How to get your agricultural produce and food without going to market.
As a working professional, family and households, students, remote employee or freelancer, you can order your agricultural produce, groceries, meal kits and food delivered to you in minutes or hours.
At Jekaeat, we believe in healthy, ethically sourced, fresh agricultural produce & food needed for your healthy lifestyle.
We believe in you, we believe in your health, we believe in making your capital work for you and not control you.
At Jekaeat, we empathize with you, your moral imagination & humility to get a reliable, trusted and better platform for food and agricultural produce at affordable prices that makes you go amazing.
At Jekaeat, you get the audacity to imagine how you could be more productive working daily on your necessary tasks and what matters most to you while getting assured of your food essentials delivered to your doorstep without hassle, just order and you get what you order.
At Jekaeat, we believe in the idea of creating hope, solving real problems affecting you, that is what got us here to build services based on dignity, truthfulness, sustainability and growth by bringing your needs closer to your doorstep.
With Jekaeat, whatever of our product and services you order is what you get.
We are now taking order and delivery for agricultural produce and food ?????????????????? in Minna city and agricultural produce, meal kits and groceries in Lagos State, detailed description of our services in below:
Our groceries are specifically designed for sizeable and well portioned processed food such as wheat, semovita and other essentials.
How to Get agriculture produce and food:
???? All you need to do is place an order for your agricultural produce, meal packages, groceries and food using
????check our catalogue on the conversational platform to book your need.
???? Make a choice, add to cart, checkout by paying and anticipate our delivery in 15-30 minutes for food delivery and 24-72 hours for agricultural produce (meal kits) and groceries.
???? If you can't find any of our product and services you need on menu, please drop us a message or call, we will get in touch with you.
With Love from Product Marketing Team Jekaeat