How to get past your Elephant
This past week I was on fire, I was moving fast, I was getting things accomplished and then Friday hit like a 2 ton elephant sitting in the middle of my road to success.
Have you ever felt this? Have you ever wondered how to keep your momentum and motivation going? I want to share with you three things that have helped keep my momentum going and my motivation high.
The first key is to BE CONFIDENT in who you are and the things that you want to accomplish. If you know me well, it may sound crazy to hear, but there are days where I don't feel confident, good enough or smart enough. When I become aware that I am thinking these things, I realize that I have lost focus on who I am and what I represent. That is why I stated doing something called "I AM" statements.
I AM statements are declarations that you say every morning of what you are and what you want to be. For example:
- I am confident
- I am brilliant
- I am powerful
- I am motivating
Notice I didn't say, "I am NOT shy, I am NOT stupid." Saying the things you do not want to become, will not benefit you. They harm you! You subconscious mind, where you store your beliefs, cannot differentiate between negative and positive statements, so you must remember to make you I AM statements positive.
The second key to keeping my momentum going, is remember why I do what I do. When my focus is not clear, I waver in my momentum and motivation because I do not see and remember the purpose behind what I am doing. "If you do not know what you stand for you, you will fall for anything". I believe this to be true, which is why I try to stay hyper focused on what I want in my business and personal life.
The third key to keeping motivation and momentum is surrounding yourself with the right people. Who are the right people? The people who are going to encourage you when life gets hard, when you want to quite your job, when you are unable to make the next step. Do you have these people in place now? If the answers is no, then its time to set some time said to think of who you want in your corner.
What do all great boxers have? A great corner man. Someone who says "Great job! Keep it up! You messed some things up, but you can still come back, you can still win this thing!" I don't know about you, but that is the kind of person who I want cheering me on when I feel like I am losing my motivation and momentum.
On our journey to success there are going to be many elephants that block the road. In order to reach success we must:
- Be confident in who we are
- Know the purpose behind what we do:
- Surround ourselves with people who will support and encourage us!
There are many different things that people do to keep their momentum going and to keep motivated, but these are a few of the things that I do which allow me to be successful.
Actions for this week:
- Create 5 "I AM" statements and say them in the mirror confidently every day!
- Have your WHY statement visible for you to see every day. Why do you do what you do?
- Find 3 people who should have in your corner. Motivators, encouragers & mentors. Ask them if they are willing, and USE THEM!