How To Get Your Belongings Back From An Ex (Why Is My Ex Keeping My Stuff)

How to get your belongings back from an ex - Why is my ex keeping my stuff.?

Going through a break up is agony on its own. Not knowing whether your ex still cares or not can drive you up the wall. You don't want to make contact with your ex so soon after the break up because there are still very bad feelings between the two of you. One way to find out where you stand is to look for the signs that your ex wants you back.

If you are still very depressed about the break up, it would be wise to wait until you are completely healed from this ordeal - your rampant emotions won't allow you to see the signs that your ex want you back too clearly at this stage. However, if you feel that you are emotionally strong enough, then by all means go ahead and look for these signs so that you can decide what you want to do about your situation.

If your ex is reluctant to return your belongings to you, this is another sign that your ex wants you back. Your ex knows that once he/she has returned all your things then all ties with you are broken, and the possibility of never seeing you again afterwards is just too real.

Your ex might not want to talk to you directly right now, but if he/she is still interested in you, you will start hearing things that your ex has been saying to your friends about you and the break up. This is obviously a sign that your ex still cares for you and wants to know whether you are okay or not.

Another of the signs that your ex wants you back is when you notice your ex lurking in the background every time you are out somewhere with your friends. This could mean that your ex is making sure to know exactly where you are at all times so that he/she can see you - even if only from a distance.

Sending that first text message or email to you is one of the signs that your ex wants you back that should have neon lights around it. Your ex is letting you know very loud and clear that he/she still has very deep feelings for you and wants to make contact - as soon as possible.

Let me show you exactly what to do to salvage your relationship and rekindle the lost love one more time…even if you're the only one trying…and even if the situation seems hopeless. Head over now to Get Your Ex Back Secrets

Simple Tips to Win Your Ex Back

When we break up it is never easy for any of us. Many of are traumatized and usually one of the first thoughts we focus on is: What to say to your ex to get them back."

However, it is never really a simplistic solution. At this point the problem is far more serious than we may realize. This (breakup) is telling us there is a huge rift in our relationship that has led to a serious breakup.

We are in dire need of some serious damage control. A fact we need to recognize fully. Please realize you need a well laid out plan and a proven strategy to get your Ex back.

Anything less; is to minimize the seriousness of the situation. Frankly, without it you have little chance of success.

Having said that there is much we can do. By the same token; there is also much we should not do. Firstly; although well meaning we have a tendency to irrational behavior.

This kind of behavior does more harm than good. One of the main benefits of a well laid out plan and follow up strategy is it gives us a sense of logic, order, purpose and a rationale. Best of all it shows you how to get your Ex to call.

In a well laid out plan and Strategy, we have a blue print that lays out the behaviors we should avoid at all costs. It lays out good behaviors and shows you exactly what to say to your Ex to get them back As you can see this is a plan that uses rational behavior, planned and organized strategies.

It teaches you the pitfalls to avoid, unwanted behaviors to avoid and the right things to say that work to get your ex back.

Everything you do before, during and after you make your next call, is carefully planned and has a follow up strategy.

One of the first behaviors many of us indulge in unwittingly, is to call our Ex all the time day or night. We Text them continuously and we call them non-stop at work. None of these things are helpful.

All only cause your Ex to be tired, irritable and angry. These make the situation worse. I know of some cases where people have crashed their cars as a result.

I know of others who have been fired. They suffered sleep deprivation, extreme exhaustion and were not able to concentrate.

They got incessant nuisance calls to their place of work. (that's what my boss called it) Unfortunately, for me, I was one of those casualties.

So tip # 1 to get your ex back is to understand we should get help outside of ourselves.

Tip # 2. Understand that we are humanly fallible in our judgment.

Tip # 3, we need to get this right, so understand there is a right way to get your ex back and a wrong way. It is well and good to be sincere. But you can be sincerely wrong.

Tip # 4. What you will learn is counter to normal thinking and behavior. We look to what you must not do.

Tip # 5. Please do not give full reign to your emotions, do not keep pushing your Ex. Act rationally. Follow a strategy or a proven plan

Tip # 6. It is a serious breakup. Please, we need treat it accordingly.

Tip # 7. It can be difficult I know. You may indeed feel you are losing control. Respectfully, you must back off. Give your ex space to breathe. A few weeks respite can make all the difference. To get your ex back you need to start anew on a firm foundation that you can rebuild upon.

This step is crucial; not only in What to say to your ex to get them back. Also, what you do and how you behave before your next call is critical.

Although there are some good tips to get your ex back contained in this article. These do not of themselves constitute a strategic fully laid out plan. It is a good starting point to help us think and move in the right direction.

Do You Truly Wish You Can Get Back Together with Your Ex?

Relationship is a fragile bond that when it's broken, the process of mending can be much more difficult than creating it in the first place. Sometimes it's an extremely difficult task to sort out all the problems and get back together with your ex. No matter how many times you come up with different reasons and approaches, your ex does not seem to change the decision to leave you. If you’d like to get your hands on a step-by-step method for changing your ex's decision about the breakup, click here!


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