How To Get A VA Home Loan With Bad Credit
It is possible to get a VA home loan with bad credit

How To Get A VA Home Loan With Bad Credit

Did you know that over 25% of Americans have bad credit?

Sadly, many of these Americans are veterans and are being needlessly being turned away for VA home financing.

If this is you, you’re in luck because I’m going to show how it is possible to get approved for a VA home loan with poor credit.

The VA loan is extremely flexible, and VA guidelines state that they want as many veterans as possible to get approved.

But, there are a few things you need to keep in mind. The VA does not write the loan. They just write the ground rules and the mortgage insurance. The VA is not a lender.

However, you need to be aware of lender overlays. A lender overlay is where a lender creates a rule on top of what the VA says.

Minimum Credit Score For VA Loans

One of the great advantages of VA loans is the fact that there is no official minimum credit score to get approved for a VA loan.

That doesn’t mean everybody can get a VA loan. It simply means that there is a lot of flexibility in getting approved.

This is where lender overlays come into play.

Some lenders might say, “We have an overlay that we will only approve people at a 580 score.”

Other lenders might say, “We only approve people at a 500 score.” And some might say, “You know what, we look at certain things on credit and decide that way.”

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