How To Deal With Narcissistic Coworkers
If you’ve had the displeasure dealing with a narcissist at work, you might be tempted to seek out revenge.
However, the more you seek revenge on a narcissistic coworker, the more power you give to the other person and to your connection with them.
Studies show that most people seek revenge, not to savor the victory of justice served, but to subconsciously prolong the negative connection and negative experience.
That’s right. If you want revenge on someone, it’s because you want to prolong negativity.
Revenge is a waste of time for another reason. Revenge energizes narcissists and negative people.
Remember that narcissists and revenge-seekers have a lot in common. They both feed off of the negative connection brought about by revenge.
Why not just cut the cord instead? Why not just walk away?
Trying to exact revenge by trying to teach a narcissist a lesson will only empower them (while belittling you) and bring out more aggression.
Only 6.5% Of People Have Narcissistic Personality Disorder
The term narcissist has grown in popularity. Now, the term is used very generally to describe arrogant and self-indulgent people who lack insight and awareness, with a focus on aggressively getting ahead in their careers.
The term is also used as a scapegoat by people who love to play the victim.
True narcissists account for only 6.5% of the population and exhibit traits such as having a disproportionate sense of self-importance, status, and achievement, with an obsessive need for more, reports the Psychiatric Times.
Narcissistic traits, however, are much more common than a true disorder and not entirely bad. You read that right, narcissistic traits are not always bad.
The article states:
“Narcissism ranges from healthy and normal to pathological and severely malignant. It is closely related to regulation of self-esteem and emotions and to a sense of control and competence. Narcissism can be a motivating factor and can contribute to exceptional and remarkable accomplishments in higher-functioning people, even when it co-occurs with pathological narcissistic traits and dimensions.”
The overcompensation of self-esteem and lack of control presents in individuals, and can be a coping mechanism, that can motivate and encourage them to excel.
Narcissism is bad when it’s extreme, but it’s usually not extreme. At modest levels, narcissism can make you more successful. At high levels, it can make you intolerable. At very high levels, it can make you delusional and overly aggressive.
True narcissists are difficult to treat psychologically because they lack consistent insight into their deficits.
Other people who merely have some narcissistic traits know they are narcissists, they just don’t care.
The problem for people with narcissistic traits is that they often fail later in their careers.
In other words, life gets its revenge.
A study published in Personality and Social Psychology measured their level of extraversion and status achievement and found that while narcissists use their traits to advance quickly to positions of status and power, they often fail to keep those positions.
Likely because narcissists score low in popularity (correlating with their being intolerable blowhards).
While they maintain some awareness of this, they choose getting ahead versus getting along, indulging in their over-inflated and distorted sense of self and self-righteousness.
And they are aware of that. At least some of the time.
Of course, no one should sacrifice achievement to approval from other people and no one should put being liked by others ahead of their personal goals.
True narcissists are not bad for these reasons. Instead, narcissists are bad because they lie and manipulate others to achieve.
This is what makes getting revenge on a narcissist so provocative… because of how overtly and blatantly manipulative they are.
When people screw you over, your natural instinct will be to balance the scales, even if this balancing can only be done emotionally.
A recent report in Scientific American found that just thinking about revenge activates the reward center of the brain, and releases dopamine similar to drugs and sugary foods.
Revenge brings a flooding thrill — a delight in the idea of staged “karmic payback”.
In a study presented in the American Psychological Association’s Monitor, personality traits of those who seek revenge aren’t that far from the traits of the narcissist they feel might deserve it.
Both narcissists AND people who are vengeful are motivated by power, authority, and the desire for status. A better strategy is to get revenge on narcissists by focusing on yourself. Here’s how…
1. Accept that the narcissist doesn’t care about you.
If you’re confronted with a narcissist at work, the very first thing you need to do is to stop expecting anything from this person. Particularly, anything rational.
