How to get the team working together
Crystal Petzer
Transform your business and find balance in your life. Business Coach for Business Owners. Achieve success with a business mentor, Having someone to talk or bounce ideas with, Improve decision-making, Increase profits
Every month I run business owners boards where business owners get their key question asked and receive feedback from the other business owners at the meeting. I thought I would share some of the questions and answers. Hope you get some value, I learn something new at every meeting. That's why I love doing them.
Question asked to business owners board: How to get the team working together.
It is significant because: I like to have everyone get on together.
Actions taken to date: team meetings.
Feedback from other members of the board
Person 1 - You have got to know why there is resistance - Have at least 3 x 1:1 meetings with them - find out what exactly creates the resistance in the team is it one person or more that is causing an issue amongst staff members
Person 2 - Get them all together and then also individually and address the issues you know about. Is it better to do this with all or individually? From the feedback see how bad it is then make that decision. You might need HR support. Start the conversation with the team that you got from his customers about their childish behaviour on site. Why did the staff not come to the Xmas party without explaining the issue??Grown men who should know better.
Person 3 - You need to be the boss and not act like a friend. You are here for work; lay down the law with the staff that is starting all the trouble (flamethrower guy).
Person 4- Tough style is what you need to take - your style will not help. Do a disc profile on the group and get them to realise what the issue is and the impact on the team - it could be a generational issue. Talk from the point of strength. A small team has to work together - you might consider a team building session with a professional may be of help.
Person 5- Agree with everyone before - They would not even think it affects their performance. Talking to them will pull them into line a bit - every 6 months, you need to talk to them. It is expected of you.
Person 6- I don't think it is a group session, but you can do this individually first, then as a group session - if you are grumpy at work, what impact does it have on the business and yourself? When you have found the individual issue, tell them that they need to change and in this time frame. Check on them regularly to help you to understand if they are willing to change or not.
Person 7 - If the one team member is the flame thrower - if he is not doing what is right then the issue needs to be addressed. If it is a personality clash - try not to have them work together.
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