How to get out of Depression cage?
Creator: sdominick

How to get out of Depression cage?

How to get out of Depression cage?

Depression is like a cage where you stuck in and it takes you even more and more with time. What ever sad things you see everything seems to relate to you even you healed from that thing in the past. Depression gathers all your past memories related to you present problems and makes you to feel tired mentally and physically all the day. These things are completely done by your brain without your permission because depression is neither feeling or state.? The difference between feeling and state is very simple. Feelings are felt automatically there's no involvement of you. For example, when you feel love for dogs or cats automatically when you see them. But, on the other hand State?is when you make yourself get into a mindset. For example, planning to take revenge on someone. The difference between both is you don't invites love but it visits. Conversely, revenge visits you only if you invites it. Depression is a feeling which you feels more than a temporary state of mind.


Many people are struggling inside this cage and unable to jump. The people who are in depression feels many contradict feelings at the same time that's why they were finding it difficult to find a solution. Everyday in our life we feel one thing at a time. Let me clear it. We feel happiness in good times. We feel sadness in the bad times. But if you are in depression you feel happiness and sadness in the same time. What will you do? It's complicated right. The beginning of this feelings will look like confused which makes you doubt on yourself. But after long time this confusion gives you sadness as you think that you are incapable of finding solutions. So this again makes you doubt on yourself. And it starts to make you uncomfortable. This uncomfortableness is not just a simple thing everyone feel rather people in this phase starts to notice everyone and think they were the one who is in this state further this leads to sadness with tears. Also they feel like cursed. This uncomfortableness leads to anxiety on days. This anxiety transformed to tension implies blood pressure. These all things stops your brain from finding a solution.??

Consequence of confusion:

Like I said this confusion arises when you find difficulty to convey your emotions. It makes you unclear of things than usual which are going inside your mind.? It makes you difficult to manage multiple things even though you are good at multi tasking you feel difficulty in this case. In addition, you forgets everything. At the starting stage it won't bothers you but time goes and you forget what happened five seconds ago. You couldn't pay attention which insinuated to unclear replies as you lacked focus.?

To overcome confusion:

Let's see how to overcome all the consequences caused by confusion.?

Firstly the unclearness can be solved by writing down everything your mind process. You can also talk about everything to your closest people or infront of the mirror. The thoughts ruling your mind should be taken outside to get clarity. Just share it simple.?

Secondly handling many things can be done efficiently but for that you should follow the below steps,

  • Note down all the work in a single sit.
  • Divide each work into multiple small works.
  • Now make an order.
  • start with the easiest one.

It's like self-deception. When you put down all your works and sort it. Now each thing is only a single work. Eventhough combining all is multi-tasking but now we made it one-by-one. So, your brain thinks it was a single task which denotes you can do it now.? ?

Lastly, when you forget aka you lack focus it means you are not in present. Your mind is in the past or future. So to overcome this bring your mind to present. Think present. Live the present. This can be tried by so many ways, Like,

  • Start with looking deep to every details of your surroundings.
  • You can sing a song inside your head.
  • Make yourself busy by doing many jobs.
  • Avoid being still, move often.
  • Focus on you, your outfit, your attitude.
  • Keep talking to the opponent.

Consequence of doubting yourself:

When you start to doubt yourself ;you start to lose self-confidence. When you lose self-confidence you starts to fear of public speaking, taking head posting and you make yourself invisible.

To overcome Self-doubting:

In this case you should give reassurance to yourself. Here you should think of the stronger you in past. Remember only the stronger you. You can also give yourself challenges in person. You can try the same thing which made you think that you are strong in the past. So that your brain gets some reassurance. Make conversation with someone who knows your strengths. When you get self-doubt don't reject things, accept it as a challenge to prove yourself to you. You need validation from you.?

Sylverarts / Dreamstime

Consequence of feeling uncomfortable:

Uncomfortable is felt only when you think you are different from everyone as I said above. You think that everyone is doing better than you but you are struggling a lot. This is like you are training your brain how to be in depress. We shouldn't be doing that right??

To overcome feeling uncomfortable:

To feel normal like anyone first you should stop comparing yourself with everyone. You think you aren't doing good now-a-days and so you compare. When you feel uncomfortable you also believe everyone thinks that too which is unreal but you think so. First take this idea out of your mind. Once you stop feeling like that. Then you starts to realise the problem is within you so start make yourself better.? In this time you should think of your time. You are wasting your time comparing among humans where everyone is unique in their way but which time you can make yourself do better than yesterday.?

St. Paul Pioneer Press

Consequence of sadness, anxiety and bp(disorders):

The reason I put everything together is you get anxiety over many things, which leads to physical disorders and results in sadness. So this three are connected. We get anxiety according to individual mindset. When you get anxiety you feel like tires, dizziness like when you are nervous but it's far different from nervousness. So it changes your daily routine. Let's see how. You'll be constantly thinking over many things so it makes your brain tired. Resulting in over-sleep. Here your normal sleep schedule changes denotes you started to wake up early or sleep at late night. Your body affect when normal procedure of our body changes thus results in disorders. At last you'll feel sad for yourself.

To overcome sadness, anxiety and bp(disorders):

This is the very hardest phase. You feel all the three at a time or you feel nothing. To reduce all the three it's enough to reduce anxiety which was the base cause. There are more things we can do to get rid of it. Two main things are,

  • Divert your mind.

Make your mind not to think of the reason of your anxiety. Make yourself busy by doing any works.

  • Do what gives you peace.

Here if you don't have any. Spent some time to find it. Try many things from which you can choose which gives you excitement.?


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