And, in turn, start expecting more from yourself. Most of the pain you will ever experience in life is due to your own mismanaged expectations.
Of course, it’s going to hurt when you expect a narcissist to put your needs above theirs and they don’t deliver.
Smarten up. These are unrealistic expectations to begin with. Don’t be so needy and entitled, lacking as much insight as the narcissist themselves. Don’t be a hypocrite. The only cure for your pain is to stop expecting anything from narcissists.
Instead, disengage and see them for who they really are and not who you have imagined them to be. Take responsibility for your blind spots that let them pass through your filters.
2. Stop relying on narcissists for your success.
Once you recognize someone is a narcissist, stop wishing and hoping that they are going to take your success into account. Instead, learn to rely on yourself.
Every time you rely on someone else to make you successful at work, you’ll be disappointed.
You’ll become a victim in your own career. You’ll become someone who blames everyone else for not filling your needs. It’s a downward spiral that creates habitual dependency and breeds insecurity. It’s a recipe for unhappiness.
The truth is, no one can make you happy but you. No one can reach into your brain and force you to feel a sense of happiness. They can’t experience happiness on your behalf either. Happiness is a personal decision.
You are the only one in your life who can decide to be happy and successful for you.
3. Actively let go of workplace narcissists.
It’s not your job to save a narcissist from themselves. It’s your job to save yourself from a narcissist.
This means walking away from them. Let them go. The key is to realize that letting go is an active process.
Letting go means setting goals for yourself. It means focusing on yourself first for a change. It means being strict with your attention. It means protecting your space, time, and mental energy.
Most importantly, it means actively putting aside your need to be the fixer, the rescuer, the control freak of the workplace.
People are who they are and you can’t change them. So stop trying.
Any time you spend trying to hold up a mirror to show someone they’re a narcissist is a complete waste of time.
It’s a waste of time because no one will ever see themselves as a narcissist. Sure, they might see that they’ve made a mistake or that they’ve hurt you. (Maybe, but probably not.)
But they’ll never see that they unjustly made a mistake or that they unjustly hurt you. They’ll never see themselves as inherently unjust. They’ll never see themselves as selfish or narcissistic either.
So let them go — actively. Quit wasting your time trying to get a confession. Instead, move on with your career.
People with narcissistic traits are everywhere. They are driven with tunnel vision to manipulate others to gain achievement and status. They are willing to step on anyone to get what they need and win at all costs. They are manipulative and they are never wrong. They will hurt you and disappoint you and it’s never their fault. Not in their mind. There’s no winning with narcissists. There’s no changing them and they won’t ever really understand, let alone change. The best revenge is to get rid of them and get on with your career while focusing on positive and productive changes while you move forward.
How do you deal with narcissists at work? Tell me in a comment below.
I also write for Fast Company and Entrepreneur Magazine:
- The Skills You Need To Grow Your Business
- 10 People Who Will Destroy Your Business
- 5 Benefits Of Being A Misfit Entrepreneur
Check out my NEW book of personal and professional advice, The Science of Intelligent Achievement...
Senior Social Prescriber Linkworker - Primary Healthcare Professional
4 年I found a few bits of good advice - namely that you should not expect anything (such as fair play at work) from a narc. However, surprised that your article focuses on “vengeance” it’s as though the audience are narcissists themselves trying to cope with other narcissists. The other point about stop trying to change them and just walk away is the obvious solution but walking away isn’t possible at work, you are stuck with them, that isn’t an option which is why we are seeking help in dealing with them. If you have some practical tips on managing a narcissist that would be great - managing your own expectations is a great starting position, so will definitely take that away.
Fiduciary & Private Banking
4 年The problem is that as high achievers, they tend to be managers or leaders and there's not much working around the direct report relationship.?
Experienced in Delivering Value ~ Ask me about machine learning, analytics, project management
6 年Turn the other cheek and avoid holding grudges.... it's what has always worked for me.
Could have used this fall of 2016