How to get unstuck in your career
Shenin Lebrun
Founder Hustle & Heart Consultancy | Talent Development | TEDx Speaker | FUTR150 Award winner | Founder MAYA tv/film production Company | Boardmember | Supervisory Boardmember (Raad van Toezicht
Have you hit a point in your career where you are unsure of how you can continue to move forward towards your dream job?
Have you hit a wall, and are fed up of listening to people say to you that you don't have the leadership skills for the job you want? Well, this has happened to me many times and happens to many of us and at that moment self doubt starts growing and you lose hope and track of the way forward.
The truth is that this happens to many of us but often enough we fight it, ignore it or dismiss it. Often enough we think everyone else is fine and happy and getting what they want and we are the only one so then... "it's probably me" thoughts get comfy in our minds and take over our thinking.
So if you are stuck right now, whatever your situation, here are a few tips from me to you. Read carefully:
Step 1: Acknowledge what you feel and think without jumping to conclusions. Just take it in. Change your mindset to being more accepting of what you go through without judgement.
Step 2: Find your "crew". If you have them great! schedule a coffee chat and talk about it all. If you don't: find one asap. It doesn't have to be a lot of people, one or 2 great people who have your best interest at heart is all it takes. Find them, connect and talk and open up.
Step 3: Give to others. I can tell you that this step is a crucial one that most people forget about or underestimate. Let me tell you more: When you start giving to others you gain perspective AND confidence. Both of which are game changers for your own situation. And giving to others doesn't have to be complicated: starting a conversation with someone and asking for what they are busy with can allow you to find the opportunity to help.
Step 4: Reflect back on step 1 and start doodling some ideas that could end up being your plan. Again, it can be simply talking to someone, starting studies, trying something new, or enrolling into a program that will help you unblock your career.
And remember this: there are no walls in your career, only corridors. There are no limitations to what you want to do, even if it's changing the direction you want your career to go, there are only opportunities. And it starts with perspective and a good plan to change the game for yourself.
Watch this inspirational video:
Staying stuck or moving forward by Dr. Lani Nelson Zlupko on TEDxWilmington
Shenin Lebrun