How to get recovery after Open heart surgery ?

How to get recovery after Open heart surgery ?

Have you gone through Open heart surgery? Want to know how to get recovery after open heart surgery and how long it will take? Well, you are at the right niche to know all the information about open heart surgery recovery time. After open-heart surgery, coming back to home is little harder than people usually think it would be. At every little bump on the road managed to send a jerk of discomfort via your chest. This usually happens, thus, it is suggested to take advice from Best Cardiologist in Hyderabad who has done your surgery and be careful for some time.        

During the initial week, after the coronary surgery, the staff in the hospital met all your postoperative needs. When you reach home, there will be only you & your caregiver. The primary thing you must recognize is it’s your responsibility to get recovery from open heart surgery as soon as possible. If you are not taking care of yourself and willing to accept the responsibilities, you can’t reasonably expect anyone else to shoulder it.

What is open heart surgery?

Open-heart surgery is the major type of surgery in which the chest is cut open, & surgery is performed by the best Interventional cardiologist in Hyderabad on the heart’s valves, muscles, or arteries. At the time of surgery, a healthy artery or vein is grafted or attached to a blocked coronary artery. This allows the attached artery to “bypass” the blocked artery & bring fresh blood to the heart.

Coronary artery bypass graft

When is Open Heart surgery needed?

Usually, Open-heart surgery is done by thebest cardiologist surgeon in Hyderabad to perform a CABG (coronary artery bypass graft) for people suffering from coronary heart disease. This disease occurs when blood vessels that provide blood & oxygen for heart muscle becomes hard and narrow. This is often known as “hardening of the arteries.”

Open-heart surgery is also made to:

  • Replace or repair heart valves that allow blood to travel through heart
  • Insert medical devices that assist the heart to beat properly
  • Repair or Replace of damaged or abnormal areas of heart
  • Replace the damaged heart with another heart donated by others (heart transplantation)

How Open heart surgery is performed?

The following are the steps performed by the best cardiologist in Hyderabad India during Open Heart surgery:

  • Initially, general anesthesia is given to the patient. This is to ensure that the patient remains asleep and pain-free throughout the complete surgery.
  • Best cardiologist surgeon makes an 8- to 10-inch cut in the chest.
  • The surgeon either cuts through all or a part of the patient’s breastbone to expose the heart.
  • When the heart is visible, the patient can be connected to heart-lung bypass machine which moves blood away from the heart so that the best cardiologist in Kukatpally Hyderabad can operate. Few newer procedures don’t use this machine.
  • The surgeon uses a healthy artery or vein to make a new path around blocked artery.
  • The surgeon seal breastbone with wire, leaving wire inside the body.
  • Then the original cut is stitched up.

Heart attack

What are the risks of Open heart surgery?

The following are the risks for open-heart surgery:

  • Chest wound infection
  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Heart attack or stroke
  • Chest pain and low fever
  • Lung or kidney failure
  • Pneumonia
  • Memory loss or “fuzziness”
  • Blood loss
  • Blood clot
  • Breathing difficulty

How to get Recovery after open heart surgery ?

The initial phase of Open heart surgery recovery lasts from 6 to 8 weeks. When a patient is discharged from the hospital, he or she will get a set of instructions for post-surgery care in order to overcome open heart surgery recovery complications. These help in healing physically and feel better.

Wound care:

Keep wound cut dry and clean. The patient should be able to take bath within a few days. Consult a doctor if they have any signs such as:

  • More drainage or oozing than usual
  • Redness or warmth around the cut
  • Edges pulling apart
  • Fever more than 100 F

Get in touch with a doctor when your breastbone feels like it shifts or pops or cracks when you move.

Pain Relief

Take the pain medication prescribed by the doctor before you leave the hospital.

Discomfort around the cut & in muscles including tightness, itching & numbness along the incision — are normal. But it shouldn’t harm as much as it did prior to your surgery.

Having bypass surgery hurts your legs more than chest if the surgeon has used leg veins as grafts. The soreness & stiffness fades with time.

For the initial 6 to 8 weeks, slowly build up the activity, such as doing household chores.

  • Don’t lift the weight over 10 pounds.
  • Don’t stand for over 15 minutes in one place
  • Don’t pull or push heavy things.


Perfect healthy food choices help in the open heart surgery recovery process. It is suggested to have a smaller quality of meals more often.

Emotional Well-Being

It is usual that after heart surgery it is sad, but these feelings must pass after the initial few weeks. If they don’t, approach the best cardiologist in Apollo Hyderabad about it.

People walking

In order to keep your spirits up:

  • Walk daily.
  • Get dressed well every day.
  • Share feelings with others.
  • Get a good night’s sleep.
  • Pick up hobbies & social activities.
  • Rest and Sleep as much as you can

Many people have trouble in sleeping after undergoing open heart surgery. You must get back to a normal slumber pattern within a period of few months. If you are not able to sleep, take medication about half an hour prior to going to bed. Arrange pillows so that you can stay in comfortable position.

  • During the evening, avoid caffeine, subsuming chocolate, tea, coffee, and some sodas.
  • Settle to the bedtime routine, possibly listening to relaxing music.

