How to Get Unstuck and Grow Your Business

How to Get Unstuck and Grow Your Business

William felt tired as he drove home. His business was successful. His family was comfortable. He had the respect of others. But he could never quite get to the next level. To be honest, he wasn’t sure what the “next level” looked like. But it seemed that, with all the effort and time and resources put into his company, things should be easier. For example, why was it so hard for him to get away and take a long vacation? Why was he still mediating arguments between employees? Why was he dealing with customer complaints?

William always felt inspired by leaders who seemed relaxed and happy. Ones who seemed to spend their time building new projects or investing in their employees or contributing to the community. Why did it feel like if he took his hand off the wheel, even for a few days, everything would start to drift apart?

A moment of clarity. William realized that’s what the issue was…he was always so involved in holding things together. He didn’t feel like he had the time or energy to move them forward. He felt stuck. Plateaued. Putting in the effort but not seeing progress.

Why We Plateau

I’ve always been involved in athletics. For twelve years, I was also a strength and conditioning instructor. As every athlete knows – plateaus are frustrating. Good athletes know how to break them. Plateaus come from the body’s natural drive towards homeostasis. Our bodies and our brains are wired to work as efficiently as possible. Whatever condition your body gets in – generally after a month or two in that condition – your body and brain tend to make that the “norm”. The norm becomes what is comfortable. It’s easy to maintain that level of effort and work…and results. We feel uncomfortable if we regress. But it’s also uncomfortable to progress. So, we maintain. We plateau.

Plateaus and Thermostats

Psychologically, we each have a “success thermostat.” This thermostat is primarily set through messages received from our families growing up. It is reinforced by experiences we have in life. Following that, it is set by the messages we pay the most attention to.

Let’s say you own a business. Year after year, you find your discretionary earnings staying right around $100,000. Sometimes a little higher. Sometimes a little lower. When you reflect on this, you might realize that a six-figure income was always referred to as financial “success” growing up. You believe that successful people earn $100,000 a year. That is locked into your head. Less than $100,000 feels like failing. If you dip below, you heat things up and get your numbers back.

But more than $100,000 feels like “too much.” If you go over, you cool off. You dial back your efforts. Many people find that there is a pattern to this. There is about 15% wiggle room either way – if you go too far below or above, the thermostat kicks in and brings you back. It’s hard to change.

The financial metric is easy to describe. But this applies to other areas as well: Who we see as peers. The size of the contracts we pursue. The number of staff or programs we oversee. The goals we set. The problems we believe we can solve.

We find comfort at one level. And don’t do the different kinds of things required to get to the next level.

The Four Changes You Need to Make to Get the Change You Want

This next statement is forehead-slappingly obvious: If you want different results – do something different. Nevertheless, many people insist on doing the same thing but hope for different results. If you make the following four changes – you will break through your plateau. They aren’t a mystery. They just take doing:

  1. Change your goals: If your previous way of goal setting hasn’t created the results you want – change the kinds of goals you set.

Most likely your goals are too small or just more of “the same”. Your goals should be big or different enough that it takes a completely different kind of approach and thinking to accomplish them.

2. Change your actions: Your normal routines have produced the success you have. But not the success you want. What needs to change? For many leaders, it’s these three shifts:

  • Clarity: Getting crystal clear on your priorities and the specific steps to accomplishing them.
  • Prioritize your time: Block your most productive time to focus on the action that will move your organization forward. Don’t let anything steal this time.
  • Stop needing to be needed: Call a halt to solving problems. Create solutions so problems don’t reoccur. Build systems and a team that allow your organization to solve problems for you.

3. Change your influences: Change who you spend time with, what you read and listen to. Immerse yourself in “next level” thinking. Spend time with people who are where you want to be. Read and listen to thinkers who describe what you want to get to. Allow this mental and relational marination to change your vision and self-image.

4. Change or create accountability: Get someone in your life that you are accountable to. Someone you respect. Someone you don’t want to disappoint. Tell them your goals and your plans. Give them permission to call you out. It could be a peer, a mentor or a coach. You need someone.

What Changes Will You Make?

These four changes drive different, better results. Do you want different results? If so, what specific changes will you make?

Take good care,


Further Reading

Frustrated or Tired as A Leader? 5 Lessons from Elite Athletes that You Need to Know

Why Leaders Shouldn’t Trust Their Strength

There are ???? ???????????????? ?????????????????? to ask before accepting a new CEO position. Do you know what they are? Instantly download my free e-book here.

the 12 questions you must ask before accepting a new CEO position

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Vision Building Sprints

If you or your team are wrestling with defining your vision and would like help, I’m offering the opportunity for a “Vision Sprint”. This is a dynamic calibrating exercise. We will tightly dial in on your vision for the year and the key steps you need to take to get there. I’m offering either individual sessions ($2500) or team sessions ($4000).

Contact me at [email protected] if interested in learning more or setting up a time.

The Successful New CEO - FREE BOOK OFFER

As an executive coach, I’ve found that the experiences for new executives (or experienced executives in new roles) tend to touch on familiar themes. No one’s situation is the same. But there are common principles that, when followed, do guide executives to success. I introduce those core principles in my new book, The Successful New CEO. I’d like to give you a free copy (just pay shipping)!

The book is divided into four parts:

  • Becoming an Executive: Leaders can only lead out of who they are. How do you become the kind of person who successfully and gracefully inhabits this role?
  • Seven Essential Executive Skills: The skills that earned you this new role may not be the ones that you need in the role. What are the key leadership skills that become even more important at the executive level?
  • Leading Your Leadership Team: More than likely, you’ll be leading other leaders. How do you lead a confident, effective leader? How do you build a team out of leaders?
  • First Things: Where do you start? How do you quickly build credibility and engagement? What is too fast or too slow?

The goal of The Successful New CEO is to help you quickly gain the confidence of your team, successfully address the issues you will discover, score early wins, and set a course for a fruitful future.

If you'd like to see how this book will benefit you or someone you know, I’d like to make it available to you for free! Click Here.

Find the value of your company with my free assessment tool: The Value Builder System

The Value Builder System? is a 13-minute online questionnaire that evaluates your business on the eight factors that contribute more to its attractiveness and value. These factors are scored on a scale of 1-100. Businesses that score over 80 are likely to command 70%-100% higher value than others.


In my podcast, THE LEADERSHIP COACH, we explore effective, high impact and enjoyable leadership. We talk about personal development and the attributes that all effective leaders possess. I interview other leadership experts who share their knowledge and tips to help you build the confidence to lead and learn the habits of good decision-making.


Free Resource: How To Accomplish More Without Doing More is a workbook I created to walk leaders through a process of helping you own your calendar, liberate your time, and still get more done. Download it for free!

Executive and Leadership Coaching: Do you feel overwhelmed? Are you not getting the results you expect from the effort you are putting in? Do you find yourself facing similar challenges time and time again? Would you like to change specific ways of relating or reacting? If you would like to experience predictable, measurable growth Contact me.

Profitable Exit Strategy Workshop: Are you a business owner or partner? Are you over 55? Are you starting to think about exiting your business or active management in the next 3-5 years?

  • Are you curious about what your business might be worth?
  • Would you like to discover the specific steps you need to take to increase its value and become highly attractive to a buyer?
  • Are you planning on handing it over to family or employees and you want to ensure long-term success?

If so, contact me now



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