How to Get in Surf Shape
At Safari Surf School, we have taught thousands of visitors of all shapes, sizes, and ages since 1999 how to surf from the beautiful beaches of Costa Rica and Nicaragua. One of the most important factors associated with great surfing is being in great “surf” shape. That doesn’t mean you have to have ripped abs and body fat of 5% !! Your fitness level can make a world of difference for those special ventures down here to the world of Pura Vida or any place you go surfing. Whether or not you consider yourself to be in shape, there are always ways to improve personal fitness. Here I’ll outline how to get in top surfing shape for your next ride – and you don’t need an ocean.
It’s no secret that surfing takes endurance. Paddling out to catch the perfect wave time after time is exhausting, and surfers need their cardiovascular systems to be in decent shape. Cardiovascular endurance can be developed in many ways other than from running (which I personally hate to do!), which is popular, but demanding on your joints. One easy way to increase cardiovascular fitness is through swimming and bike riding. I love a good bike ride…it gets me out of the office and gets my blood flowing.
Swimming is great training for surfers because your strokes (freestyle) mimic the form of motion used while paddling out. It helps to tone your upper body and prepare those muscles for the real deal…paddling on your board. For those who don’t have immediate access to a pool, both road or mountain biking and cycling on stationary equipment are great ways to develop cardiovascular endurance. For a quick, convenient cardiovascular workout, jumping rope is incredibly effective, and can be done just about anywhere.
When it comes to conditioning for balance, there are a variety of different routines that can keep your core prepared for those immediate transitions on the board. Both yoga and pilates offer surfers two disciplines to practice and increase balance while strengthening the body’s entire “core” system. I dabble in yoga enough to know it has amazing benefits not only for your core but also just keeping your body in tune.
Getting an Indo Board is a wonderful and easy way to mimic board balance. Professional athletes worldwide train on this device and the real benefit is that it can be done from any room in your home. This looks like a simple thing to do but please be cautioned…it does take some time to hone in your balance skills to handle the Indo Board. The first time I tried it a fell flat on my back…and I consider myself to have pretty decent balance! If you get an Indo board please do yourself a favor and start on a carpet and also have something you can hold onto at least in the beginning so you can get your bearings on it!
It’s important to be able to move within a large range of motion while surfing. Without flexibility, surfers are prone to injury. Anyone can increase their flexibility through the discipline of stretching. The video below demonstrates a stretch routine that will increase your overall flexibility. I can attest that I don’t stretch enough and when I don’t I pay for it …especially after a long surf session!
Power & Speed
Power is necessary when surfers exert large amounts of force in a short amount of time, and surfers need speed to take off on a wave. Agility in surfing comes from muscles that are ready to work at full blast. Surfers do this when hopping up on the board and in doing hard bottom turns. Developing “twitch” muscle memory will make surfing easier and more enjoyable as you focus on the wave instead of your own strength. Power training can be accomplished by toning all muscle groups by lifting light weights with high rep count at a gym or your home. Hate the gym? Try doing planks to strengthen your core, pushups for your arms, and squats for your thighs, quadriceps and hamstrings.
I’m not a gym rat and definitely not into the “scene” most gyms exude… so for me, bike rides, push ups, pull ups, sit ups etc. are the ticket for me…you just need to find the right ticket for you!
Strong surfers can be identified by their ability to paddle strong over a long period of time, or their ability to duck dive correctly. For strength development, I would suggest an industry leading video workout program called Surf Stronger, created by surfers Todd Walsh and Scott Adam. We’ve partnered I’ve know the guys at Surf Stronger for a long time and I really believe in the benefits of this Surf Strong program. It was designed by surfers, for surfers, and focuses on full body exercises. The program works key muscle groups to aid in optimum surfing. Surf Stronger functions as a powerful way to get in better surf shape or sustain your fitness level in the off season, or when you don’t have enough time to catch some waves.
Ready to surf like a pro? Start training now, and we’ll meet you at the beach!