How to get published and be a source for the media
To get the maximum exposure for your online articles, savvy marketers react fast and can inject themselves into the news. How you may ask?
In a 24/7 news cycle, the headlines keep coming. Some last just hours, yet others linger for days based on the amount of clicks, viewership and chatter happening around the topic. If you can effectively add to the conversation with facts, expert opinions or unique insight, you may stand a chance at getting major exposure and good public relations for your efforts. Some of the people you see on television and on major media outlets like the Huffington Post, and Fox News got their start this way. They rose above the noise and separated themselves from internet blowhards. In the process, they became the leading expert in their industries. Here is how you can do the same.
- Look for the right story to comment on
We advise to stay away from political commentary. No matter your position, you run the risk of alienating just as many people as that appreciate your opinions. The reality is, the space is crowded and toxic.
Instead, look for the issues that shape culture, are meaningful, are inspirational and of course, can be related to your business.
- Do your research
Research means more than simply doing an internet search. The reporters have already done this. Draw from your own experiences, cite specific examples, introduce new sources and bring a new perspective to the conversation. Concentrate on moving the conversation forward rather than rearranging someone else’s words and saying the same thing. Speak from a place of experience, not opinion.
- Develop your network
Your network consists of contacts on your social media and your emails list, but it also means the contacts at major media outlets. Many can be found online. A full time reporter has multiple deadlines per day to meet so they rarely have time to do independent research or true investigative journalism when they are trying to meet a 5pm deadline. Make yourself easy to work with by having your content fact checked, sources cited and proofed for grammar. If you do this enough times, you will earn a reputation and get the benefit of the doubt for the next time you send over a submission. In essence, this is what a good public relations firms can do for you. Or you can hire a firm like where they already have relationships and the process down.
3.Act Fast
The first time you read about a hot topic in the news is the time you must be moved to action. Telling yourself you will devote time to write your insights at the end of the day, will probably be too late. By that time, others that have commented will have thousands of retweets and radio interviews. It gets very difficult to get noticed and bring new insights after everyone else has had a crack at it. For most news cycles, you have less than a 24 hour window.
- Keep at it
Lets face it, getting booked as an “expert” or even getting your article published by a major publication is a home run and just like home runs, they don’t happen every chance at bat. Be patient, be diligent and sooner or later, you will have the right ideas on the right topic at the right time and you will be rewarded.
About the author:
Brian Barquilla is the founder of and is the foremost expert in helping business service professionals build their own reputations and interact with the media. Part journalist, part digital expert and part pitchman, he leads a team of business focused reputation consultants that guide clients through a proven process to make business easier. He adds value through reducing reliance on cold calling, increasing word of mouth advertising and creating systems that lead prospects to his clients’ doors.
Training Enthusiast | Content Creator
7 年Brian, I love finding any instance of encouragement to 'speak up', even if the crowd seems daunting. It wasn't until my thirties that it dawned on me that there is no monopoly on wise insight - even though it always felt like 'they' were some group of more important people who'd surely already voiced my revelations or hunches. I finally got frustrated by finding yet another high-profile, highly-shared discussion of an insight I'd had a year ago, all on my own. And there's nothing magical about me, either. We all are a unique blend of knowledge and life experiences that naturally create a lens through which we view the world. No one else has the same 'prescription' lens. If your lens allows you to see a problem and possible solutions in a way that my lens does not, and you never speak up, you short-change yourself in finding meaning and purpose to past experiences, even painful ones. And I am short-changed in my desire to see issues as diversely as possible. I would also like to see more people take the plunge from curating to writing original 'articles' here on LinkedIn. (No one is guiltier than I on this topic, cough cough.) And right now is the time to go for it, as a very, very slim minority of LinkedIn users are implementing the 'Write an Article' platform. I come across really savvy people every day and am surprised every time to find that their activity feed contains no articles. Five years from now, the microphone won't be as loud, as more people get brave. I'm working on several pieces right now and will utilize your comment section, if you'll please forgive me, Brian, to create accountability for myself. ;) So join me, please, anyone - I'd love to share notes on the affect it has on our network. Thank you, Brian, for speaking up and being an example on the topic. :)
Marketing Leadership | CMO | Content Director
7 年curious on others thoughts here.