How to Get What You Want
Life is filled with two results in every situation. We get what we want or we don't get what we want. Sound selfish? It's true! Think about it. Even in the most selfless endeavor, to some degree we intend to get what we want. We either get it or we don't. So, we can agree that it is more pleasurable to get what we want rather than to get what we don't want right? Aside from a few times here and there where our desire is not good for us, generally speaking getting what we want is a good thing. I spent much of my life in mystery about how to get the things I truly wanted out of life. I want to share with you what I've learned to solve that problem.
First, you must know what you want. Not just vague knowledge, but really knowing. You can know about another person but that is not the same level as knowing your spouse or a close friend. There are different degrees of knowing and you want a level of knowledge that results in certainty. You must be able to specifically name what you want. I use the acronym S.M.A.R.T. This stands for specific-measurable-action based-relevant-time bound. You should be able to name these attributes of the thing you want. This level of knowing creates the certainty you must have.
Next, we must be sure that we want that thing. What I mean is this: do you really want it or do you just like the concept of it? This is just like how everyone wants to be fit, but nobody wants to do the work to get there. I use an exercise of cause and effect to determine whether or not I really & truly want something or if it just sounds appealing. It goes like this: In order to get the thing, I want, what actions must I cause in order to achieve it? Do I want all those actions? Additionally, once you achieve the thing you want what outcomes will it cause? Do you want those outcomes as well? This is one of the biggest problems we face. Simply knowing whether or not we truly want something is a big deal.
The last thing is the ability to get and obtain that thing. Who must you be, what must you do, and what must you have in order to achieve the goal? Of these three categories, being is the hardest part. The cycle is "be-do-have". First, we must be the person required in order to do the actions required. When we do those actions correctly and completely we can finally have what we desire. Being is most important. Doing is second most important. Doing means taking action. It means finishing things. The number one obstacle to overcome here is time. When it comes to doing, speed equates to power. Being and doing will cause the having.
Follow these steps. Apply them to the goals you intend to achieve. They've worked for me countless times!
I've created my company, A.G. Capital Group, to solve problems just like these. We help businesses save 50% on group health insurance costs, reduce the per employee cost to $200/mo., and then we coach business owners on the process I mentioned above. Because of the significant influx of money from the health insurance savings, these business owners can reinvest the saving into achieving the things they really want out of their business. Click here to see just how much capital we can free up for your business!
Own Your Potential!
Jerry Fetta
Jerry Fetta is a husband, son of Yahweh, Entrepreneur and owner of 5 privately held companies. Jerry lives in Alaska with his wife and 2 dogs. His no-nonsense approach to business, finances, and life speaks truth and provides clarity to his clients and followers. His personal mission in life is to empower millions of leaders to own their God-given, ultimate potential.