Tips to keep your heart healthy

1.Keep plate bright

The more colorful the diet is the more phytonutrients you get that can ward off obesity, heart disease and cancer.

2.Use natural sweeteners

If you love sweets, for satisfying your sweet cravings choose natural sweeteners such as honey, fruit & organic maple syrup as these sweet treats blend sugar (fructose) with vitamins & fiber that are so essential for healthy heart.

3.Be sweet savvy

Diet with high sugar content results in high blood pressure, thus reduce refined sugars & particularly high fructose corn syrup.

4.Cut back on saturated fats

Irrespective of age & risk factors it helps the patient to lower LDL cholesterol & live a longer life. Restrict saturated fat to 7 percent of your daily calories.

5.Follow 80%-20% rule

Eating healthy food all the time is virtually impossible. Leave 20% unhealthy cravings.

6.Reduce sodium intake

Sodium increases the risks of hypertension and makes the heart work harder. Table salt is typically not your biggest enemy as most of the sodium in the diets come from fast foods & processed foods.

7.Eat a clean diet

A clean diet contains low processed foods & uses as many natural products as possible. Few examples are eating an orange rather than drinking orange juice, fixing own chicken for sandwiches rather than using deli meats, selecting whole wheat bread & pasta rather than white varieties.

8.Be full of beans

A 1/3 cup of cooked beans daily minimizes the chances of heart attack by 38%.

9.Cut back breakfast cereals

While there are few healthy options most of the cereals are far from being healthy. More sugar, high levels of sodium, no vitamins or fiber & even trans fats turn traditional breakfast food into a disaster for the heart.

10.Sip some tea

Antioxidants present in green & black tea improves blood vessel function & increases blood flow. Drink tea without sugar & select an organic loose tea that has not been stripped of healthy nutrients.

11.Go bananas

Bananas are considered to be the heart healthy fruits as they contain high levels of potassium. Dried apricots & prunes are also some of the excellent sources of the mineral.

12.Have a baked potato

Spuds are the main source of potassium, a mineral that counteracts sodium effects.

13.Drink your veggies

Drinking low sodium vegetable juice is best option to get an extra serving of vegetables.

14.Go Italian

Most of the Italian cuisine use tomatoes & tomato sauce plentifully and it is the best option to minimize the risks of heart attack or stroke by 65%. The other excellent options for healthy heart meals are vegetarian lasagna, Spaghetti with Marinara sauce and pizza, with half the cheese & double the sauce.

15.Eat salmon and sardines for lunch

Salmon and sardines are some of the varieties which are the main sources of omega-3 fatty acids that protect against inflammation & lower triglycerides. Rather than tuna or mix sardines have a salmon sandwich with spicy mustard & red onions.

16.Spice up your meals

Garlic and onions remove excess LDL cholesterol from the body. They also give a nice flavor to any dish without adding additional salt or fat.

17.Get hot

Hot pepper has a chemical known as capsaicin that protects heart & arteries from various problems.

18.Start day with oatmeal

Oatmeal not only gives enough energy to stay alive, it also lowers cholesterol & general risks of heart disease. Top it with bananas, blueberries or walnuts or sprinkle cinnamon to make it more deliciously healthy.

19.Be smart when eating out

Most restaurants cook healthy meals that you never tried before. Avoid appetizers & bread with butter, and ask a waiter for sauces & gravies on another side, do not prefer to order breaded, fried or tempura dishes. Ask waiter how the meal is prepared & what ingredients are used.

20.Satisfy your eyes not only your mouth

Eating moderately is the best plan to maintain weight under control. By preparing meal to look pleasing to the eyes you can get satisfied faster with no extra calories. One main reason why meals at the restaurant are tastes so good, because chefs take the time to garnish every plate in the most eye-pleasing way.

21.Reduce the consumption of coffee

Few studies suggest that coffee is beneficial to heart in the long run however moderation is key. A single cup of coffee for each day is safe and benefit to heart, and helps you in wake up & satisfy your cravings.

22.Go nuts

Nuts helps in lowering LDL (bad) cholesterol while providing body the essential fiber, fatty acids and protein. Walnuts are also considered as the best nuts as they have the highest amount of omega-3s however other nuts such as almonds, pistachios, pecans, hazelnuts are good too.

23.Have dark chocolate for dessert

Dark chocolate has lower blood pressure. Intake a few squares for desert or drink dark cocoa to take care of heart and taste buds.

24.Drink red wine

Red wine is considered to be healthy for your heart. Small amounts of alcohol along with antioxidants prevent heart disease by rising levels of “good” cholesterol & protecting against the damage of artery.

25.Reduce eating out

It’s known fact that restaurants are oversized, but dishes are high in sodium or fat. Eating outside once or twice is fine but making it a weekly practice can harm the heart, waste line & wallet as well.

26.Eat mindfully

Sensible eating means eating only when you are hungry. Eating mindfully helps in losing unnecessary weight & prevents the scale from creeping up.

27.Read food labels

Foods that contain partially saturated fat, hydrogenated oils, and especially trans fats has to be avoided as they are deadly for the body as well as the heart.

