How To Get On Speaking Terms With Your Ex (My Ex Refuses To Talk To Me)

How to get on speaking terms with your ex - My ex refuses to talk to me.?

It is very likely that you are totally confused right now. You and your ex had a huge argument that resulted in you relationship coming to an end. You know that there are things that you have to and want to say to your ex to try to fix things, but there is one problem. Your ex won't talk to you. How can you make your ex start talking to you again?

First of all you need to understand why your ex isn't talking to you right now. You are aware that you said some pretty nasty things to your ex during the argument - these things hurt a lot. Also, The fact that you might have told your ex that you didn't want to see him/her anymore probably made your ex as mad as hell too. However, if you go about things the right way, you can make your ex start talking to you again.

Right now, your ex is having a huge battle with his/her emotions. On the one hand, there is the pain you caused, that intense anger, but on the other hand there is probably still a deep love for you as well. These feelings are very confusing and extremely difficult to deal with. This is why your ex won't talk to you right now - he/she needs time away from you.

However long it takes, it is very important that you leave your ex alone for now to deal with these things without interference from you. You are the cause of why your ex is feeling this way - if you try to make contact with your ex at this stage, you will only add to these problems. Of course this will NOT make your ex start talking to you again.

Spend this time healing yourself as well - you are also hurting and full of anger. Get rid of these bad feelings by spending time with your friends or doing other things that will make you happy. Eventually, you and your ex will bump into each other and this is when you can probably make your ex start talking to you again.

The hurt and anger you felt for each other will be gone, but the loving feelings you have for each other will still be there. Simply smile and say hi to each other and then let nature take its course.

Getting your ex to talk to you again is not a hopeless case. It may be the easiest thing to do if you think about it. Others have gone as far as playing dead or faking an accident just so they'd know if their exes still care for them. I'm not saying you follow suit. But you can, of course.

Pretend - Oh, you can pretend to do a lot of things. Pretend to call another person and leaving a message at his phone number at home or voice mail. Hang out at his favorite restaurant and pretend waiting for some friend or even better, a date. Be imaginative. You've used your imagination in more ways than one. Now, use that same creativity here.

Arouse - Create an intrigue or rumor about you. It could be anything. Make your friends spread some gossip that you're dating this celebrity. No one has to see it. You know how rumors start. Arouse his curiosity. Sooner than later, he'll be calling you about it.

Fake - Yes, fake an illness. An illness that may cause you your life. This is also a good gauge to see if he still cares about you. Or not.

Talk - The one sure-fire way for your ex to talk to you is for you to start the ball rolling. You can't wait for him to talk to you. It might take weeks or even years. If you're that desperate or eager, then you should do the first move. Now that you're talking, have a concrete set or plan of what you want to say. Or sometimes, it's just nice to talk again.

Talk about anything except about the break-up. Something light and happy. This should not be the time to cry over spilled milk. That is another show.

Let me show you exactly what to do to salvage your relationship and rekindle the lost love one more time…even if you're the only one trying…and even if the situation seems hopeless. Head over now to Get Your Ex Back Secrets

4 Most Deadly Mistakes You Must Avoid If You Want Your Ex Back

Want your ex back? Exactly what do you need to NOT do to be able to be successful in attracting your ex back into your life? Most guides tell you what you should do; now this article gives you the 411 on what you should NOT do to be able to get your ex back. Here are 4 Deadly Mistakes you must avoid if you want your ex back.

Don't Stalk - Stalking your ex is a big no-no. You don't want to creep out your ex now, do you? Stalking includes numerous phone calls, IM's, E-mails and text messages per day or week, limit any form of communication with your ex to at least 3x a week, initiate communication only if you really need to, otherwise, let your ex come to you. Being too obsessive will only push your ex further away, so it's best to give them a lot of breathing room. Give your ex a chance to miss you, your ex won't miss you if you hover around, so take a step back and let your ex come to you.

Too Much Information Can Be Deadly - It's understandable for you to go talk to someone right after a break up. But never indulge too many details about your break up to anybody, not even your closest friends or relatives, why? Well, because if you do and then you work things out with your ex, the people you told about details of your break up will feel awkward whenever they are around your ex/partner, and you definitely don't want that.

Don't be too available - Often, right after a break up, people become more vulnerable and gullible, which is why, often times, your ex takes advantage of that. Don't make yourself too available for your ex, let your ex know that because you have broken up, your world does not revolve around him and you have other priorities in life. It's okay to do a few favors for your ex now and then, but never cancel out other commitments just because he needs a favor, treat your ex like everybody else, if you have to make them wait, then do so, make your ex feel that you have a life.

Don't be whiny - Being whiny won't get your ex to want to come back to you, it'll only push him further away, so the next time you're together, make sure not to whine and exude confidence that will attract him back into your life.

Do You Truly Wish You Can Get Back Together with Your Ex?

Relationship is a fragile bond that when it's broken, the process of mending can be much more difficult than creating it in the first place. Sometimes it's an extremely difficult task to sort out all the problems and get back together with your ex. No matter how many times you come up with different reasons and approaches, your ex does not seem to change the decision to leave you. If you’d like to get your hands on a step-by-step method for changing your ex's decision about the breakup, click here!


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