How to get the URL for any object in BC
Flemming Bakkensen
Business Central? AL? API? Clean Code? Git? Team Player? Ansvarlig? Punktlig? Kvalitetsbevidst? Softwaredesign?
Sometimes you need the URL for opening a specific page in Business Central. This could be in a scenario where you have an API that exposes all your items, and you want to make it possible for the consumer of the API to make a link directly back to the specific item in Business Central. This of course requires the user to have access to Business Central.
I have made an example of an API page exposing som standard fields from the item table, but in addition to that I also exposes URLs for the item card page for both the web client and the mobile client.
page 50100 ItemAPI
APIGroup = 'bcdev';
APIPublisher = 'bcdev';
APIVersion = 'v1.0';
ApplicationArea = All;
Caption = 'itemAPI';
DelayedInsert = true;
EntityName = 'item';
EntitySetName = 'items';
PageType = API;
SourceTable = Item;
field(no; Rec."No.")
Caption = 'No.';
field(description; Rec.Description)
Caption = 'Description';
field(unitCost; Rec."Unit Cost")
Caption = 'Unit Cost';
field(unitPrice; Rec."Unit Price")
Caption = 'Unit Price';
field(webUrl; WebURL)
Caption = 'Url';
field(phoneUrl; PhoneURL)
Caption = 'Url';
trigger OnAfterGetRecord()
WebURL := GetUrl(ClientType::Web, CompanyName, ObjectType::Page, Page::"Item Card", Rec, false);
PhoneURL := GetUrl(ClientType::Phone, CompanyName, ObjectType::Page, Page::"Item Card", Rec, false);
WebURL: Text;
PhoneUrl: Text;
In this context, is the most important part the 2 lines in the “OnAfterGetRecord” trigger, which uses a built-in function to get the URL for the “Item Card” page, for both the Web and Mobile client, and it does that for every item, and exposes the URLs in the API. Microsoft have made some documentation on the GetUrl function GETURL Function – Dynamics NAV | Microsoft Learn
When calling the API you get a result that looks like the following (I have removed som boilerplate json in the result)
@odata.etag : W/"JzE5OzU3MzYwMzMzOTY0NDk3MjcwOTYxOzAwOyc="
no : 1896-S
description : ATHEN Skrivebord
unitCost : 4337
unitPrice : 5560
webUrl : https://bcserver-default/BC/?company=CRONUS%20Danmark%20A%2FS&page=30&bookmark=23%3bGwAAAAJ7%2fzEAOAA5ADYALQBT&tenant=bcserver-default
phoneUrl : ms-dynamicsnav://bcserver-default:80/BC?company=CRONUS%20Danmark%20A%2FS&page=30&bookmark=23%3bGwAAAAJ7%2fzEAOAA5ADYALQBT&tenant=bcserver-default
@odata.etag : W/"JzIwOzE2MTUyNTEzNDI4MjY5ODM3NzEzMTswMDsn"
no : 1900-S
description : PARIS G?stestol, sort
unitCost : 835
unitPrice : 1071
webUrl : https://bcserver-default/BC/?company=CRONUS%20Danmark%20A%2FS&page=30&bookmark=23%3bGwAAAAJ7%2fzEAOQAwADAALQBT&tenant=bcserver-default
phoneUrl : ms-dynamicsnav://bcserver-default:80/BC?company=CRONUS%20Danmark%20A%2FS&page=30&bookmark=23%3bGwAAAAJ7%2fzEAOQAwADAALQBT&tenant=bcserver-default
@odata.etag : W/"JzE5OzkzOTY0NTI3MjYwNDAxOTk4NjkxOzAwOyc="
no : 1906-S
description : ATHEN Skuffemodul
unitCost : 1879
unitPrice : 2409
webUrl : https://bcserver-default/BC/?company=CRONUS%20Danmark%20A%2FS&page=30&bookmark=23%3bGwAAAAJ7%2fzEAOQAwADYALQBT&tenant=bcserver-default
phoneUrl : ms-dynamicsnav://bcserver-default:80/BC?company=CRONUS%20Danmark%20A%2FS&page=30&bookmark=23%3bGwAAAAJ7%2fzEAOQAwADYALQBT&tenant=bcserver-default
The source code for this example can be found on my GitHub