28.Have dried fruit

The health benefits of dried fruit are same as regular ones but in more concentrated form. They are rich in fiber vitamins & potassium.

29.Be active all day

Active in little ways all through the day with cleaning the house, gardening, running errands helps your heart to remain healthier than one who exercises for 30-60 minutes and then sits before the computer throughout the day.

30.Be flexible

Stretch yourself for 10-15 minutes each day to keep arteries pliable.

31.Do Yoga every day

Yoga is not beneficial to cardiovascular benefits as the aerobic activity but it reduces stress levels & keeps arteries elastic. Also, yoga soothes nervous system which reduces blood pressure & makes heart rates steady.

32.Add resistance bands to your home gym

This reasonably priced prop can spruce up boring workout & assist you in building muscle mass that reduces body fat & increases levels of good cholesterol (HDL.)

33.Follow below guidelines

As per the experts’, it is recommended that get 20 minutes of vigorous-intensity exercise on 3 days each week or 30 minutes of modest intensity aerobic activity on 5 days of a week. Strength training recommended for at least 2 times each week.

34.Do enjoyable exercise

To move is significant for body and to do a workout is significant for the heart but it is also significant to enjoy whatever you are doing. Love the type of exercise you are doing then you is more probable to stick with it for several healthy years.

35.Cuddle up with a fur ball

A recent study demonstrates that cat owners cut down the heart attack risks by almost a one-third. Scientists advise that dogs provide alike benefits as both assists to relieve the stress of owners.

36.Quit smoking

For healthy heart, it is necessary to quit smoking.

37.Keep your BMI below 30

BMI means a body mass index that can be easily calculated as BMI = (weight in pounds)*703/(height in inches)2

38.Take a vitamin D supplement

Vitamin D plays a very significant role in protecting from heart disease. The deficiency of vitamin D doubles the risks of heart disease by 50%.

39.Go out in the sunshine

Vitamin D is essential for a healthy heart. Prior to taking any supplements spend at least 10-15 minutes in the noon on most days of the week. Don’t use any sunscreen in this sunshine exposure as sunscreen blocks UV-B light bands that produce vitamin D in our bodies. You can wear a hat & cover your face but allow as many parts of the body as possible be exposed to the sun.

40.Get enough sleep

Bad mood, anxiety & irritability are not the only consequences of lack of sleep. Skipping sleep can build up calcium in the arteries, which leads to heart-attack causing plaque.

41.Listen to joyful & melodious music

It has been proved that the emotions aroused by joyful music shows a healthy effect on blood vessel function. Also, music does the same as laughter so tune into your favorite melody as frequently as possible.

42.Take a tech break

Being plugged in always puts you on the edge & increases the stress hormones production that causes a rise in blood pressure. Switch-off cell-phone in the evening, and avoid check emails and log off any IM system. Utilize this time just for yourself.


Meditation calms the mind and heart. Practice at least 3 times a week.

44.Get organized

Cluttered environments repress productivity and boost stress levels that affect the healthy heart.

45.Stop being a perfectionist

Perfectionism causes a lot of needless stress in life that eventually damages the heart. When you feel that you are striving for perfect whatever, recollect yourself that “Good is good enough.”

46.Enjoy time in silence & solitude

Make it as a habit to spend time alone weekly to allow the mind float away, your stress melt in the air and heart open to the world miracles.

47.Slow down in life

Fast paced life results to depression & stress, it weakens one’s ability to enjoy time with family or doing things they love. These factors are vital for a healthy & open heart.

48.Surround yourself with positive people

Bad friends drain you & rise stress levels. Try to hang out with positive or good people and you can notice how your levels of optimism will shift.

49.Be happy

According to a recent study, happiness & general positivity protects the heart from degenerative disease.


15 minutes of laughter every day boosts blood flow by 22% and prevents arteries from hardening.

51.Speak up

Bottling up feelings won’t do any favor to heart or relationships. If something is bothering to bring it up & resolve it.

52.Do something enjoyable

In order to increase your happiness levels spend 15-20 minutes every day by doing something that you like.

53.Savor joyful events

Remember something that happens amazingly in your life this event & goes over it when you feel down.

54.Practice forgiveness

Keeping or having a grudge hardens heart & close it to the entire world. Learn and try to forgive people and move on in your life.

55.Be generous

Generosity boosts or increases happiness on an everyday basis. Start diminutive by giving smiles to everybody around you & give as much as your heart wants to do so.

56.Express heart’s desires

Creativity is born in the heart and if we suppress any spark of it then it also blocks hearts from happiness. Express whatever you want to express in your heart to keep heart young & open for life.

57.Say a prayer

Open heart to God & he will take care of you. Say prayer from the heart & you will feel that your burdens have been lifted & your heart will be touched by him.

58.Practice gratitude

Be grateful for whatever you have & for what will come, be thankful even for whatever you do not have as chances are that you are better off without it.

Follow the above steps and keep yourself healthy and stay away from the risks of heart diseases. It is a known proverb that health is wealth if you have any heart problem just approach the Best Cardiologist in Hyderabad and live a long life.

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