How To Get PAID To Sell Your Cyber Security Solutions
Charles Henson, CEO of Nashville Computers and 2017 Technology Marketing Toolkit Spokesperson And Better Your Best Winner
What if there was a way to GET PAID to sell your IT services? A marketing strategy that would position you as the leading authority on cyber security and IT services in your market area, giving you a massive credibility boost over your competition, free media coverage, the ability to command premium fees, flood you with prospects seeking your advice AND allow you to close more sales with a LOT less "convincing?" Then THIS is a presentation you'll want to see. I've figured out how to get PAID to deliver speaking engagements on cyber security, as well as how to SELL the cyber security audit to prospects for thousands of dollars. This is a marketing strategy that PAYS me to sell to prospects and has helped me become famous in Nashville on the topic of IT security. During my presentation, I'll reveal all of my secrets (many which I learned from the Redhead, @robinrobins) on how to get these engagements, how to deliver the presentation, how to sell the consults and how to leverage that into free PR and a strong credentialed bio that impresses prospects, builds trust and differentiates him from his competition.
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