How to get six packs in 30 days?

How to get six packs in 30 days?

It’s has become common nowadays especially after a long quarantine that the majority of us want to get back to shape. 30 days is a month after all, and it sure is not a short time, right??

We’ve cut all the shortcuts and researched, on for you! Unfortunately, just 30 days for six-packs isn’t enough. However, this doesn’t mean it’s impossible for some who may be already into fitness.

To truly get what we're discussing, we believe that there are sure conditions that must be met. A few things must be available for you to have abs, and you need to run after them all to achieve your goal. Here is our guide:


To have a six-pack we need to focus on our body our main body part would be the stomach, this is because the stomach is the most body part that is a body fat deposit and this means we need to burn as much fat off this area.?

Now we have heard a lot of certain exercises that target body fat loss in one area but, that’s a myth. There is just no exercise that burns fat only in one area. So you need to exercise in general and focus on fat loss workouts.?

These workouts will help you get clear visible abs;

  • Jogging?
  • Cycling
  • Swimming?
  • Weight training?

And more.

These cardio-based exercises are huge on weight loss, cardio workouts are also known as aerobic exercises. These exercises focus on increasing one’s heartbeat meaning they will be able to lose weight.

As much as we dislike cardio workouts, cardio is the most efficient workout when it comes to belly fat loss.

If you don't want to do these cardio workouts in the gym because they may seem to get you bored, you can always have equal cardio workouts outdoors.


Studies have proved that cardio workouts are a key exercise strategy for losing belly fat. Meaning with a loss of belly fat from cardio, one can achieve a six-pack easily with exercise.


Getting into a diet or changing your diet plan plays a huge part in getting your six-packs and achieving your goal. Eating protein-rich foods is an important muscle-building block. When you lose body fat you must focus on maintaining your body weight and this can only be done if you track your calorie intake.

Having complex carbs part of your dietary plan also helps fuel your body during workouts and can be an added benefit to your routine. With healthy eating make sure also that your foods include healthy fats in them as not all fats are bad for you.

High fiber foods are a smooth way to increase weight loss and achieve six-pack abs. Fruits, vegetables, whole grains are just a few healthy, high-fiber foods that you can add to your diet to help burn belly fat.

Cut eating processed foods and also sugar, these foods can often contain a wide variety of unhealthy added sugars, sodium, and fat. These processed foods can not only affect your goal but rather even cause health issues and indeed affect your weight loss.

Make sure you avoid eating unhealthy foods.?

Check out our UAE dietary options to help you get abs.


A dietary plan is key to achieve a six-pack; rich proteins, complex carbohydrates, fruits, and healthy fats are all keen on improving workout performance and body fat loss to get your abs.


Staying hydrated is a vital part of your ab strategy. Staying hydrated is extremely beneficial not only for the skin and your body but staying hydrated can boost your immune system and also help you lose body fat.

Studies have shown that water consumption comes with a range of benefits in which a huge part help with losing weight and increase calorie burning.


Water is important and helps in many ways most important can aid your metabolic system and help you get abs.


As well as a focused diet, you must focus on building abdominal muscles. These are muscles responsible for how your six-packs will look and for a good definition you need to train them well. Try and workout for a good 45 min per day for 5 days a week for the best results.

To power up and have those internet-looking defined abs you really have to focus on the right workout for lower and upper abs as your fit healthy diet plan.?

Some workouts to help;

  • Dumbbell Crunch
  • Crunches
  • Leg raise
  • Decline plank
  • Russian twist
  • Bicycle twist
  • Plank?
  • Mountain climber

And more.


Several exercises are needed for a good ab definition. Abdominal exercises are the best and most popular range to help achieve six-packs.


High-Intensity Interval Training, or HIIT, is a good mix-up for workout starters. This technique combines cardio and strength training in a quick and effective workout as it gets your heartbeat going.

HITT workouts are beneficial and strong when it comes to body fat loss as there is a lot of noticeable difference with those high-intensity workouts.


HIIT is a strong workout routine that can help weight loss and is an effective strategy to help you achieve your goal of well-defined abs.


At the end of the day, it’s not impossible for anything to work out but if you are in very good shape you’ve paved the road ahead for weight loss, all you have to do is focus on maintaining your weight.

