It’s a nightmare to arrive on stage after so much applause and start saying “umm” and “you know”—without making a point. In the same way, a writer could open up his laptop, pull his chair to a comfortable position, and then hit writer's block—with no thoughts or clues to write about.
Unknowingly, writers end up procrastinating, overthinking, and not typing any letters. Nine out of ten times, writers have ended up not meeting deadlines, canceling contracts, and quitting writing altogether.
While deep in their minds, writers think they are the problem. I’m here to show you the contrary—how to solve the problem.
OK, so it’s a straightforward process, and easy to do. Make sure you try it out.
- You’ve got to change your working space. Do something different to it. Change your position; if you usually write seated, try standing. If you write on your study desk, go to be balcony and let the breeze hitting your face inspire you.?Make your working space feel new by adding a vase here, and a doll there. Normally, your muscle memory might pull up something from the past, inspiring you to write.
- Change your writing time. If you write immediately after you wake up, try it in the mid-morning, after a morning jog or a stroll. The garbage truck might have some funny writings that will be worth the thought.?Or strike up a conversation with a stranger. While you’re at it, tell a joke, and laugh out loud, for it opens up your mind. As it opens, thoughts flow with ideas to write about.
- Read someone’s work before you pen down. Read to research a particular topic, person, or writing style. “Steal” from other people’s works and ideas.?Read biographies, read philosophy, read poetry, or admire art for around ten minutes. This helps align your mind correctly to write your own words.
- Just type. Banging the keyboard has proven to work. I can testify. Write about anything and everything that comes to your mind. Don’t care about the grammar or spelling mistakes, just pour your thoughts out.?While at it, you’ll discover your path and flow gracefully. This is like soccer players warming up before any match they play. You’ve seen them, right?
- Go do something else. Do you know of that routine that you write every morning to plan for the day? How about you do the second thing on the list? Then you can come back to write about it later.?First, distract your mind from writing. Then, attack after things have loosened up.
- Visit Pinterest. Pictures are worth a thousand words, and they ought to lend you some. Get on Pinterest and look at the pictures on the subject you intend to write.?It will inspire your creativity. Use the ideas that come to your mind to create your own.
While having a thousand-plus people reading your articles might be your goal, the creative process behind it is like fighting endless battles up a steep hill. This is observable in the many breaks and pauses that you encounter to produce the best content.
In theory, the stated procedures seem easy to read about, but implementing them is your biggest flex. You’ve got to try it. And produce the best of your creative mind.
While we are shaming writer's block, we must confess: If you’re not in the right mood, then your writer's block isn’t breaking. Thus, don't forget to husband your morale.?