How to get motivated

How to get motivated

You know that thing you want? The one you keep thinking about and wishing for? You can have it. You really can. (And it really will be as fantastic as you keep imagining.) There's a catch, of course. You can't think your way into the life of your dreams. You have to ACT your way there.

The unpleasant truth is that most people don't have what they want because they aren't willing to do what it takes to have it. (Ouch, right?) Big accomplishments ask something of you. They require your engagement, your effort, and your consistency.

To have what you want, you're going to need to do some things you don't want to do. (Probably a lot of them actually.) You're also going to be uncomfortable more times than you can count. You're going to have to stretch and grow.

And while that's simple (if somewhat unpleasant) to understand, it's not an easy thing to do. Motivation can help. It's an energy that helps you buckle down and do what needs to be done. It's a fuel that pushes you through blocks, and pulls you into your best life. Motivation can help you do what it takes to have what you want. In this week's episode of GrooveTV we're gonna get you some. Press PLAY already. Your mojo is waiting. :)

Three simple steps. (Like always.)

Here we go...

Step 1 - Be the girl who goes for it.

There comes a time in every woman's life, where she needs to decide who she's going to be, what she's going to stand for, and what kind of life she's going to build. Perhaps you're reading this blog right now, because this is that time for you.

Will you tap into the courage and strength within you, and create a life you're proud of? Will you let yourself be all that you're capable of becoming? Will you risk, and be vulnerable? Will you let yourself be BIG?

Please say yes.

I know it's scary to look down a dark path of unknowns. That not-knowing-thing brings all of your insecurities to the surface, right? (Me too.)

What if you fail? (You'll learn.)

What if you make a fool of yourself? (The people who love you won't care, and the ones you do care don't matter.)

What if you're not good enough? (You've always been good enough.) :)

It's easier to stay up in your head daydreaming than it is to roll your sleeves up and do your life like you mean it. I get it. The girl who sits on the sidelines is safer, but she's not all she could be.

The girl who lives into her full power doesn't do sidelines. She's in the race. Be her. Be that girl.

To do it, we need to give you a big why. You need to want something concrete, and you need to want it badly enough to risk for it.

What's your "it"?

What do you want?

What's that thing you want so bad you'll lay it on the line?

I want you to set a big, exciting, fantasy-come-true goal. It's time. Maybe you want to start a business, write a book, or rekindle a romance. Perhaps you want to go for a promotion, get your financial house in order, or run for office. Whatever it is, you can do it. You really can.

Set the goal.

Then share it. It's time to go public. Start talking about your goal. It will feel clumsy at first, and that's okay. It's supposed to. Allow yourself to be a beginner (not an easy ask, I know). But you can do it. Us girls tend to figure things out as we say them out loud, so the more you talk about your goal, the more clarity you'll gain.

Congratulations. You know what you want, and you've decided to go for it. Fist pump, Girl.

Now let's talk about getting into action.

Step 2 - Behave for the outcome you're seeking.

If you don't have what you want, it's because you aren't doing the things you need to do to have it.


Fortunately, that's an easy thing to adjust. There is a bridge between where you are now and where you want to be. That bridge is built with habits.

A habit is just a routine way of doing things. What we want to do is set you up with habits that support the outcome you're looking to create. Fit people have fit habits. Financially abundant people have financially abundant habits. Happily married people have... you get the picture.

Whatever it is you want, there is a pattern of habits that will help you create that reality. You just need to map your particular pattern. Happily, that's a pretty straightforward thing to do.

Meet your friend Google. Literally search for habits of enter-your-goal, and follow the links. What do people who have what you want do? Do those things. What would they never do? Don't do those things.

It's absurdly simple, yet difficult to do because you need to adjust your behavior. (There's that catch again.) Still, once you have a target, you can start adjusting your habits one habit at a time. Will it be easy? No. Will it be worth it? Definitely. So start.

When you align your habits with the outcome you're seeking, the outcome will be yours. It can't help but be.

Good work. That was the hardest step this week. Our final guy is a ton of fun.

Step 3 - Count your resources.

I know you've heard of counting your blessings. I want you to count your resources just like you would your blessings.

Right now, in this moment, you are surrounded by support. It is literally hiding in plain sight. Once you focus on identifying resources, you'll be surprised at how many are available to you.

A resource is something that can help you move closer to your goal. Most of the time, resources are presented through the people in our lives. (Even the ones who cross our paths casually.)

Maybe the grocery clerk has read a book you should read. Or perhaps your cube mate knows someone you should know. When you start talking about your goals, the people you're talking with are probably going to have resources for you. It's up to you to recognize them when they're presented. Start by looking in five areas.

  • YOU: You are your greatest resource. You have strengths, skills, and life experience under your belt. You have overcome so many things, haven't you? You're still here. Stronger for all of it. You are fierce, my sister. Remember that. Know that you can trust yourself. Whatever happens, you're gonna figure it out, and you're gonna be okay. Use your gifts.
  • People: Who do you know who already has what you want? Reach out to them and learn. Who do you know, who knows someone you need to know? Ask for an introduction.
  • Places: Think about the places you already belong to. Are there people you could talk with about your goal at your gym, in your building, or at an organization you already belong to?
  • Things: Information is power. Look for books, articles, blogs, and how-to videos about what you're going for. When someone mentions a book or blog to you, read it, watch it, and learn from it.
  • Proximity: Where do people who have what you want hang out? Check out those places. Learn. Be open. Listen more than you talk.

As you get good at recognizing resources, practice being one too. The energy of giving is a powerful thing. When you focus on adding value wherever you go while simultaneously allowing yourself to receive the resources coming your way, you'll land smack dab in the middle of motivational flow. And it will feel GOOD.

Let's do this together, okay? Tell me what you're going for. I want to know. Me? My mission is your empowerment. That's why I'm here. Now do your homework. :)

That's it for the week. Please remember that I never want you to blindly take my word for anything. Only you know what's right for you. (I just happen to have a few coaching tools that can help you get closer to that wisdom.) Give this week's advice a test drive. Once you do, let me know how it goes. I love hearing from you! There are four ways for us to interact.

  • Comment in the comments section.
  • Chat with me on Instagram or Facebook.
  • Email me if you have something more private you'd like to ask. My personal email is [email protected]. I'm the only one reading your messages, and it's always me answering them.
  • Join me on FB Live for a free coaching session every other Wednesday at 12:30pm PT/3:30pm ET (TODAY!). We talk about the latest episode of GrooveTV and we get to connect live, which is so much fun! (Like so much!) View previous videos here. 

My mission is your empowerment. That's why I'm here. If you haven't already joined my community, please do it at my website ( I'll send you free weekly coaching, and we'll get your groove back together.

Until we meet again, know that life is happening for you.



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