How To Get Over The Top 4 Network Marketing Struggles And WIN!
??Cecelia Morris??
Personal Coach | Branding Expert | I foster and ignite your business growth with Automation, AI, & Facebook using Digital Marketing Strategies To Build & Grow your Business | Certified Cybersecurity Analyst
If you have ever been part of a company where you had to buy products, sell products, or offer a service or opportunity and never saw any real level of success I can totally relate. I have been in 10 different network or affiliate marketing companies since 1994. It wasn't until my fourth company that I started to get really good at cold calling, hotel parties, 3-way calls, and home meetings. Then all out of the sudden and out of the blue my company was shut down by the FTC and I lost everything I had built over the last 6 years.
Now something this drastic may not have happened to you, but in 2016 when I tried to re-build my business from ground zero I failed miserably. I just couldn't get ahead or gain any traction even though I was using all the same tools and tactics that had worked for me in the past.
What I learned is that in Network Marketing most people either succeed or fail for 4 main reasons; and it starts with what you believe and how you will either overcome or embrace that belief system.
Belief #1: This Won't Work For Me
This is just flat out not true. In my early days when I was trying to build my business I had many sleepless nights where I must admit I felt this way. Year after year I would watch the success of others and wonder "Why can't I be like them?" Well therein was my problem I was constantly trying to be like someone else instead of being myself. It wasn't until my 4th company, and a great mentor, that I realized by being my true authentic self things started falling in place. And this was still in the days of cold market and face-to-face prospecting and recruiting.
I focused on being of service first by just listening to people and having genuine conversations. I was 26 years old, living in a new town, and I didn't know a soul except my co-workers; and I didn't want them in my business, let alone in my business if you know what I mean.
So I went out to social events, after work happy hours, and networking affairs. I let people get to know me while I was getting to know about their problems, desires, needs, and wants. This allowed me a way to figure out if what I had could benefit them. It was the natural progression of business building. I listened to see if I could fill a hole in their life and I built genuine relationships with people. Then it was very easy for me to tell them about a business opportunity. This is where I first realized, contrary to old school marketing beliefs, EVERYONE IS NOT a good fit for my products or my business. Some may be good for one and not the other other, and some of us were just meant to be friends.
So the moral of the story is...
This business will work for you if you be of service FIRST, build relationships, provide value, and find out how what you have can benefit others instead of looking at everyone like a prospect.
Belief #2: I Don't Have Anyone To Talk To About My Business
Don't believe the hype. When my company effectively closed for business I tried to introduce my team to what i thought was The Next Big Thing and it just didn't work. Because I was a product of my company when they shut down I lost all credibility. I didn't teach my team skills that were transferable I only taught them how to sell the company products. And they were no longer interested in what I had to say. I had to hit the streets again and it was rough.
If your upline or sponsor is telling you...
- Make a list of 100 people - think of everyone you know and hit them up no matter how long it's been since you last talked to them
- Get people on a 3-way call, have them watch a video, or if they live close ask if you can stop by
- Private message people or make new "friends" on social media and ask them to take a look at what you have to offer
Tell me how that worked out for you. For me...
I don't know 100 people. Trying to pin someone down for a call, video, or visit was like trying to herd cats. And I hate it when I get a random friend request and the first thing they do is send me their link to join them or buy products, so I would never do that to anyone else. And why would I do those type of brain drain activities when there are 2.34 BILLION people on social media everyday!!! I just needed to know how to reach them.
I wanted to attract people to me instead of repelling them. I wanted people to come to me instead of me constantly chasing people down. I wanted people looking for me instead of me looking for them with a flashlight in the daytime. I needed a better way to build my business because I didn't have the time or the energy to recruit people in my circle of influence anymore. Plus they were sick of me talking about my business. Does any of this sound familiar.
I needed two things...
- To reach more people in less time
- To know how to make #1 happen
That is when I found out about Attraction Marketing and it was both a game changer and a life changer. Using this strategy I made my 1st high ticket sale in 7 days after 8 months and $8,000 of failure; and I generated 104 new leads in 60 days all with digital marketing and without ever talking to anyone.
Belief #3: No One I Know Ever Makes Any Real Money In Network Marketing
Another lie. Here is a list of people I know and have met in person or online that have made some serious money in Network and/or Social Media Marketing. I'm talking new lifestyle type of money. Even for me Network Marketing has been a great income stream since I left my job March 2018.
- Ferny Ceballos
- Ray Higdon
- Ivy Stokes
- Brian Fanzo
- Jessika Phillips
- Kate McShea
- Jon Pettiford-El
- Brandy Sher Shaver
- Amy Landino
- John Highly
You can read about the 24 Celebrities That Endorse Network Marketing and find out why they feel Network Marketing is the 21st century business model that is the lowest risk, lowest overhead way for MOST people to start a business.
Belief #4: It Costs To Much
What is the cost of staying where you are right now? What is it costing you NOT to have an additional income stream? How much is your lack of time freedom or lack of time with you family costing you? For everything is life there is a cost. The cost of doing something, and the cost of doing nothing. In my experience, I have found that my highest costs came from companies that had products with high monthly auto-ship requirements. I found that I always had more product than days in the month. Then I had to re-order. By the end of 3 months I had enough left over products to have my own booth at a trade show. Now I am not knocking product based company's but in order to be in that business you need to make sure...
- The product is consumable
- There is a genuine need for the product
- You can generate immediate income
You should read the complete report on “10 Tips For Choosing The Right Network Marketing Business For Your Life and Your Lifestyle” to make sure you choose wisely. If you are looking for non-product based Network Marketing company's watch this short video.
In Summary…
The bottom line if you think you can or you think you can’t either way, You Are Right! I believe in you but do you believe in you? If you have ever believed any of these “struggles” about seeing success in your Network Marketing business it’s time to change your belief system. It’s time to start thinking about success. Only then will you see success. So go ahead and check out the Free 10 Day Bootcamp. You will receive one video a day and you can move through them at your convenience.
I am so looking forward to seeing you WIN in your Network Marketing Business!!! Feel free to drop a comment below if you found this information useful.