How to get promoted blog 5: Don't forget your clients!
So far we’ve looked at getting the fundamentals right, self-awareness, leadership and maximising your internal network. However, one thing I’m always keen to encourage those I am supporting during a promotion process is to get their clients’ voices “in the room”. Your clients, be they internal or external, will always be excited and happy to support your promotion case, so get them involved.
The first thing you need to make sure is that your boss knows who you are working with, what you are doing for them and how well you are doing it! Keep the business up to date on what you are doing and bring progress reports, including your success and challenges, to regular catch-ups.?
When things go really well, get the client or colleague to let your boss know just how well! Encourage a call or email. Make sure your boss knows the positive impact your work is having on key individuals in or for the business, and become associated with that impact. The more you are known as being the glue for someone or something important, the more the business will want to keep you.
When promotion time comes around, ask that client or internal stakeholder for a quote or reference. Put it in any form you need to complete; share what your clients have to say about you with your boss as soon as you have them. Include them in your appraisal; make those quotes jump out in any promotion application form. In effect, make your clients a consistent and effective advocate for you and your career so that they are shouting for you, particularly when you are not there.?
Remember, if your clients want to work with you it is very likely that your organisation will want you to work them for as long as possible and, as a consequence, will have to promote you. So, don’t be shy; ask your clients how great you and share the good news as widely as you dare!!