How to get things done
How to start driving your own agenda and stop being driven by others.
Do you sometimes feel loosing control of your agenda? Are you more driven by others than driving your own goals? Do you sometimes loose track on what once was your goal? Urgency takes over importancy?
I have been there myself and sometimes i still feel the same. But a lot less! Since i changed how i manage my focus and energy, I feel more driving my own agenda and i get a lot more done. This is what i changed:
- Set yearly goals. Use areas like job, family, health, partnership, finance,... . Discuss this with your partner.
- Make weekly plans and ensure you have time to work on your goals. Review last week and plan next week at a set time (every Friday afternoon e.g.). Make sure you work on at least one goal a week (often one hour can make a the difference).
- Your activities should be effective not efficient. The difference in impact is huge!
- Regular activities become routines, routines become habits, habits are lifestyle. Keywords: sport, food, saving money, partnership,...
- Work in blocks. Don`t be distracted by phone, social media, colleagues,... for a set time a day. First block in the morning is dedicated to your goals or projects. Do emails in one go and do it after you have worked on what is most important to you.
- Make ToDo lists. Prioritize by importance not urgency. Use a system (paper, apps, digital - it does not matter), stick to it and don`t fool yourself (i refer to my own experience ; ) ).
- Say ?NO“ to everything that distracts you and say ?YES“ to things that help to focus on what is most important right now.
- Celebrate your achievements and enjoy moments of satisfaction!
This is what works for me. In my case the change was a process and i adapted my habits step by step. In the end it helped me a lot to get more things done and drive towards achieve my goals.
What are your habits, to get things done? What works for you? I am looking forward to your comments!