How to get out of comfort zone?
Nitin Mohan M.
AVP HR @ Midas Consulting | Talent Acquisition, Business Development , Creating Winning Organizations
How to get out of comfort zone and Win....
In this dynamic time, competition is at its best and there is cut throat competition, individuals are struggling for survival. Here comes the question whether you would like to struggle for survival or for the competition? As the winner you are, you definitely would like to go and get the stride turn in your favor, to win competitions big or small. Life is a continuous struggle, where winners clearly make their choices, plan the course of action, sharpen their skills, remain persistent and achieve what is meant for the effort.
Initial and biggest roadblock that hinders the way to success is coming out of the so called comfort zone.
Once an individual breaks the barrier of that comfort zone, the success is imminent.
A person's "comfort zone" is called that for a reason: It's comfortable and safe. However, your comfort zone can also be a place of stagnation -- one that keeps you from seizing opportunities for growth, just because it involves something unfamiliar. Here we are going to describe 5 scientifically proven methods that can help you in coming out your comfort zone……
A) Get Information: Anxiety usually comes from a fear of the unknown. Usually we imagine the worst-case scenario of what could happen when we push past the boundaries of what makes us feel safe. Understanding your present situation, scope, potential, growth prospective, current trends, short term and long term goals, financially commitments and needs etc. will enable you at the first level and overcome the anxiety of unknown
B) Have a Plan: After educating yourself, you want to create a plan of action for pushing the boundaries on what you think is possible. Keep a list of growth goals. Always start Now, pen down the plans, use modern management tools like S.M.A.T.E.R. goals and Act with persistently.
C) Take Baby Steps: A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Taking ‘baby steps’ is a great way to de-sensitize yourself to the feelings of anxiety. You’re not trying to become an overnight success. Instead you’re steadily pushing the boundaries of your comfort levels and working towards an overall goal.
D) Tell Yourself, 'I Am Fearless' (Self Convincing) : Agree to something you wouldn’t normally consider. open to different point of views, different perspectives and remain flexible. Another important aspect is Never get yourself in self-critic mode, wherein people start doubting their own capabilities adding to believe that this is the thing that they cannot do it.
E) Find A Compelling Reason: Stepping out of our comfort zone can be difficult if we do not build a compelling reason to do so. Take the time to think about what it could be like to take that step.
These are very simple yet effective tools of enabling someone to come out from the shell, break the inhibitions, set free and achieve ……… is the limit