You might have come across the term - Death by Powerpoint!

I started in the profession of training in about 2009 and made it my livelihood since 2011.

Ever since the time I started, I never used powerpoint slides. I had and still have a healthy disdain towards the use of powerpoint slides. And no, it is not about the tool. It is the same for me for Keynote (MacOs equivalent of powerpoint).

For a long time my trainings were in person and I would find innovative ways to keep my audience visually engaged.

And then came COVID. And all my trainings shifted exclusively online over zoom.

And with the use of Zoom meetings, I had to find new ways to keep my audience visually engaged.

That's when I started using Mind Map tools.

I won't get into the concept of mind maps. You can look that up over the internet.

The point I am getting to is that people started loving it. And my usage of mind map tool increased dramatically. It is a fund way to organise information and at the same time keep your audience visually engaged.

Lot of people have asked me which tool do I use. People who are trainers, life coaches, professional speakers, facilitators, managers, leaders - just about anyone who is required to speak to an audience has checked with me for the name of the tool I use and recommend.

The tool which I use specifically is Mind Node. This application is available on MacOs only and does not have a Windows version. So while I would strongly recommend this to a Mac user.. I find it limiting not to be able to give a recommendation to Windows users.

So here is a tool that works brilliantly not just on Windows, but also on MacOs and any other platform out there so long as the platform supports a web browser like Chrome or Firefox.

And one of the the best part of this tool is that you no longer have to worry about where you store your mind maps. This tool stores all the mind maps you created to a cloud and you can access them from anywhere in the world without having access to your laptop. All you need is a web browser and your login credentials.

And the other best part is - you can export your mind map to PDF, to image, to Word and Powerpoint if that is what you and/or your audience likes.

Check this tool out and get your free account now -

And if you need any help regarding usage of this tool, message me and I am just a short zoom meeting away...

Happy mind mapping!


Anil Dagia, PCC, Master Trainer ICF Accredited and NLP的更多文章

