn’t get a Virtual Assistant if you are not committed to that.
But if you never put aside you are always going to be too busy. It’s a catch twenty two.
It all comes down to what is important to you.
Do you really want to grow your business?
Then I am sure you can find the time to delegate.
So there you have it, the four most common thought patterns that stop people from getting support and growing their business.
Let’s be honest…I have experienced all four myself.
But when I realised that these beliefs and growth were mutually exclusive I decided to kick the beliefs to the curb.
How about you?